Comparing my spellbar to that of my Demon Hunter

I’m not arguing for complexity, I made it clear its 4 steps IF including meta which is a big CD.
Eye beam at 30 secs should not be discounted. Otherwise we should excuse the ele build that utilises Icefury given its 30secs. But clearly removing Icefury from such ele rotation consideration would be bananas as it is key if using it, therefore same for eye beam. To not consider it part of basic rotation is just enforcing an arbitrary standard for no reason. You can use it multiple times an encounter, or every pack at least. Therefore it is basic rotation and arguing it isn’t is disingenuous.

However, people should stop obsessing about button volume. The problem isn’t that DH has little buttons (it’s part of the problem), their rotation is simply lacking depth as earlier mentioned. You use abilities off cooldown and ability to overcap resources is minimal as you have immense control over generation and spend often is encouraged, therefore they don’t have to contend with stuff like “don’t overcap energy or combo points” or “don’t have 4 runes ready” in the background in their rotation. That’s what makes them simple

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so funny seeing all the butthurt dh players defending their class even if it’s proven and known among every wow player that dh is the most easiest and at the same time stupidly op class

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Oh come on now, let’s no pretend you don’t talent this one out.

Ah yes, there is the meta button. I missed it. Anyway, Im still fairly sure your spec is one that removes as many buttons as possible.

Point me wrong this time, but you are using indeed demon blades. That basically forces you to stand and spam as few abilities as possible. Sure demons bite doesnt add much, but it fills your available gcd’s. You must always be doing something.

On your shaman, you will cast dot sometimes, lava burst and lightning bolt. The rest on your bars are just filler buttons and cooldowns. So since, cooldowns arent counted due to them being long and totems you just slap down and forget and dot is jsut there casted a few times to refresh. You are basically casting lightning bolt and lava burst. How complex. :slight_smile:

Oh and tell me now what i’m missing. I have never mained a shaman.

edit: Also, as far as I’m aware immolation aura is generally used. Not sure, though. Might have changed since I last looked.

edit2: Oh right… shamans use earth shock every now and then too. Its not rotated all the time, though. Needs energy bar filled, if i remember correctly.

I have no eaten the bait, so i’m going. Give me new bait, if you want more.

best part about all of this is while having less buttons to press, they manage to get more stuff out, every button has something baked in it besides the basic dps one.
hey, want immunity? meta
want 100% dodge? dance around
want another meta? eyebeam
want to poke and slow? u can
want to be invulnerble to melee? fly up but dont forget to deal % health dmg
wanna interrupt? sure, get fury as well
wanna jump? aight boi, u go grab 2 of those

like seriously, what is this

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That is a gross over simplification of an ele shaman.

Shaman looks like this (standard Icefury build)

  1. ensure flame shock is always on the mob.
  2. cast lava burst if available and it would not cause you to go over 80 maelstrom. Never have charges waiting to be used.spend lava Surge procs as quickly as possible so long as you don’t overcap maelstrom.
  3. use storm keeper if available, use storm keeper Lbs to generate maelstrom if below 60. Ideally cast them after lava burst only.
  4. use earth shock if at 80 maelstrom. Ideally after lava burst
  5. use Icefury if below 60 maelstrom, on cooldown if possible
  6. use empowered frost shock to generate maelstrom, ideally after lava burst.
  7. use lightning bolt to generate maelstrom

Looks simple, but when you factor in stuff like lava surge procs, and that to maximise dps you should be casting storm keeper Lbs, earth shock or Empowered frost shocks only after lava burst (because of talent which buffs these schools after lava burst) it makes things potentially quite complex.

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About as much simplification as the OP puts to DH. :slight_smile:

Dude. I actually wanted to be nice and I included PvP talent.
Not my fault your class has 2 buttons.
Share a screenshot of your own UI then?

Yeah. Being very nice there. Also, still not a 2 button class…

  • Demon’s Bite
  • Chaos Strike
  • Blade dance
  • Immolation Aura
  • Eye beam

I love how desperate you are to include spells that are talented out (Demon’s bite) or that have a 30 sec CD, meaning you only use those twice per minute. :joy_cat:

I told you, if you use a 2 button rotation, you’re doing something wrong. I don’t talent out demon’s bite, and I can cast eye beam quite a bit more often due to Eyes of Rage.

Stop talking about a class you seem to know nothing about.

Yeah I agree people are purposefully over simplifying the Dh rotation, but to argue the two are comparable is insane.

It’s not about buttons. It’s about conditions. If you do not cycle your spells in a certain order as ele based upon procs and ability use, you will not max your dps. DHs simply use stuff on cooldown. They have nothing else to monitor or to judge against. That’s the problem.

Blizz could easily give them some complexity without more spells. Rotations aren’t made interesting by having tons of spells (too many is actually the opposite, hello Legion survival hunter) rather you make them engaging by giving you stuff to monitor, track or that alters your priorities and creates windows of opportunity. That’s what DHs need.

Legion survival hunter had too many abilities and too many things to track. It made doing top dps as it an absolute slog because it was extremely difficult to perform the rotation perfectly because there was simply too much going on. Two dots to track, mongoose bite windows, the bomb effects on wildfire and then laying your traps, and making sure focus is spent correctly. It was way too much and you often dropped the ball somewhere (unoptimal wildfire use, late dot refresh, late trap lay) which isn’t how things should be.

As said, that’s a stupid stance though. I’m not saying DHs are complex, but 30 secs not counting is beyond stupid. So no colossus smash for arms then? Or icefury for ele shaman? Dark transformation for unholy? Yeah right. Those are core parts of their rotation you need to consider.

Spread so many toxicity for a games.

I think you should disconnect, shutdown the computer and do a long walk/meet people .

I repeat : THIS IS A GAMES

I also hate destro/fmage/fdk/sin rogue, but if people want to play those, they all allright to play it and i have no right to tell the opposite.

They should bring back a bloodlett dot for dhs and maybe the legion artifact because having all there dmg in 2 buttons “blade dance/annihilate” is ridiculously simple and doesnt require a brain to optimize your dmg “for god sake you dont even need to target anything for half your dmg spells”

And if you just use those two skills, your damage output is really low.

Good job I said all there dmg is in 2 buttons, not that they have 2 buttons

Even there you’re wrong.

thats why demonhunters are boring to play, the only thing they have going for them is double jumping and mobility to please people with adhd

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Yeah ? Because it’s dumb to talent it out, every good dh nows that.