Confession thread

Looks like everyone’s betrayers these days :man_shrugging::weary::sweat_smile:

I ran my own guild in Cataclysm & it disbanded in MoP. It was amazing, best people ever, best time ever.
I have since tried starting new guilds twice, it doesn’t turn out like my old guild and I hand the reins to someone else. I can’t settle in a guild because I’m constantly comparing it to my old guild… The games moved on, guilds have changed, players have changed and I’m still stuck wishing for the past and I hate it!

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Uhm… I usually make female characters in the games I play first because I think it makes for a more interesting story when a woman is the one saving the day. Because our media is already packed full of macho-men being heroes.

PS: But I have plenty of male characters in MMO’s as well, and in single player RPGs where I can pick male/female, I usually play through as a male character at some point too :slight_smile:

PPS: In a series like Dragon Age I switch it up between games, because I feel it’s a story and it makes more sense if the “heroes” in each of the games aren’t an unbroken line of men or women.

There are more people out there like my wife, who has a strange love of frogs?

It is very Zug Zug…

I just felt the setting was dumb. In the middle of a snowy zone we have all these open hut buildings for proffs. The whole thing should have been in a hot zone.

It would have fit much better in Gorgrond for example.

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Or they could have added walls to their huts :stuck_out_tongue:

That would enable them to add more spikes even.

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Either would have worked.

Yeah what was with that?!

My blood elf would have never built that kind of garrison. Rather some stone, marble and velvet and magical traps. And central heating. And a little toaster oven to heat up muffins.

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I really wished they’d have let them have a racial theme, so buildings that matched your own heritage.


Sorry what :joy:

I am torn between playing gnomes and goblins and play whatever faction my friends play. I actually love gnomes when I’m not in the character of a goblin and vice versa.

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Before transmogging I would sometimes skip an upgrade just because it ruined my looks

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No need for walls, just more spikes close to each other.
Brilliant architectural design.



You missed the end of the war campaign where the traitors started sieging Ogrimmar?

You mean the cutscene where the undead dictator was exposed and ousted by the good guys? :thinking:

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I have never run an M+, not even M0 :shushing_face:

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I am terrified of entering dungeons with strangers, as I fear the toxic part of the community and have battled with anxiety for many years. I only recently started to. This means I’ve been a solo player most of my WoW experience.

I don’t go for optimal, I go for fun and what I like, which is why I fear the community. DPS spec better for PvP? Well, I like tank spec better…

I don’t like being in other people’s guilds, because I don’t like others telling me when and how to play the game I love, so I have my own guild, with only myself and a few family/friends in it - it gets lonely.
I don’t know how to get members to join said guild, because I’m socially awkward and don’t want to control others’ experience of the game.

I started playing when WoW had been out for 6 months or so in Denmark, but lost my old account, I regained said account, so now I hold two WoW accounts, with only the new one active.

Everytime I have joined a dungeon, be it normal, HC or M/M+ it’s gone great, yet I’m terrified and shaking through the whole thing.


Exposed for what? Being framed by bad story writers? Sylvanas did nothing wrong and all her choices leading to bfa were logical if you’d have read the novel.

This twisted honour nonsense is killing the identity of the horde.

So Teldrassil is morally ok in your eyes?

You Sylvanas fans, man.

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Was putting orcs in internment camps morally okay? Was rejecting the forsaken morally okay? If you want to talk about morals, it’s more of a pot and kettle thing.

Besides, it was Sauerfang (the traitor) that initiated the burning of Teldrassil

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Eh? Source?