Classic RP vs Expansion RP

What do we actually know about that effect?

Elune’s Night Warrior ritual seems decidedly void / shadow aswell, but that’s not an issue.

:clap: Moonwells :clap: are :clap: not :clap: the :clap: Sunwell :clap:


What happens if you mix moonwell and sunwell juice? And add in just a spice of void.

As for roleplay, I will personally most likley stick to current WoW. I like my QoL stuff and transmogs. And my current roleplay character is a worgen druid(And vixi sometimes) so that would be tricky or well impossible for classic.

Vixi could always be made, but eh

This shouldn’t be underestimated; the world feels less explored and way more alive: zones aren’t occupied by armies like in the cata revamp —> many other factions other than H/A may have their moments, especially explorers, adventures, spiritual guilds, nomads etc. In one word: the world feels immersive and real, unlike post-cata regions.

Other than that, WoW threats such as the Scourge and the Legion actually feel a real threat (instead of just cartoonish antagonists) with the Old Gods (read: C’Thun) actually resembling an eldritch and terrific god.

Just call them “Void NElves”. It’s the only appropriate descriptor.


I’m of the opinion that server lore is going to be inevitable. Classic’s going to be stuck in a static state by definition, and I don’t think people are going to be satisfied with roleplaying in such a small, limited and unchanging world for very long. People are going to try to create events and guilds with the intention of changing the state of the world in a way that can’t be reflected in-game. Without Blizzard to push the story along, they’re going to make their own.

Despite the best of intentions that people going into it might have, I’m expecting every roleplay server to be its own microcosm of guilds claiming to have authority and claiming to have impacted the setting in this or that way, after just a year of two. Every RP server will require its own wiki in order to keep track of all of the nonsense.

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I’ll probably roll one of the characters I played way back when but they’ll end up a bit different in RP because they’re not being played by 15 year old me who was a complete idiot.

Whether I stick around depends on whether my friends stick around.

Edit: I suspect more than a little that I’ll bug out at around level 30 once I confirm my nostalgia is for the people and for being 15-16 years old rather than the game itself.

Or we establish the law that AD players are more right than ppl from the lesser RP servers.


As you can probably tell I’ve been away from my server for a while, how come it’s got such a bad rep?

Classic WoW RP doesn’t need to prove anything to you

[shoots you with a photon blast]

Kinda want to try alliance in classic, but they had really boreing races back then.

Unfathomable amounts of headcanon.

My greatest fear with Classic RP, is that after a few months the community will start to dwindle and it will devolve into bubble RP.

Takes too long to get RP gear, and the gear that does exist has not aged well. The models are really ugly too. There are only a few credible RP outfits possible, everything else will look like a clown suit.

And there’s probably be lots of time travellers, prophets, augurs, seers, bronze dragonflight and “i told u so” characters.

So, unless we get a very lively RP community… I will most likely stick to retail.

No lfg tool means I’m forced to take people with lust bars into dungeon runs HELL NO

Don’t worry, i will carry you with a multibox shaman that communicates with poorly google-translated chinese for that bit of authenticity.

I fear that it would be me who carries



It’s Better For Rp If You Like To Rp Raiding Sargeras Ic Maybe


Oooh boi i can’t wait for those prophet Rpers that predict stuff that hasn’t been retconned in vanilla yet.
Draenei for example.