Congratulations to all paladins

They got rune to fix that. Nice dmg too. Def 1 shots inc.
Purifying Power

You stated it all raids so that includes 20mans. Deny it all you want Horde has top times there.

Mage? Really?
It’s shamans and priests doing your offensive dispels, priests is solo defensive dispel, can’t even get dispel and decurse right. (both factions got druids/mages to decurse anyways)
Paladins/Priest to it on ally side, don’t bother asking SPs or zugzug rets.

ah yes because the healing output and utility that paladins got is so great that killing 1 target is impossible. :clown_face:
most people would legit face paladins over shamans, and there’s a pretty good reason for that, paladins are semi better warriors, aka a free kill.

Doing it all the time the utility doesn’t get full value to factors like high damage, low healing output and facing 2 dispellers compared to just 1.

hilarious, isn’t that what horde does? just cheesing overtuned :poop: to be successful in any case or playing the numbers game? horde is literally getting carried by ele/resto shamans. can’t dispel 5 FSs before the recast happens, mathematically impossible.
if you aint playing a shaman or dont have one in group, you fall over like stones.

congratz horde babies, your crying was loud enough for blizzard to nerf t1 6pc on prot, 100% damage increase to 80% based off block value.
and now its back to shamans running a tank rune in PvP as elemental, daddy aggrend favoring horde since p1.

anyone believing that caster/heal paladins will 3 shot anyone, you are delusional and spreading some false information already. with actual stam gear you aint dying to that period.

from what i understand the buffs to prot are not sufficient to fix their issues, but this could simply be untrue and boil down to whining, i don’t know.

2h getting buffs shouldn’t even be a scenario we find ourselves in, because that should just work and somehow they broke it.

i don’t know anything about gladiator stance, i’m almost entirely ignorant about that.

Log on PTR instead of forums and try for yourself mr crybaby. Holy shield to 80% doesnt do jack difference, delete it and its good. or make internal cd on procs.
Remove shockadin build from game, its too much.

“An aggressive stance that increases damage while you are wearing a shield by 10% and increases block chance by 10%, but reduces armor by 30% and threat generated by 30%. In addition, you gain 50% increased Rage when your auto-attack damages an enemy not targeting you.
While wearing a shield in Gladiator Stance, you may use all abilities that are restricted to other stances.”

basically for those wheelchairs that cant swap stances in fights regarding pvp, unironically prot warrior just meme stancing.

its pretty impressive what they do right XD

Shaman has 4 viable specs: perfectly reasonable
Paladin getting its 4th spec: IT’S TOO MUCH!!!

I hope Shockadin will turn into what Ele Shaman is atm in PvP, so you get a taste of what was going on the last phase.

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If lavaburst was instant cast with cooldown reset on every crit and shamans had 80% critchance. Yes, then it would be fair you basement dweller.

Wäää Wäää, all you hear from these Bubbleboys and Blizzard keep spoonfeeding them.

If blizzard dont nerf this joke of Exo/Holyshock spec, im sure alot of Horde players will leave this bs in the dust and continue to touch grass instead.

Logged on PTR yesterday, in the middle of Orgrimmar is 2 Shockadin Paladins.
Noone dared to touch them. Strange?
I did, with videoproof, i had 7k hp with Flask of titans and full Worldbuffs as a Rogue.
The results:

Holy shock 1,9k (Critical)
Holy shock 1,8k (Critical)
Holy shock 1,8k (Critical)
Holy shock 1,8k (Critical)
You died.

And it kept repeating itself with the same outcome, they literally cleaned Orgrimmar out and anyone who touched them. They went outside to the “Target Dummy” place, waiting for their next victim.

Elemental Shaman arrived, he loaded a lavaburst into the paladin, removed 8% of his hp. Paladin steed up into his face, killed him in 3 seconds…

Anyone Defending this “Playstyle” of paladin isnt smarter than a Goldfish

You mean godmode like Ret was in phase1?

Skill issue, obviously.

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You know what people answer to warrior when they ask why 2H war are low dps ? and when i say low we are the last on warcraft log, arcane mage are heal.
Its a pvp spec, you have fury play with one hand.
And i remember a lot of shaman said this.
So yes you are bad on warcraft log, but the problem is in PVP you are just GOD MOD, you cant be root, you have wolf with stun, heal, tank, and you have lava burst …
And now, how they can up the ele shaman without just ruin the game ?

Or maybe like people say to warriors, its for pvp ?

it was instant cast with 100% critchance.
I played one during P3, it was quite ridiculous.
And now what i said then is going to happen: in order to balance it out we get a Shaman nerf + Paladin buff and the Pendulum swings in the other direction. Guess you wanted it that way, when you laughed at us all P3 long…

PvP build is elemental warden my dude. Look it up, different talents and everything.
Next to that, the issue with elemental warden was the self heal + the extra chance on ticks for lava burst with flameshock + riptide. Which is getting nerfed to oblivion in Phase 5.

Besides that… the difference is… Warrior does not have to change their entire gear set to change from Arms to Fury. They all use the exact same stats, strength, stam. Now lets look at enhance shammy vs ele shammy. Both need a total seperate gear stats and primary stats (for most). Which means if I’d even want to switch, I had to grind all that sh*t again. Which sucks. For warriors its just a weapon swap.

Besides that… if you read my entire message, it literally says on the top: "Blizzard already said they will not balance based on PvP. Unless its mighty broken, which the riptide + flame shock procs for power surge, which gives insta cast on lava burst. Kind off was. (fyi its only 5% chance per tick for both.)

So they nerf a 5(FIVE!)% proc ability which resets and make lava burst instant. At the same time they give paladins an ability that does comparable damage to lava burst (with all runes and set bonuses), requires no setup and resets on every crit. Oh and you can also heal with it.

So let’s break this down:
Shaman: Lava Burst: 2 sec cast, 8 sec cd, requires flame shock (dispellable, resistable) on target to 100% crit. Otherwise it has somewhere around ~15-20% crit chance as it doesn’t get any crit from talents, only whatever you have on your gear + intellect. Has a 5% per flame shock tick (every 3 seconds, dispellable, resistable) to reset and become instant.

Paladin: Holy shock. Instant out of the box, 6 sec cd from rune and resets on crits from rune, also same rune increases its damage and healing by a whoopping 50%. Gives spell damage equal to int (~300 given the kind of gear a holy paladin would probably wear) from rune - the absolute highest among all other similar effects on other classes. Has at least 48% (5% base + 5% talent + 18% rune (also absolute highest among other classes) + 20% zg set (also this set gives another +50% damage bonus)) chance to crit. In reality this is somewhere around ~70% or even more if you take into account spell crit from items + spell crit from intellect. Can also be used to heal self or others. Refunds full mana cost if used as a heal and crits through a talent. Oh and there’s no such thing as holy resistance in the game.

Do I need to say more?

P.S. It’s also very convenient that all updated bwl and zg gear has had its ‘+healing’ stats changed to ‘+healing AND damage’. What a conincedence.

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dare I say it? The game will not be balanced around PvP and Shockadin is completely unusable in PvE atm.
I played Holy DPS from P2 onwards and it was always kinda ok in PvE - in Gnomer it was actually viable, in ST it was good enough, but now it’s absolute Garbage in Raids - we’re talking less DPS than Tanks, so these changes are a pure PvE decision on Blizzards part.

it was instant cast with 100% critchance.
I played one during P3, it was quite ridiculous.
And now what i said then is going to happen: in order to balance it out we get a Shaman nerf + Paladin buff and the Pendulum swings in the other direction. Guess you wanted it that way, when you laughed at us all P3 long…

Goldfish, all i have to say.

If they made all them runes and increase dmg effect on Exo/Holy shock from gear affect Non Controlled Players ONLY it would be another story, more balanced one.

I’m not trying to justify Holy Paladin becoming a PvP Monster, it’s just the logical conclusion on Blizzards part.
Which is really sad, since they should focus this game more on the PvP aspect, you know.
PvE is a solved puzzle, the community ruined that part by late WotL. If they truly understood what makes a good game these days, they’d throw their ressources into getting good PvP modes. Sadly it was a design choice from the beginning to have everything in this game keep its intended state, tho it’d be a lot easier now to spice things up in the regular world (conquerable cities, areas, events and whatever comes to mind)

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Be that as it may but fortunately for you SoD has dual spec, so you don’t have to worry about such things.

Bottom line. If people thought that ret was OP in PvP, they should wait for new Holy. It’ll put all ret clowns to shame. Imagine a rogue being able to spam his backstab like they do now, but at 30yd range whilst having plate armor, shield and a full complement of paladin utility. That’s what Holy will feel like if they keep it in its current state.

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I played my Tauren Druid most of P1 and farming exalted WSG never felt easier - no idea what Paladins you faced back then

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But m8, you played a drood, best class in wsg, no wonder you dont know. You most likely spent your days capping flags outrunning everyone with trick jumps and some cheating