Classic is really deluding many people

I’ll get round to it, I just don’t expect to be surprised.

Irrespective of what you think, my memory on the matter is not awful. When a game forms a core part of your formative years to the extent that Vanilla did for me, you don’t just forget that.

I still think it’s quite humorous (but I get your point, and i’m not going to claim it’s wrong, because it isn’t) that a Vanilla player is being told that before they can have a real appraisal of the “old school” wow experience in current, they need to a play a game that is a mimic of the one they actually played which WAS the faithful original of that game. That’s a real balls of steel type comment, but I salute you for it.

For that to work it hinges on two things

  1. Classic is not the same as Vanilla (odd, when it’s being sold as that it is)
  2. I’ve recalled the experience incorrectly over time.

Whilst 2) is plausible, i’m not going to sit here and say that because 15 years have passed my thoughts on the matter are ramblings or irrelevance, especially if Classic is supposed to be a replica of Vanilla (so they shouldn’t be different mechanically, sans the patch change).

it’s kinda like you telling me that before I can tell you about how I find a Spitfire Plane flies (which I flew in WW2), I need to first fly the replica one which is the same as the one you fly, even though it’s claimed that the replica is built to handle exactly the same as the original type I flew. Can you not see how that’s a bit bizarre? Essentially the argument is “oh, but you’ve probably forgotten.”. There are far easier things to prove than the memory of another person.

But as said, I appreciate the technicalities of your point are correct, so when I do find a queue opening, i’ll give it a go and see if things are different to how I recall. I don’t expect them to be, but hey, we’ll see how well my memory has aged.

There you go. :slight_smile:

Ofc I will go away. I’m just having fun read all these arguments and I wanted to make my point. Cu in a year in TBC wanted section. LMAO

Well, Blizzard made sure that was definitely going to happen. Is that supposed to be profound?

Edit: “We dont know what people want(after Classic) * Looks at camera* If they want TBC, they should let us know”

See guys, this is how you troll.

Given that you do 0 competitive play pvp,m+,curves for raids nothing. I guess you are coming to us from one of the “collector” lone wolf stance/type of players from retail.
You enjoy your self m8, but exepct the fact that there are people who dont care about collecting mount,daily wq,island expedition spam,with horrible story writing and rng+microtrans.

Ok enjoy classic. Btw you can throw away yoyr keyboard too. You dont need it to autoattack mobs to death xD

Real pros wand stuff to death :stuck_out_tongue:


Is world of warcraft the only game you’ve ever played?

Edit: Even compared to other hardcore gamers, we are turbo nerds because WoW(even Classic) requires so many buttons compared to every other mainstream game ever made.

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my logitec g600 says hi


I laughed, thanks.


I mean it’s just silly, majority of people will never touch these games and it’s nothing to do with how it looks or anything. It’s that overwhelming UI.

Edit: i’ve seen kids these days take months to learn how to use an analog stick and a single button, they’re so used to touch screens

And not to mention the overcomplicated mage rotations in Classic. You have to frostbolt and then frostbolt your target again. Is a player? Polymorph him and then deal damage, with, let me see now… Perhaps a Frostbolt will do…

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Yeah like an attack button, how odd

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Retail Mages have a super complicated rotation …

Must be hellish fun having one school of Magic.


Dude, dUUUUUde… even your simple WoTLK Arcane Mage had 3 buttons for attacking spells in MAIN dps rotation. I don’t mention CC, blinking, evocation, ice blocks, focus poly, blah-blah… Because those are PvP/BG/Arena, not always PvE.

At least you can press your skills. But maybe is better to have all school skills and no mana to press them. But hey… you have frostbolt. From only one school I think. xD

I actually dont mind combat in modern WoW, since I like variety of games. (edit:my favourite type of combat is turn based lol)

But it doesnt make sense to me that if it’s a rotation, then why do the keys “flash” to tell you to press them? I dunno if you could turn that off but the fact that exists means it’s less a rotation and more of a dance.

Sure. Try to press only what is flashing and you will top the meters.

But will you fail?

Edit:never used damage meters