If you would choose to you could do many things, you could even be social in BfA. Does the game incentivise it though? No, it does not there is ques for everything and not much is said beyond Hi and bye in groups these days. If you are telling me your rdf groups talk about s*** more then 1/20 groups its a lie or just random. Even starting a conversation in those groups proves to be hard as ppl just wanna get done and be done most of the time you just get ignored imo.
Of course classic changes this a bit first of with “elite” quests which if you don’t decide to skip them you will not be able todo solo.
Secondly every dungeon has 3-5 quests that are all over the world so a dungeon grp will try to get all the quests to share and then do a run. This fact alone will bring conversation in dungeon grps already.
Let’s compare this I
do a dungeon in classic=
Find a grp
Move to the dungeon and get quests
Meet infront of the dungeon share quests
Proceed to run the dungeon
Usually steps 1-3 takes as long as step 4 so you have quite some time invested.
Que Mythic
Do dungeon
Most time invested is either queing which means sitting around afk or doing the dungeon depends on ur class.
Makes the whole thing way easyer more accessible and why would i ever talk to anyone I dont need to and I will never see the same warrior from the same server ever again anyways.
While in Classic I already met ppl multiple times even with layering going on.
You make a name for urself and if I leave early every dungeon the same peron will mostlikely not take me to a dungeon again for that exact reason.
TL:DR Forcing you to talk to people is not the same as u just doing it for fun.
Classic incentivises communication with rewards retail does not.
Exactly which one of those doesn’t a Mage have in Classic then?
Your Retail Mage has 1 damage school of magic ( excluding Ebon bolt if you talent into it ), My Classic mage has damaging abilities in all 3 schools no matter what I’m talented into
-flying in retail = less time being around other people
-lfg lfr = no need to communicate
-portals everywhere = no need to wait for anything, half the conversations happen when waiting around in classic
-outdoor world is scaling = no need to help lower level people as they are as strong as you
-world is faceroll = no CHANCE to ever help someone dying
-quests are easy - no grouping up
elites are oneshotable = no grouping up
Retail is dogsh*t = people are toxic.
It’s a good thing, because people can focus on Mythic raiding and communicating there. Trivial content is as trivial as it has to be.
Irrelevant for a mage.
People don’t want to be weaklings, ok? If people would truly love hardship and never choose a path of least resistance (they always do), no hardocre MMO ever would die.
World of Wacraft, including Vanilla and Classic is about as punishing as losing in a game for toddlers, because you got stuck in a fudgy thingy.
What? I don’t undestand, care to elaborate? Or is it just there to hit the word limit on your essay?
Not always the case. What about the dungeon quests btw?
Again, not the case. Nobody actually oneshots every single Elite in the game.
Huh? Are you sure, you didn’t mean yourself here? This last “point of yours” is precisely the reason, why lfd is a thing, why flying is great and why people won’t communicate with you in Retail.
Why is flying a bad thing which btw is obtainable after a year or so each exp so you dont want to walk anymore in same areas? Why is portal a bad thing to group up easier and not having to walk half an hour to get to instance? Why is a good thing to die in an instance in classic and need 20 min to get back there? Why ninjalooting is a good thing? Why is a good thing to spent hundreds of hours to just level up? Why is unbalancing pvp classes with one shot macros a good thing? I really see any good thing here. People are toxic in retail as there are in classic too. Just wait to end this classic communication hype and all you are gonna see is WTS spams. How is it possible to drive a beetle after owning a ferrari?
No when i last played retail i was in a raiding guild. All of my online friends come from retail via raiding. You know the ones all playing classic right now.
You meant to say “ganking” while playing a rogue, a druid or a hunter. Nobody is interested in being ganked by some manchild, this is why flying is a thing at all. World PvP is great. Wintergrasp wasn’t the best one, but Tol Barad was good. And so on.
Completely agree. One thing leads to another and you end up with Pandas… and WoD, and then BfA. No, thanks.
Of course. Tell the guys, we don’t forget about them and expect them to return after 6 months tops.
Well thats showing that people like and think different things.
I guess there may be some worry of Classic causing change to future expansions based on the things people like about Classic? I wouldnt worry about that.
If anything i’d imagine they would remove titanforging etc, bring back memorably named gear(like items you will remember for years) and minor things that make you feel good. Not drastic gameplay changes.
Imagine someone returning to the game and going to BfA forums to insult people for liking BfA.
This is what happens right now in this thread, but in reverse.
The only deluded person here is you, OP. A day in Classic results in more social interaction for me than a week in BfA. And that’s not by choice - it’s by design. If you can’t see this, then you’re the one who’s delusional (and you probably solo-quest, /leave general and /dnd)
The really funny thing is those dungeon farming groups in classic. I joined one to see what it was like, when I joined no one said ‘hi’ and no one spoke the entire time. Finished SMLIB 2 times with out one word being uttered.
But, you know classic is just more sociable… no its the player mentality. You either choose to be social or you dont. Everything I have seen so far in classic enforces that.
That’s because those people you mentioned are basically retail players. SM: Lib is one of the most useless dungeons in the game, with just two bosses, one of which drops nothing of interest and the other one only has bad caster drops.
There are only two reasons why people would run SM: Lib in vanilla - the key and the collective SM quest (and 1-2 other quests that give poorly statted green items). Both of these are covered with ONE run.
I think you’re smart enough to understand what I’m trying to say…
Not surprised people didnt talk while using an exploit.
If a group was set up purely to farm xp so tryhards can get to 60 for an achievement that doesnt exist then just stay clear of it. Its the sadest way to play.