Classic just broke, do YOU think they will ban people?

Well basically, I would be letting go of WoW if that happens :wink:

My reply is to some people who are preaching for a server reset. I don’t believe they will ever do that, I just tried explaining to them why not.

Perma rest xp for accounts that were purchased before fix and leveled characters should get it :slight_smile: unless you were 60 it will be even faster to get to your current level and to 60 thn getting from ur level to 60. That would be slight band aid on wound of reset would give to players if they will do it. Buy I highly doubt that they will reset. Here’s how it will go > we fixed bug > we will punish players > shrug everyhting under carpet like nothing happened and continue daily blizzard things

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Maybe you know now but you didn’t know it when you wrote your first comment by saying " but it only saves you 1 minute to come run out of instance and reset dungeon" :slight_smile:

Well, could have been prevented by proper beta testing, but instead Blizzard gave a bunch of “high profile streamers” beta access to advertise instead of actual testing the game.

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Most of the gold (I think) already went down into the economy or traded xyz characters.

How Blizz gonna handle it? Also gonna punish those who didnt know how these people got their stuff and gold?

Woke up today, saw Blizzard’s response. Utterly embarrasing. This was an exploit that was so game breaking, that was live since beta and three weeks into classic launch. Yet they write in such a manner like we were mentally handicapped and did not understand the full extent of what is going on. Jeeeez. I’m cancelling my subs (Yes I have many subs) Goodbye shiet company, take my money p server! <3

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Ye, go support thieves, kinda shows what person you are.

So, someone that hustles other people with promises and does not deliver the quality of a product is not a theif?

EDIT: I see your taking ages to reply, do you have problems my son? You on wikipedia now? xD “Still replying”

I’m very sorry I am not fast enough to reply instantly to you. We all know how important you are and that the world revolves around you.

Perhabs you should redirect your anger to the people who are actually exploiting. But no, it’s cool to jump on the Blizzard hate bandwagon. Imagine calling them thieves because other people decided to exploit something.

EDIT: I see your taking ages to reply, do you have problems my son? You on wikipedia now? xD “Still replying” (see, I can play this game too)

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Imagine, a system provided by blizzard to dupe in their own game is being abused by people finding ways to dupe.

I am totally blindsided by this :0
I bet Blizz is too.

It’s just not this one single thing. Here is my list so far about stuff that has been bothering me since launch:

Queues - Long as queues, even with the perfect non exploitable “Layering”
Moobs - Moobs can run through walls, get stuck, die inside walls, no LoS
Quests - I’ve encountered many broken quests in the world as I have played to 60
Raid XP in dungeons - Yes, this was abused so hard by many people, yet no bans.
Layer jumping - More herbs, more devilsaur, escape PvP combat, jump layer to reset your quest moobs etc
Reset instance farm - Farming bosses on repeat without moving, including raid bosses.

Yeah so, if you are happy with some1 delivering this with a 15 year old game that was already without bugs. You can call them the love of your life, but I’m calling them theives.

some would even go as far to say it could be deliberate to provide a minimum effort / resource starved product.

Indeed, maybe someone has the resources to take legal action. Haha.

They opened more servers, offered free migration 2 times now. I have zero sympathy for people whining about queues when there are options available.

LoS works exactly like it’s always worked in this game, same as the ocasional mobs running into walls. Glitches happen. That’s the way coding works, it is impossible to deliver a piece of software without any bugs. All we can do is report it and hope it gets fixed.

Haven’t seen any quest not working myself so far, but I believe you. That’s what bug reports are for.

I agree on the raid xp exploiters, that should have been handled alot different. More severe punishment.

Layer jumping, I’m not sure what I feel about that. I have not seen much evidence that it was abused to an extent that people really profited from it. On the contrary we have official word that is hasn’t. Escaping PvP combat I hate for sure, that should never have been possible.

And for the last part, up untill today I didn’t even know that was possible. I sincerely hope they all get a permaban. A slap on the wrist for a few day timeout I don’t find acceptable.

Glad we can agree on 90%, but you should realize that for some, it’s very hard to coordinate and to change servers to something that will be dead in a week.

I’m done . Bye .
A company of this magnitude and not respecting it’s own EULA .
They should delete that gold and permanent delete or ban accounts of all who did that , but we all know that’s not going to happen .



bliz provides loadbalancing solution


So, unless Blizzard takes some serious actions, like a massive removal of gold and items obtained and long bans (months), is Classic WoW basically over?

Honestly curious, since i can see this is serious crapstorm.


half a year of beta testing ………………………

Fuuuuuuck that. I’ve played honestly and I’m lvl 58 now. If they were to roll back I might aswell kill myself