Classic is unplayable

Blizz should handle this since the name reservation. They should not allow more than 1-2k accounts over the server capacity. They should had close that and open new one and so on. And a time since release they should not let other accounts except the one they reserve names to join those servers and to have some realms for players who didn’t reserved. After some time, if needed to merge realms.

Remember that they have spent over a decade telling people that they (the people asking for classic realms) don’t want classic realms. They definitely don’t believe in the product.
Blizzard has consistently shown that they have no idea what their community wants, so it isn’t a big surprise they did it this time too.


Damm you guys, I feel for you.

Im (hoping!) to play some tonight but PyeWood Village has also got long queues, and due to work I dont really have the time to sit in queues all night

Blame the 18 000 morons who create chars on a full realm

Oh believe me I do, I made chars here when the server was new


im not even working in that sphere but even to me it was quite obvious from the start that the amount of servers they initially introduced was hilariously small. honestly no idea who chose that amount of servers as an appropriate amount. the biggest thread on reddit in history was already a hint. or they really thought that everybody who was gona play are just those who participated in stress test?

Thank you Blizzard. May we all waste our lives in the queue

Sorry to burst your bubble mate, we move 2 times since name reservation.
Once after they launched the 3 new servers (Firemaw) and once 1 hour before launch to Noggenfogger.
And now i have 4 hour queues …

We moved to Noggenfogger and now there is a 4 hour queue!
Stop with blaming the players!

Don’t be this guy

You’re a frickkng idiot take Ion’s gloom weed out of your farkjng mouth knothide

I’d probably join the 8+ hour queue before work :wink:

hunnybynny, which other realm? ALL REALMS have 3+ hour queues

ive been in queue for 8hrs im 897 atm with an hour left aha

I’m in queue since 13 o’clock for my french realm. Still have 128min to go as an estimate.
But I take it easy, I work and once I’m done I do dailies on other games while waiting.
I actually don’t mind it, as if I had instant access I’d not do my dailies on my other games so I’m grateful :crazy_face:

When you wonder where the toxicity has gone, someone comes along and reminds you it’s still here.

Same here

I get, perhaps, 2 hours or so of an evening to play Classic WoW, due to commitments I can’t play on weekends at the moment

Made my character on the RP-PVP realm as it was the lowest population to try and avoid the worst of the queues.

Login queue tonight was over 3 hours for the EU RP-PVP realm. That’s significantly more time than I actually have to play.

Right now I am paying a subscription fee to not be allowed to play the game I am paying the fee for

It depends. I logged on at 07.00 this morning on Golemagg and got in instantly just to check while at work. I tried again at 08.00 and it was 3k queue.

Got my brother to log in for me at 12, just so I could maybe play when I got home. Still 1k left in queue 9 hours later, sadly.

Blame the 18 000 morons who create chars on a full realm

I specifically chose the lowest pop realm available to me.

Still have 3+ hours queue

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Tons of crybabies everywhere. Must be entitled retail kids.

It will normalize over a week. This is the case for almost every major game launch of this stature. It was almost just like this back in the days. The game is smooth and epic. I’m glad this results in us getting rid of many impatient babies.

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You think that’s bad, wait till you get in and find everyone using Questie addon where they camp spawn locations of every mob. a quest which would otherwise take 10 mins to complete takes 20-30 mins.