Classic is really deluding many people

Bro, the vast majority of the time in retai people cba to even say hello to me when I enter a dungeon through LFD and write “hey guys”.
In the same dungeons I seen people ask to do quests that would slightly be off the straight line path and tank just saying “no, its not optimal for leveling” and just keep pulling.
This is quite common in dungeon leveling and rofl at seeing people outside a cap city to say anything to or need to group up in order to do a quest anymore.
Classic is far more social than retail because it actually requires you to be and theres good vibes associated with it, the reason people dont chat in retail besides to advertise boost runs is because there is literally no reason to talk to each in dungeons or out in the world(rofl) to share quest loot and contrary to your opinion, it makes a huge difference in the game. Theres a reason why everyone says classic is far more social than retail. Because it is, and yes, it does have a positive effect on the experience.


You contradict yourself so many times in your own post its mind blowing.

You can socialise with people in BfA, they just choose not to socialise back.

Yes. That is the problem. People are anti social, toxic and ignorant af in retail. :roll_eyes:

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And you are very nice and full of wisdom ? Your post alone is ignorant and toxic.

Your wrong on every single level

Here one good example how your god damn wrong .

Dungeon Grouping Classic
You have to gather people for Dungeons in Cities or near the instance or through arranging it with guild or friends, make your way to the dungeon with only Warlocks being able to summon. taking Friends allows you to trust that they know what they doing given there no dungeon journey, trust they aren’t going to steal your loot as there no personal loot and build friendships.

Dungeon Group Live
but 99% of players use an automated system in which generates your group where you are all given personalized loot, given exactly where to go and what to do, teleported to the dungeon, and upon finishing teleported out where you never see the people again.


You cannot automate raids and mythic dungeons. In classic are no mythic dungeons or 4 levels of raids. You compare things that actually cannot be compared.

The only part that’s social in retail is trade chat that’s spammed with boost sales. In Classic it’s spammed with ppl looking for dungeon groups or ppl to craft them stuff in return for mats or just general conversation…

You realise premade finders are counted here, right?

Erm is LFR not automated raids?

Aren’t raid also flexible in size allowing you to basically complete the raid with any amount of players and not having to make a roster?

Aren’t classes generally built around multiple flexible rolls, so you can bring any player playing any class as opposed to bringing a single player that plays that role extremely well, which you know as they’re your friend?

Game does not offer you any premade finders. If some people choose to use addons it is up to them. Same way classic does not have qeust helping nor tracking and you wouldn’t bring it to debates that it does.

If you treat retail qualaity based on LFR, i would base classic qualaity on the 40 min run between cities. Both would be wrong view of the actual game qualaity.

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So in BFA, there is no such feature known as the Premade Finder, which optimises away the social dynamic and the absolute vast majority of players use?

Of course they’d ask you to come on Discord (probably because you play a female character) for raids/mythic+/rated PvP, that’s the only content where communication is needed. It’s as if retail WoW is just an instance-simulator and nothing more.

I remember talking to someone on retail in BFA and he abruptly stopped me and asked if I had Discord because he can’t be bothered typing. :man_facepalming:

Who are the many that are complaining about this? I haven’t seen any and I don’t see that in-game, so I’ma have to call BS on that one. Also, you don’t play Classic so you wouldn’t know if that’s true or false anyway.

It has everything to dowith BFA and Classic, both games have entirely different structures and systems. I don’t need to explain what the obvious ones are as they’ve been mentioned hundreds of times already.

Also, of course there’ll be some anti-social/solo players who don’t talk in Classic, people are people are the end of the day and everybody is different in their own unique way.

If you mean that Blizzards group thing it is still people forming groups not machine.Same thing you do on trade chat just with visual UI.

It isn’t ignorant in the slightest, its based on recent experience. You literally try to start a conversation in retail and people will just completely ignore you, because they can. They don’t get a bad rep for doing so and there’s no downside to being anti social and ignorant. You queue up for a dungeon as healer and the tank will literally pull the second he loads in and then caps lock a bunch of abuse at you because you didn’t heal him through your load screen or picking your quest up and you don’t simply apologise and move on, they leave or you get kicked.

Don’t try and bs me, I’ve played retail as recently as a month ago. No one can even so much as say hello nor thanks because its so hard for them to do. They just auto invite you with some friggin anti social addon and leave the second they’re done. And no, my post isn’t toxic its just stating my experience. If it was toxic I’d be blurting obscenities and calling people names. But hey, people think anyone that disagrees with them is toxic these days.

Weird how Blizzard is about to break ClassicLFG, which is identical to the Premade Finder in every way then. Why break it if it’s not in anyway taking away from the social dynamic?

Same thing you do on trade chat just with visual UI.

This is an outright lie. Auto-invite is a feature, item-level display is a thing (This is a huge issue in itself, not necessarily that the premade finder displays it), and filtering can be applied.

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But try to see it from other point of you - would you talk to someone, who likes to talk with you and befriend you voluntarily, or someone who does it because they are forced to.

For example I have gained a lot of nice contacts in retail because of the fact they talk to me because they want. Not because they have to. While yes in classic I get a lot more human contacts, most of it is so shallow that even shallow is nicely put.

I honestly believe people are 100% same in both editions of game, just in reatail there’s more freedom to choose with whom you interact or not and thus also may (or may not) be better experience to those players, who like sometime sjust do their thing instead ‘inv plz’ and ‘how much gold you have’ topics.

I am all for interactions, but I have always been a bit ‘meh’ about ‘forced’ things in life.


No it is not a lie - it is exactly the same thing you do on trade - with visual UI. People in classic use prat and other addons for auto invites, people check your gear (gearscore was reason Blizz added visual ilevel begin with) and this group thing will not set your mythic dungeons automated. It is EXACTLY the thing you do on your tradechat found groups. But you are so out of needing to blame something of your own things that you refuse to see that theres nothing different than GUI.

Tell me there isn’t an auto-invite feature on the Premade Finder.

Why did Blizzard bar ClassicLFGs use (look it up, it’s identical to the Premade Finder) if it’s exactly the same? You need not take my word for it, take Blizzards. If you can’t tell the difference between chatting in a chat channel and pressing a button on the premade finder, then there’s nothing any of us can do to help you.

Absolute bs. Done many m+ 15 in bfa without communication, same with hc. RL just states: everyone knows what to do? Ok… go!. No coordination m8.

Yep, there are totally not dungeons, Mythic+, or world-quest bosses in Retail that enforce social interaction and coordination in some fights. Or maybe you don’t see the “positive forcing” behind them but feel positively forced only when it has to do with Hogger in Classic.

Yep, this is objectively SO much worse than spamming Trade/General for 2 to 45 minutes so you can find someone to help with Hogger or a tank who can run Deadmines with you. That one button is awful. Spending up to 45 minutes to find a healer/tank with active pasting and pressing, not one press, is such an advantage. Tell me more, man.

Yeah, Rogues can insta-fly in Retail, and Druids can open lockboxes and gates in dungeons, and Death Knights can heal others, and Priests can battle-rez others, and Warriors can sheep, and Mages can taunt. All classes are too similar to each other in Retail.

However, Classic, with only Warriors being the viable tanks and Priests being the viable healers at endgame, is so much better, and this exclusivity allows for such diversity in dungeons and even raids. Seeing ads for “melee DPS” in Classic, instead of “2M DPS” in LFG in Retail, when you’re a Mage, is such a better gaming experience.

Yep, weekly world quests totally don’t exist in Retail, and you can solo them in only 15 minutes in a tanking spec in iLvl 450, which is easy-peasy for everyone.

That makes Classic such a blast to play, yes, when your quest is blocked by a patrolling elite, or you get ganked in Westfall by the elemental dust devil, so you have to wait for backup to progress.

Yes, getting Pathfinder takes no time and it’s super easy to grind the rep in just one day, and there were no group quests that were hard for any class but a Blood DK at the beginning of Legion and BfA.

Totally, you don’t need to manage your combo point or holy power in Retail, or to think and count before reacting to procs so you don’t overcap them. And only mana counts as a “resource”, so if you only have to watch it as a healer in raids and certain dungeon fights, then there’s just no resource management at all or thinking in Retail.

That’s… an interesting one. I’m not even sure how to begin to comment on that, whether seriously or with sarcasm. I mean, how do you explain to someone that the sun is up, or that black is not the same thing as white? “No reliance on other players” on one end, and “only communication needed is for Mythic+, Raids, and rated PvP”, which is basically the whole Retail game really, because Retail isn’t about f***ing leveling but about endgame group activities like those.

Yep, flying just killed Retail and interaction, man. In Classic… we’re like chatting up every single person on the way from Goldshire to Eastvale and back! And everyone is interrupting us and interacting with us and talking with us on the way back and forth.

I just can’t count the number of times I, or someone else, was forced to communicate or interact because I’m slowly walking 80% of the time in Classic. Yeah, I really can’t count them. Because they’re zero.