Community council invites going out

Nope. I hate discord.

How convenient.
Also; a screenshot is worth nothing. Can all be faked so easily.

You want WoW to be more casual friendly. Yes?


yeye whatever

Gotta agree.

And now I feel filthy having typed that. Soap time!

Honestly, life becomes so much more peaceful when you make use of the ignore function. The sound of screeching banjos disappears, well almost you get the odd echo when someone quotes but perhaps as a community council member you could bring that up as a fault of the ignore function on the forum?..

Gratz on that btw :smiley:

You know it to be true.
But hey, if you’re not trolling; we’ll see your adventures on that forum, since they’re public.
And then we’ll all mass cancel you if you say stuff ‘we’ disagree with. :kissing_heart:

They are on ignore. The “view 1 hidden reply” is well, making it quite obvious however. I just dont get the blue popup.

What i would suggest is that ignore means actual ignore. Aka no trace whatsoever. At best (if not otherwise possible) only if i open replies at someones post.

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And i should care why exactly?

So has anyone that has been invited been asked to sign a non disclosure agreement? If it’s not mentioned in the NDC you cannot mention the NDC that is.

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Don’t think that’s necessary:

Please note: this program is focused on sharing current and past game experiences; it will not provide access to unannounced game information.

I was thinking more along the lines of someone saying it’s a load of rubbish and is completely useless. Are they allowed to without being removed from it?

And do people think it’s for them to complain about the game or that it will do some good?

No. They just asked to select the character you want to use on the forums as the currently active char. Give the name. Discord tag you want to join with if you want to be on the “private” discord and that the character you select for the forums is final and cant be changed at a later date.

I fully assume the discord to not being allowed to be shared or something since Kaivax was using the term private in the email. The forum however is public to begin with.


Well, I think there would be outrage from people.
You’d think that council members AT LEAST are expected to make substantiated criticisms and feedback.
If they don’t, they’re useless and should be removed and replaced asap, imo of course.


Oof. That’s a nightmare right there.

Let’s not!

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You’re not posting on your main account or characters unless you sit all day on forums.
100 achievements means that you’re not doing anything in game at all therefore you contribute nothing to that ‘Community Council’. I highly doubt this is your main account, why would you call out others if you’re doing the same?

No. I don’t give a damn about you personally just saying that I found hilarious that you hide your account, not only direct to you but to everyone that does that and dears to quote people out of context.

My account is not hidden, you can trace any other character I post on back to this one. I regularly post on this character, so no I’m not ‘hiding’ from anyone or beating around the bush though your guildie and all the other’s that try to target me do so… Or get their guilds to post at me. :slight_smile:

Yeah please provide evidence to that claim of yours. Oh you cant? Colour me shocked. Caylia was posting way before on the forums and was already part of Twilunas and Punys discord and has recently joined my guild. But go on with your entertaining assumptions. Cant wait until you realize niv had also applied to my guild but got declined and poly also joined.

Didnt Kretias tell us a long time ago she goes by she/her? Would think you of all people would remember what pronouns people go by considering how important it is to you.