Community council invites going out

No not you, I mean people who are raging about kretias

You would have easily made a better choice that those geeks and pompous delusional pick but we can’t have quality no no.

If I don’t get an invite, then this whole thing is a sham.

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I think I can speak on the behalf of the clear thinking people in these forums that it is not a good idea in you having any right to be in there

It’s a sham because of the people that got invited, definitely.

No you can’t. You only speak ‘on behalf’ of anyone if you’re in the council.

Well, honestly; whoever makes it in, it’ll be a sh-show.
Because getting only 100 people to represent everyone is never going to work.
Just look at democracy.

It will be, especially with them putting someone that encourages hate frequently on there.

Even so, I actually hope you get chosen, someone needs to stand up for the more casual player!


Thanks! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I know I can be very un-diplomatic on these forums, but I do know that if I’d be given any kind of responsibility, then that would stop. I do think setting a good example when one is in a place of responsiblity is mandatory.

But hey, as long as I’m not; I’m trolling elitists like there’s no tomorrow! :upside_down_face:

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You made it onto the council as well? :thinking:


No, person hiding on a classic alt to avoid being linked to your real posting chars so your name doesn’t get ‘besmirched’.

We might have our differences every now and then, but I guess we agree that hiding behind alts is just weak. Stand up for what you believe in!

I don’t even care if it’s an alt as long it’s considered their ‘posting main’ for the forums. Classic chars in general though without an armory or anything else is usually just incredibly bad faith posters though.

I was assuming because this description fits you extremely well with all due respect dear sir.

And we are of the same colors you and i. The classical world hides me and your world of settings hide you.

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No, my settings do not ‘hide’ me, they make it more annoying but in no way ‘hide me’.

No, it doesn’t, but at least I know which person you’re like to be and Blizzard can look into it themselves since now it’s considered you’re likely a person currently bypassing a forum ignore from me.

The same applies to they. Also so is the “burning crusade” they are trying to do now since the entire day.

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I’m not sure what you’re talking about, honestly.

But I just did.

I speak on behalf of the people who dont want mythic titanforging gear in their mailbox upon logging in like you do for example. Or have PvP gone. Or make the game revolve around world quests.

In these years I dont think you understood the purpose of forums at all. You are here to offer your opinion and discuss about it and take different opinions of other people towards your raised point and also understand them and understand it.

What happens instead if someone does that to the mighty Tahra is exactly showcased like that:

“you are wrong”
“report you for being offensive”
“Insert random gif of saying no or you are wrong”
“I am being offended”

Don’t think you have the mental capability to be proven wrong or be disagreed with. And in any case, if there is a hint that it is happening the thread turns into a babyfight where you will just ignore things or say how you are getting insulted or offended. And thus I dont think you are in any way a good fit for the council at all. And this is my honest opinion and of the other 5000 people you argued with already in these forums, make with that what you want.

Picklepawnkit do you want to be friends
I’m not that bad

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But you are hiding? :thinking:

Mhhhh i think it does.

And you have me on ignore? How would i be able to know that? People do not get a notification if you put someone on ignore. You’re free to put me on it now.