Completely unplayable game

I’m genuinely confused. What?
Maybe a language barrier, but what are you trying to say?

You linked me a metacritic link and said “BUT!!! Metacritics iz not fair!!!”
I never stated it wasn’t “fair”. I said because of how the data is collected and was allowed to leave replies years after it was actually out, invalidates it.
It’s not a singleplayer game you can revisit anytime. It was a one time experience.

You didn’t say then that you also thought it was invalidated, but you agree with me. So why did you link it?


This is the entire quote, you very conveniently left out.

This is room temperature IQ arguments.
Adds nothing of intelligence to the argument, just goes “hurr durr.”

Anyway thanks for entertaining me while waiting for a script to finnish. I’m out.

Jokes on you cata isn’t even my favorite retail expansion. Pandaria and Legion are. Just experiencing it for the first time and it wasn’t all doom and gloom like classic andys promised.

So even tho’, 10 guys tells you that the expansion is bad , but for some reasons you find it OKish , you think that…it makes the expansion…better for the 10 guys ?

Hello! Sure, enjoy it, whatever. But Not even Keanu Reives can make the last Matrix movie good. Is trash no matter if you may find it OKish or not. It is common knowledge. It is known that the last Matrix movie is bad.

Makes sense? Good!

Cata Bad! That’s … what!

If you want to go by numbers alone, Cataclysm is the 2nd most popular expansion of WoW.

Sometimes numbers don’t tell all the stories. Before WoLK sub numbers were continuously increasing. WoLK put a stop to that because of a series of bad design decision. WoLK failed to increase the number of subs and marked the beginning of WoW decline.

Please stop with this non-sense and take a look at this photo:

It had the 2nd most subbed players literally thanks to Wotlk, because if you watch , not closely since is visible with any eye(s), you can see how Cataclysm is going down in the numbers.

Sometimes, but … is not the case here!

Nope! If you look at that photo , isn’t Wotlk which put a stop. Is literally Cataclysm. Are you guys seriously?! The information is there for anyone. Why the heck you guys come up with “facts” if you don’t even have the decency to document yourself?

You have so much bad faith it’s ridiculous. Even in the graph you linked everyone can see the sub number continuously increasing in vanilla and tbc and suddenly stops in wrath.
The whole wrath is like a plateau. And yes sub decreased in cata but still. Cata started at 12 million and finished at 10 millions. The average is 11 million, which makes it the second most popular expansion by sub number

Jagarde is actually a warmane staffmember who wants to hype wotlk so we all go there and buy shadowmourne for 500 bucks, dont fall for this

Dude, are you serious ? I’m sorry, but do you need glasses? It didn’t suddenly stops in Wrath. It gained subs. Please put glasses. Thanks!

Wrath started at …11? And finished at 12! DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? One gained subs, one dropped subs. And Cataclysm is the first x-pac in the history of WoW to start dropping subs. Wrath didn’t. It GAINED subs.

There, maybe now you see the differences.

Here, by numbers :

At some point, Cataclysm lost 3 million players. Three ( !!!). I think is the biggest drop from previous expansion…ever!

Omg this guy lol. Off you go little one.

I don’t judge quality buy how popular games are. Call of Duty is popular, Fortnite is popular, you don’t want to know what I think about those game.


You literally tried to tell me how popular Cataclysm was and when I gave you facts, like the first expansion to drop subs, ever and I think the only expansion to drop 3 million subs vs the previous expansion … you now come up with this … pathetic line which has nothing to do with what we discussed?


You literally proved my point.

Nor the 10s of millions of players who plays this games and enjoy them… want to know what you think about the said games, LOL.

Man, just … stop it. You embarrassing yourself.

So I’m glad we finally agree. Wrath may hold the record most subs, it is not wow best expansion. It’s just streamlined, made casual friendly and overall average.

me: " for how long are we playing this unplayable game? "
you: " you are not playing Neo, you are paying "
me: " hey i’m not Neo the one ! my name is Lamborgimli ! "
you: " you stupid dumb just talking to yourself, you and me, we are we "
me: " Damn Blizz please save us from us !!! we need shaman for alliance and paladin for horde in SoD/Era !!! "
you/we: " nice try you/me we/we "

:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

scenario free of rights if you want to win an Oscar in holywood as horde win BGs for free


And Cata classic is the classic version you decided to resub for? Haha

why not. TBC/wotlk/cata/mop are best versions of wow if we dont count vanilla.

Play pvp a few hours and get full 365 epic it will help you have mana.

Wtf dude. You dont seem to understand at all that people have different tastes.

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Pro is 20k?

I do that on my 82 Arms Warrior.

This character here does 40-50k DPS on bosses because the 15% damage buff in RHC.

Really? I just started to do some dungeons and the amount of toxicity is insane. Kicking for low damage (not even that bad, in leveling dungeons), in reasons why writing insults. I am really surprised, thought people are chill here compared to retail

Basically every third group has some diva complainer, usually tank or healer

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Sure you do. Sure you do. Everyone believe you.

Level 85 warriors at 360+ ilevel does 29k on omnotron hc, 26k on valiona hc, but you do 40-50k at level 82 with perhaps 250 ilevel gear. Sure you do.

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