Classic is really deluding many people

Don’t in classic either

But thats probs because my 2 chars are Resto druid & hunter

You group in classic because every none generic npc has 10 minute respawn timer for some 2004 rpg reason.

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Is not that people don’t want to …chat and communicate in BfA, but the content on Retail, makes it so that you can complete almost all of it, without saying “hi”. That is the difference between Classic and Retail. Not seeing this , makes you a Retail lover and a Classic hater, and your post is nothing more, then a bash on Classic.

If you hate classic don’t play it, stop crying bout it…

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But i start my dungeons in retail also with “Hello!” - maybe because I have always been like this, but not all people say ‘hello’ when they sey inv plz.

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I can’t believe you claim the post is wrong while writing the contradictions you just wrote in that post of yours. In the details about Classic, you make a passing reference to grouping with friends and avoiding your loot being stolen, as you you’re well aware that Classic is full of a-holes and ninja-looters, just like vanilla was, and that the realms never got rid of them, simply because they come with different names and new, fresh ones also show up all the time.

And you make a passing reference to warlock’s summoning, while completely ignoring dungeon stone summoning! Which, by the way, is a mandatory feature of Mythic dungeons in Retail!

Then, in the Retail details about dungeon groups, you mention all the mechanics that helped us avoid having our loot stolen, whether by strangers or by friends, as if they’re bad things! And you mention being teleported to dungeons, and again that ONLY works in normals and heroics, not Mythic and raids, as if it’s a bad thing that you don’t have to walk for 10 minutes just to summon someone or just to run one dungeon.

This Classic cult truly has some bizarre, absolutely bizarre ideas about what’s a good feature and what’s a bad, time-wasting feature, and they fail to grasp the difference between “playing games” on one end, which Retail facilitates, and “waiting in games” and “taking long walking-simulator walks in outdated, pixelated graphics in games” on the other hand, which your cherished Classic facilitates excellently.

If you enjoy waiting and walking-simulation so much, I’m happy for you. Just please don’t imagine what lots of people in today’s world will share that kind of mentality.

That’s in LFR maybe. You cannot bring “any” player playing any class in Heroic and Mythic raiding, at least that’s not how it works in weekly-raiding guilds. You are judged on how well you perform your assigned role, and many guilds have specific gaps to fill, like ranged DPS. And just because it’s not specifically a Warlock, that’s not a bad thing, that means inclusive gameplay that accommodates players’ preferences for fun classes. In Retail, you don’t have to play a specific spec and class just because it’s missing in your raid, and that’s damn well a good thing.

And please don’t kid yourself about Classic. You can’t bring any class and spec that’s played extremely well in Classic, simply because the numbers don’t agree with your opinions. In Classic, there’s ONE optimal path to anything, tanking, healing, and a specific mix of DPS. And I can’t see how this exclusivity from a min-maxing perspective is a good thing.

Mind you, you can totally ignore these very optimal paths in your casual guild in Classic. Do whatever the heck you want. However, your suboptimal choices and style of gameplay will never suddenly add diversity to the game or give freedom of choice; you’ll still this pleb, weird circle of friends that is happy taking more time beating boss, and wiping a hell of a lot more than the guilds or group that are using the specific optimal specs and classes.

I’m one of those many people. And I’ve had very friendly and nice party members share the same sentiment. One NEW player who has never played vanilla or Retail, from Scotland by the way, told me, word for word, “I feel that most players here are self gits,” after I mentioned how people just join for Princess or Hogger and leave quickly. He even said to me that people watch you others die to 2+ mobs just so that they can tag and kill the remaining mobs! And I told him that I’ve had that done to me, too, instead of the a-hole inviting me or asking for an invite. You’re just living in this perfect Classic community in your realm probably, where everyone’s fluffy, friendly, and perfect. I’m happy for you.

I think the issue is stereotypes about Classic.

It is a social game and if you enjoyed the game long enough you would for sure experience it plenty. But it’s definitely not always a good social experience. Especially low levels.

I think you’re using “all of it” here as a Classic cultist. How do Classic cultist use that word? They mean “open world” and “questing” and low-level dungeons. To Classic cultists, the Retail game is about their leveling in Northshire, killing wolves and goblins, instead of about leveling however way you wish, questing while taking your time, by CHOICE, running dungeons all the way, or running battlegrounds all the way, then… getting to the real game, joining a raiding guild, gearing up, tackling challenging content that actually gives you gear upgrades, until you can run Mythic dungeons, all things that require a lot more than a simple “hi.”

Wish you added, " … in Classic" in the end so the cultists can understand that a LOT of Classic players are only saying anything at all just because they have to, and not because they’re actually friendly or being friendly.

These cultists actually actively want to be forced to be social and be forced to be nice! They see it as a good thing!

It’s almost as if they have such s***ty social lives, and they know that most people around them aren’t gonna be friendly to them by choice, so they want to support game mechanics that will FORCE players to say “hi” and “plz” to them, just to give them the illusion that someone’s actually being friendly with them. xD

Sounds like a nice theory.

So, what are you going to do about it? Continue speaking here forever?

I am afraid stereotyping is general issue on forums here. I mean there are cool people here-there, bad seeds here-there and we all have limited experience vs. global things taking place in game. We are just drops in an ocean.

I believe we all actually the same :slight_smile: you, I, them, retail, classic etc players. :kissing_heart:

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Those stereotypes are all over this thread, man. Classic cultists that insist, to their last breath, that people are friendlier in Classic than Retail, when the reality is that they’re the same exact player base! They even share the damn subscription!

I have seen some of the most awful examples of selfishness, antisocialness, and rudeness in Classic, like people completely ignoring a queue or group of players waiting for a named quest spawn, and using their instant spells to steal the tag, then actively decline the party request while they have the tag! I’ve seen people watch others die to 2+ mobs just so that they can get the tag on the 2nd or 3rd mob and kill them, instead of asking for an inv or inviting that player then saving them!

At least in Retail, it has mechanics that avoid this disgusting manure from coming up to the surface. No mechanics, whether Retail or Classic, can ever make people better or friendlier. The same exact a-holes playing Classic are also playing Retail. It’s just that in Retail, the mechanics, luckily, don’t let you see all this poo at the top, because you share tags on mobs, so there’s no competition or ill-will or frustration from stealing tags and crap like that. And you share resources like nodes, so again, there are no negative feelings if you fight a mob near the node for 30 seconds and someone else comes to mine it… you’ll be able to mine, too, anyway, so it’s not a big problem. In Classic, though, it’s frustrating, and it shows people’s sickness clearly.

Don’t tell me to go play Retail if I don’t like Classic, because that’s not my message at all. I’m just trying to open the eyes of a few Classic cultists to the reality of things, especially the community.

But we’re in a cult, you can’t open our eyes

What are you trying to say?

U want retail? You go retail.

Its hillarious with all these posts telling how classic fails, when in reality its just you who doesnt like it. Ppl who make a serious effort trying to tell ppl “you think you like it, but you dont”…utterly hillarious

You gonna tell the flaws a tomato got as well because you dont like it?

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That modern WoW doesn’t encourage communication is not an opinion, it’s a fact. Everything is made so that you don’t actually need to talk to anybody. Sure, you can do it, and you might find SOME friends, that’s for sure, but it’s not comparable to how Classic WoW makes people connect, cause that game actually encourages social interaction.

God, I’m so tired of people trying to put Classic down for now reason.

Occasionally, with enough hits on the head from the real world around them, even cultists can wake up. At least you, if you ever wake up, can have the luxury of saying, “They tried to tell me this all along but I didn’t listen.”

And I’ve seen at least one cultist admit on a WoWHead comment that the nostalgia blinded them regarding Classic’s true difficulty, and they see the game for it what it really is now, after countless dungeons were cheesed by 4 Mages and a Priest, and Ragnaros and Onyxia are already down by APES… something the cultists insisted will take take at least weeks, if not months, to accomplish, and after the numbers said that it will take at least 11 days just to hit 60, let alone gain atunement or gear up properly.

So, yeah, even cultists do wake up when they see and hear enough evidence.

We are on the Blizzard cult. Following them blindly, paying blindly and laughing when they ask if we do or do not have the phones…

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But in mythic the only thing that intersts is speed and ilevel. So i wouldnt compare classic dungeon to mythic.
Raid is more similar but here the king is the ilvl
Maybe this social environment is real cuz classic is old… so not all the ppl is interested in speed.

Well, there will always be ppl taking it to the extreme…

When ppl say “it will take weeks” i belive they refer to the casual gamer. Not those spending 24/7 getting world first…

It means Jack in classic. Only thr fanboys of Apes and Method will cheer it, and the ppl yelling “amagad Ony down and im lvl 23. I cant play anymore”…

Feel free to do w/e you want. No1 cares anyway

Okay Rokmore I think you need to stop taking the drugs and put your effort on something that has a bit more legitimate value than what you’re currently doing instead.

Maybe play some solitaire?

Occasionally, with enough hits on the head from the real world around them, even cultists can wake up

lol why are u so salty bro

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