Comparing my spellbar to that of my Demon Hunter

i feel you hunter…

I’m Survival so I’m fine.

This is so irrelevant , you like to play a class that has more keys go play that , i play 10 classes and multiple specs .
Dh is a high octane /mobility dmg dealer . why would we wanna see homogenization ? it destroys class identity .

Your class identity relies on having a 2 button rotation?

Sometimes, class or spec identity is no fun. For instance, Blizzard said that DK and paladin lacking of mobility is part of their identity. It’s not fine, because PvE requires heavy movement, more than ever.
As a Mythic raider, it’s frustrating to being gutted by the lack of mobility. This is why I despise Uldir. Awful raid as a slow class.

Speaking of slow, now arms warrior is considered as “Hitting hard with weapon with slow paced gameplay”. Again, that’s not fun, many arms warrior players are complaining about the current state of that spec.

If having fun means homogenization, then I take homogenization. Fun should always be nimber one priority over “making each dps spec unique”.

Regarding DH, Blizzard should not fix what is not broken.

If you play DH with only 2 buttons, you’re doing something wrong

No it really doesn’t. You really have no clue as expected from a Dh player

“Dh metamorphosis is a meme everyone laugh at”

“Dh metamorphosis is op ! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !”

You have to pick one.

We are very happy for all three of you but sorry but BM is just as easy than dh if not more. Beside every class got simplified nowdays. I don’t get people saying dh is too easy, ok the rotation is like 4-5 buttons but if you play a 6-7 buttons rotation you aren’t really a big brain class either.

That’s not you concern , if you don’t like it don’t play it .
Are you some game developer in your free time ? or you have a full time job as a dev for some company ?

The thing I’d be doing wrong is actually playing a Demon Hunter. Now THAT’s messed up.

If it’s not a class for you, don’t play it. Though please, for the love of Argus, stop complaining about it. I enjoy playing DH, and so do others.

Your existence wouldn’t be an issue if we only had to play alongside you.
Sadly, we also have to play AGAINST you and your 2 button spec.

I’m taking the bait.

Where is your meta? Your bars are a mess too, its hard to see what is there and is missing.

Then your shaman. You have stuff in your bars, that I dont understand why do you keep them there wasting space. Did you put them there so that it would look like your bars are more full?

From my point of view, your shaman has lots of unneeded buttons on your bars just filling it up. Then your dh has everything taken off the bars except bare minimum and as I mentioned, it feels like its even missing stuff. Also, I think you are using spec that has even less buttons available and are passives. Dont care enough to check, though…

Also, what is this latest campaign against dh’s on these forums? There hasnt been this much since legion start. Are dh currently op or something? I’m not maining this one anymore nor playing any relevant end game content so I dont really know.


Why should classes need more buttons than fingers?

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So you’re just mad cause you can’t beat people playing a 2 button rotation, which is the worst way of playing DH.

git gud.

Above the spell hotkeyed on “1”. Open your eyes.

No. It’s just that not every spec is as gutted and dumbed down as Havoc.

You can only have one button and beat everyone if that one button reads “delete the enemy target”. Pointless comment.

The basic DH rotation is 4 buttons, and that is including “cast meta if off CD”

Other stuff is not basic rotation, and conditions you add based on build / situation. The basic CD is:

Use meta if available.
Use eye beam if available
Use chaos strike/annhilation
Cast Demons bite.

It is a rotation that doesn’t change much if aoe presents, in that you simply add *cast blade dance * above chaos strike, otherwise priority is unchanged

Not only is it a low button rotation, it’s very simple because it lacks conditions. It is NEVER wrong to cast meta or eye beam if in combat. It is pretty much always a dps gain. There is no nuance in the rotation, it’s simply “cast X, if not X, then Y, if not Y, then Z” and with fury you dump it ASAP, there’s no benefit to holding it given eye beam generates fury through recommended traits, so your demon form always has fury to work with upon casting, so the need to stockpile fury prior to cast is essentially non existent.

I’m not saying it makes the class bad. Simplicity =/= but it’s disingenuous to argue that DH isn’t the simplest dps, it clearly is.

Their basic “without conditions” rotation is 4 steps, their “big boss prep” rotation is about 8-9, other classes are about twice as long in both situations on average and theirs is usually full of “IF and only if” and conditions to the pririoty rather than “if ready, use it” as eye beam is a St dps gain, as is blade dance in many cases, which means there’s never a wrong moment to use them.

The closest is probably BM hunter. Frost DK is close too, but even they are not that simple as their rotations usually create conditions because of procs, which DH lacks. All “procs” are automatic for DH and do not create decision making situations (chaos strike proc simply gives you fury for free. If it were a “Demons bite generates X more fury on use” it would be decision making as you either continue dumping and run risk of proc overlapping or you spend the proc to maximise fury but cost potential dps)


Meta is long cooldown.
Eyebeam you only use TWICE a minute.

Your actual rotation is spamming Chaos strike.

What are those two buttons exactly ? Even if I go as barebone as possible with the most restrictive definition of a rotation we have demon’s bite, chaos strike, blade dance and eye beam. So I can safely say that our rotation is at least 100% more complex than what you claim since the amount of button pressing involvled is what you base your point.