Classic pvp

Actually the current system just brought together everything that defines a bad game design: it’s not player-controlled, but not random either.
So it should be totally player-controlled or totally random.
Either ban premades from all BGs and put horde and alliance players into the same pool making mixed teams, ie. forget the horde-alliance lore bullsh.t and focus on the game experience of individual players. This way - from an individual point of view - team setup would work as a hand of cards: totally random.
Or make all BGs premade only.
But premade vs pug BGs are just idiotic.

inb4 someone says “it should just be solo queue” or whatever, it’s weak to premade exploits by small matchmaking pools which retail showed for many years until they grew tired of it and the rewards became trivialized.
In Classic with the ladders it also heavily benefits the bots and afkers to do it solo only.

But yeah, premades only +1.

Solo queuers, if they hate premades, can either choose to not do BGs in Classic anymore and wait for TBC, or ask for a skirmish option where people wouldn’t have any reason to bot or premade exploit to begin with.

You can still be social in a pug you weirdo. And puggers would be in majority if it was pug VS pug.

Sure… Except by design people are more inclined not to be. Gone over this so many times already, in so many threads. At this point you’re just choosing not to read.

I’ve been in thousands of random bg’s through out the years. And usually ppl do talk, report and say tactics while playing pugs. It’s just silent when ppl meet premades, cause it’s absolutely no point in saying anything then.

I think you are actually insane to suggest premades only cause it would take away a part of the game for so many ppl. “premades are in majority”, ye guess why!!

Except premades were in the majority from the start even when AV and WSG first came out. At least if you believe the many people who complained about it from the start.
It’s part of the “minmax” mentality in gaming to seek out premades to increase your chance to win. Which you should know by now was a thing even before BGs were released in Classic.
The organized WPvP farming for honor that caused so many tears on the forum, for example.

Ofc it was the majority from start. I understand why ppl would stay the hell away from bg’s after 3 or 4 bg’s in a row VS premades.

Tell me, are you a scientist of rockets or something? I guess not, most of the crap you say is totally garbage

… Do you need pictures in the books you read? … If you even read any? You certainly don’t read much on the forum, yet you try to argue like a child.

Sure just relay on that source xD

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Well, without actual server statistics it’s kind of difficult, and social media (like the forum) breeds hypersensitivity, but it gives you an idea of what makes people upset at the very least.

Did they? Never heard of it, although I may be forgetting something.

Not arguing like a child but as an angry guy cause premades destroyed the game I love. And ppl like you would want to destroy it even more.

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Make your profile public then stupid so we can read your threads and famous points.

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I keep it anonymous for other reasons. If you wish to see posts, you can search for specific posters in the advanced search filter here on the forum. You can even specify time frames and so on.
Or do you need someone to teach you how to use a forum, grandpa?

Nobody is going to search trough all your 2900 posts for things you said in the past. It is a complete waste of time as you are not that interesting. If you want to refer to something you said in the past just make a link to the post(s).

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Seeing as how it wasn’t directed to you, or people in general, but to Raoj in particular, that isn’t needed. He’s been in the threads I referred to there, himself. He’s just choosing to not read, is all.

Also, it’s hilarious that you said that after having said this:


I prefer click “View Activity” for convenience instead of searching. But better linking the posts if needed though.

Stop crying

Yeah the main problem with premades that it locks out many people from the game. I have a mage on a PvE sever alliance side and there are absolutely no premades there. Not even a single one. Whoever was interested in ranking has finished it already, AQ gives better gear now, so nobody is interested in running premades with their alts.
So my character is locked out from WSG and AB completely, AV is unplayable with alliance so on that server there are no BGs at all.

But hey, premade is only exploit if horde cannot benefit from it right?

what do you mean? horde wins premades just as much as alliance. when you see those posts of ally premades with “we win 99% of the games”, that’s great. it doesn’t mean there isn’t a horde premade doing the same.
horde mostly post about this because horde pop in pvp is greater, meaning more pugs queue up to AB and WSG, meaning more of them get roflstomped by geared ally premades.
it is basically the same thing for AV. allys complain about losing because most of their queuers are lowbies/badly geared.

it’s actually a very valid complaint, but it doesn’t sit well with ranker sweaties so it just gets shut down by “l2p AV” or “make your own premade”.

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