Community council invites going out

That im elected for the council caused they to rage on a new level.

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so basically nothing is going to change. awesome. more raid or die cant wait for that

Yeah. Stop it.

You speak for YOU. Nobody else.
Weren’t you paying attention? :blush:

Which is EXACTLY what I’ve been doing.
Soooo, I guess I DO understand the purpose?


That’s a really weak way of taking many things WAY out of context.

I don’t believe you have the ability, let alone the authority, to make that judgement.
But hey, you believe what you want to believe. I don’t care. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your input. Is there a point to that statement?

No. No other. Only YOU.
You speak for NO ONE but yourself.

Got that?
Good boy.

Ah. Well, I’ll wait with congratulations until I see proof of your claim, if you don’t mind.
But if you are; I know you’ll keep the casual player in mind, right?

Could you do me a favor and put me on ignore? I think you did already in the past but I swapped characters at some point

Kretias wants to delete LFR, remove item rewards from World Quests, make mythic raiding mandatory, the moment tier is over mythic transmog is no longer available, if you want to enter old raid you have to buy a entry ticket for real money from in game shop and much more. Dude has a lot of good ideas.

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I was once told that this poster was ‘an evil man’ and to stay away from them/ignore them.

So me being me, I decided to make my own mind up rather than being told who to like/dislike and I started to chat to Nivmie. Jeez our first convo’s on discord would surely get a ban if shown on the forum, for the foul language alone :wink: But once we got past the mistrust, I realised that it was others promoting a hatred towards somebody.

So when Nivmie says…

…he lies, he is actually a decent guy when you get to know him :smiley:

Instead of everybody jumping in to criticise those that have been chosen so far, or those who are yet to be chosen, why not wait and see and maybe give people a chance?


I’ve seen screenshot from the email and dont see any reason why she would lie about it :slight_smile:

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Now THAT is a lie.

haha I remember our dms. Defo not something I’m proud of but we got past that :smiley: You should join our little toxic community! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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No, it isn’t, it depends what each person classes as ‘decent’.

He actually is :blush:

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Youre free to come to the fortune favoured discord of Puny and Twiluna and check in the forums section yesterday 23:43. Im not going to post the screenshot on the forums.

You know my point of view

oh stop it ladies. I’m :blush:

Nope? My achievements are available, collections, and this is my main forum posting char. That’s not yours, though; and you’re hiding on it to avoid someone comparing collections from your other character you use to target people.

As for Kret & friends coming at me again I’ll post this here too!


Kretias-ravencrest (Kretias on an alt, bypassing an old ignore)

Feel free to ignore me (but you wouldn’t want that once I start posting in that council forum section!).

I love reacting to your nonsense! :heart:

Complaints about CoC. Proceeds to break the CoC on mass.

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Can’t you play nice for a bit, this may net an invite to the Community Council.

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Well that’s stupid.

Well that’s stupid.

Well that’s stupid.

Well that’s stupid.

Well that’s stupid.

Well, he might also be trolling people with saying he got in.

As i said go on the discord. Check the forum channel at the timestamp. See the screenshot. Leave the discord again.

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