Congratulations to all paladins

Fear not! Some ppl are so bad at Ret that this weapon wont help them improve, make it stronger and maybe there is even hope for that troll Wave


imagine not making it tied to the dungeon, HoR grinders might’ve gotten screwed over otherwise, also ruins the point of a “legendary” weapon (hard to acquire in one way or another)

and here’s still killcream and nitro existing as trolls

Let´s be honest here, even if that troll was fully Nax geared in current phase he would still suck.

I don´t think this change will have a huge impact, its probably going to make life easier for Alliance. And PvP is screwed already beyond redemption - let alliance pump in SOD PvE.

maybe clear H3 first or do something meaningful on your hunter that is actually worth talking about. you wont even see naxx at this point being so terribly bad.
nitrometroll is at this point the definition of being a delusional clown who believes hunter is the hardest class.

Is this troll really talking about PvE. When you main ret and cant even get your autoattack swing correct - Wavé 2024.

-edit I’ll be honest, the best PvP we have in SOD is on the forums. That’s how bad it is.
Somehow, I think Blizzard is content with that, as long as the angry mob doesn’t point their pitchforks at them, it’s easy breezing.

That’s the best part about balancing a game as rock paper sixors, the masses will always argue amongs them selfs to nerf their counters and buff their class. We were here 20 years ago dude, relax.

That weapon is going to be tied to the dungeon much like the legendaries from Kael’Thas and the Atiesh questline:

There’s no way Blizzard would introduce a new weapon available all the time that is stronger than Might of Menethil this early. I expect by the end of SoD, MoM will be powercrept, but not BWL patch.

You are a blind boy

true as that might be they are getting it, so the joke still stands, unfortunately.

They are not dead. Just throw the whole minmaxing mindset and logs out of the window and you’ll find plenty of diversity. Just because you chose to sweat your way through the game doesn’t mean everyone else has to suffer the consequences.

Oh and enough with this ‘Horde is stronger’ BS. How come all classic speed run records belong to alliance guilds? A coincidence? Alliance has always been stronger in PvE due to racials, paladins, priest abilities and such. Just as Horde was stronger in PvP for the same reason. On average. At top tier alliance was also owning in group PvP due to paladins’ insane kit.

On classic era the 20man raids are dominated by horde guilds, alliance has the 40man raids. First wrong information if you even bothered to do the basic thing of research.

In SoD Raids horde has speedrun firsts, minus ony+wbosses, look it up yourself. Don’t get us started when we get to MC, if you truly cared about top speedruns you go to H3.
Once again horde has a top speedrun guild there.
Horde is stronger based on speedrun logs in SoD alone, and it shows drastically in the form of alliance being 50s-3mins behind in the big raids sofar.

Alliance hardly has any favors going for ourselves in terms of speedrunning SoD raids, Horde racials and shamans just straightup win speedruns for them.
PvE and PvP are strongly horde favored on the average and at the top levels, denying this is just being delusional.

First off, who care about 20 man raids in classic? It’s not even remotely top tier.

Secondly, do you wanna know why Horde is stronger in SoD PvE? Because we’ve been given Alliance abilities: fear ward, salvation (alpha), extra dispelling class (mage), weapon skill bonuses on rings, kings (hunter aura) etc. So ironically enough, your whole argument proves the very point i’m trying to make: give someone alliance abilities and suddenly they become very strong in PvE. What a surprise, huh?
If blizzard would leave faction diversity alone, we’d see the same thing as we see in Era. Alliance dominates PvE across the board.

Finally for PvP. I’ve told you this once already, i’ll say it again. Proper support paladins make any group PvP a NIGHTMARE. So if all you ret clowns would stop fancying yourself the great warriors of light, and started to play as a team, then may be you’d see a shift for the better, eh? But that’s not happening, because you prefer to bubble cheese your way through any pvp encounter. So enjoy your 10v1 “victories” against clueless PvE bots in BRM and PvE full clown fiesta in AV, cuz that’s the only kind of victory you’ll ever gonna get.


You guys think Paladins are strong now, just wait til you get hit by one of these:

a tank single target nuke.
surely that won’t be extremely oppressive.
can’t wait for the totem that gives instant lava burst every 6 seconds WITHOUT maelstrom/powersurge as long as you got way of earth on, because surely this is the route we are going now.

What are warriors getting in next phase?

probably :poop: all if i had to guess.
paladin’s taking up all the screen time once again with their petty whining tbh.

warrior’s threat output is in the gutter and we got paladin andies out here complaining that the spec 0.3% of them play doesn’t have a seal for healing, like bro.

you ever seen that family guy skit where the fat guy is gorging on food while his family is sitting there malnourished, and then one of the kids go “can i have the crust of the bread?” and he aggressively goes “NO ITS ALL FOR ME!!”

that’s paladin players.

Eskhanders, Empyrean and Ironfoe are all getting nerfed.

2H is getting a couple of buffs; Quick Strike is going from 10-20% AP scaling to 20-35%. Frenzied Assault rune is getting buffed to 30% attack speed with 2handers and each melee hit grants 2 rage; 4 rage if we crit.

Prot warriors are getting quite a big buff on revenge and shield slam too.

Nope, warriors are getting buffed. Well, dual-wield is getting a nerf due to procs, but Glad, 2H and Prot are all getting buffed.

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So dumb, blizz got no clue what they doing in this sod tbh… Wouldnt increase its threat by 50% and removes the dmg be better… Since they nerfing tankrogues dmg by 20% wich can only tank singletarget pretty much(with dps runes saberslash it was good dmg, with tankrune Maingauge its crap dmg)… Why make pala tanks do even MORE nuke?? Where is Paladin tanks reduced dmg by 40% and reduced threat by 100%??
Where is rogue AOE threat Unfair advantage hit ALL targets in melee range? Like holy shield? 0 sec internal cd ability hello?

But then how will paladins one-shot people in PVP with a ranged attack?

Yea… They also go 2 shotting wild on the PTR with the ZG set Holy shock build in “Healing” gear wich has Spellpower on it, 60%+holycrit chance and Holy shock spammable ability for 1k dmg and Exo spam ontop for 1k… Shockadins 2-3global instant cast any player…

I’ve got some bad news for you…

Edit: I’m stupid. Holy Wrath only affects undead and demons.

Edit again: Nevermind. Have fun getting gibbed by caster paladins.