Congrats Blizz you kinda messed up

You seem to be to much of a potato to carry in gdkp nd therefore mald over the fact they exist. Sounds to me like you just awful at the game and just cry. Why is MGT HC an issue? i ran it everyday on mirage raceway until i got my trinket. my servers pretty dead and its no issue? i hope they add RDF, your reasoning as to why they should is actual nonsense though. Most irrational take ive ever heard XD

I just want to highlight one pristine piece of a nonsense that retial gamers have in their heads.

If a Tank or DD has heal offspec or claim to have one, he is allowed to NEED on healer items in the dungeon and thats not a ninja looting. :rofl:

It’s called blabbing. It also proves my hidden point that all RDF lovers have retail background and are ninja looters in the disguise who want free loot and free carry and when they are done, they’re moving back to retail with no looking back. While we are Classic main gamers, we are humble and we don’t want our game to be ruined by your rookie knowledge and toxicity overtones.

Retail players ? Like really? after all these years?

And not like HC and normal instances will be mass run, especially on start. But with passing time the same thing will happen as in TBC - healers and tanks get their gear quickly and will not have to run normal any more, or at max with guild. The same will be for heroics - mostly guild runs… which for PUGs will create false-positive tank shortage or sometimes tank and healer shortage.

RDF would not change much but at least the runs would not be so hermetic, probably. With the existing tools “Classic main gamers” likely will quickly find a way to derail it, adding a way to start excluding people, either due to class comp meta or gear or whatever so that so there will be a noticeable amount of people excluded from dungeon groups.

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I’m a bit puzzled that you people don’t give up. Blizzard have made an official statement that RDF will NOT be in WotLK. If the 14 years or so of wow has thought us anything is, is that crying on forums won’t change Blizz opinions, and definitely not on Eu forums. Blizz headquarters or whoever decided things about this game never hear anything about what is posted here.

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And Blizzard have never done a U-turn before? I don’t post here for Blizzard to see, but for other players to.

I told you that.

Not for anything posted here. And defiantly, not so close to release when the majority of the classic population don’t want it. Many of them will cancel their subscription if RDF gets introduced and Blizz knows this. And you want other people to see your ranting? Why do you think people need to see you ranting on about things you can not change. “Give me strength to change the things I can, the knowledge to accept those I can’t and the wisdom to tell the difference” You clearly missed out on the last 2.

This is an argument that does not stand. Community back then was different. With the current situation rdf is needed from start

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Excuse me but you are not the community, nor you represent one.
Community on live servers of classic, and are pefectly fine with Blizzard decision, community needs have nothing to do with forum beggars and retail gamers, huge list of them.

RDF is not needed in WotLK not on start, not even later on.
RDF take away too much and leave little in return, it was a mistake all the way back, reverting this addition is a huge win.

And what of #nochanges? RDF was in WotLK and you are one person, not the community, and do not represent the silent majority.

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You’re reffering to the meme that never existed in reality, DAY 1 classic there was significant changes, layering, extended server capacity.

Silent majority wasn’t so silent when Blizzard announced the change, it was cheered and from that point everyone moved on, except forum dwellers who happen to be retail gamers too, keep shaking the air.

And we were some here in the forums asking for #NoChanges from day 1 - actually from Classic Demo - pointing out all these things, asking for REAL Vanilla. And we were being derided and scorned by the vast majority.

Dude you do know that u get the retail tool instead? That thing turns you into a number nothing more.

I cannot understand how someone is against RDF but is cool with the retail tool.

Thats like skippin the first step that made retail retail and jumpin right to the last one.


So you are the community and speak on behalf then? Because I see you do just that. What I said is that community is not the same, not that I represent anyone. And it has changed. I’ve experienced both. This is a fact. And rdf is needed. And if you don’t need it, fine. Noone will force you to use it. The same applies to lfg tool ofc, if they insist on use this.

OH and I’d like to hear what rdf took away from you in wotlk.

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Reading the posts and must say I am supprised by many thoughts / ideas.

What each and one “want to have” is interesting to diskuss but still … Blizzard do what they want no matter what ppl say, as they mostly done.

Still, having a big diskussions about when exactly Raid- / Dungeonfinder came and if / how much gdkp was in Wotlk … hm.
(But yes, there was alot of gdkp in wrath and I took part of that too once.)

This isn´t wotlk release, it´s classic release 2022. Let´s take that as the real point of view. We have allready done the old version and since that we´ve reached far in both experience and technology.

If Blizzard once thought RF and DF was a good thing and that wrath needed it, then it feels wierd why they don´t bring that experience and knowledge into this new version right from the start ?

Such “finder-tools” isn´t about missing others things to do, it´s about shorten the time to join a group faster and hopefully Get More Time left over to do other stuff in the game.

The problem it self is not such group-finder tools, it is more how people handle those. For example: When you use chatt to find people and form your group you need to interact social with other people. That often leads to clear a dungeon or raid together and take the problems even if someone doing misstakes or similar.

What we saw with group-finders was a new behavior with easily kick-out ppl and replace without even give a reason why.

In many ways group-finder tool are great and a smooth solution for all who don´t have that much time or find it a bit hard, nervous to make their own party. But at the same time group-finder bringing a bit harder attitude among some people, not all ofc … allways some dicks among the road. :slight_smile:

Its good that there will be no automatic RDF in wotlk, promotes social interactions, which is entertaining since ppl then have to talk about char-class-game-mecahnics which reveals insight or lacking of thereof.

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