Congratulations to all paladins

im gonna enjoy horde getting ripped apart by paladins because of skill issues. but if its an ele killing ally it is intended and etc. yeah nobody believes that :poop:

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So nothing new then? Skilladins have been OP for a while now.

Literally when have paladins been OP prior to P4? Paladins haven’t been that good compared to P4. PvP was just a peak RNG fiesta prior to current paladin. Additionally Shamans been busted since p2 the very least and people think paladin is more OP than shamans or other classes now. This is ridiculous trolling. :clown_face:

Shamans OP and literally nothing serious or gamechanging is done about it. AoE flameshock doing more damage than 2 Moonboi/all lock/2-3 SP dots is just :clown_face:ing. It’s insanely efficient on mana.

Paladins OP and getting the hunter treatment, is this an april fools joke?

P1, P2 and P3.

Just because Hunters were more OP in P1 and Boomkins, S Priests and Ele shamans were strong in P2 and P3 doesn’t mean Skilladins weren’t OP either.

Paladins in PvP were literal :poop: in those phases, being the sole melee without mobility simply does that to you. That was when

  • warriors can charge midfight+intercept,
  • rogues step and sprint around,
  • shamans could at least slow + ghostwolf
  • feral cats could sprint, feral bears charged, travelform when you couldn’t do either
    Like you are literally trolling to even suggest paladins being anything but C tier in phases 1-3 regarding PvP.

The 2 ranged/caster classes that couldn’t get away are warlocks and hunters. Mages blinked, Shamans slowed into ghostwolf and druids just ran. Thanks.

Paladins barely survived those phases mind you, but you wouldn’t know because you are literally convinced by horde with skill issues. Any competent player simply had to walk away and it worked 90% of the time. Engineering was mandatory due to nades. Utterly false statement regarding Paladins being OP anything prior.

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Yeah that was great. I could charge at somebody, hamstring them for 50% movement speed while everybody and their grandmother has 60-70% slows and then I hit them like a wet noodle and generated no rage to use any abilities. Those cool runes and stuff that gave classes new abilities? I got noodle strike, nice.

On top of that, do you remember last week when I told you PVP is a minigame and nobody actually cares about it? No amount of arguing from you is going to change that statement.

And yet they were still godmode in PVE, the main gamemode.

What an ignorant clown. Nothing less from a typical paladin player.

You had BoF and avenger shield since P1, which lasted like 10 seconds back then. Since P3 you had cleanse to dispel like 90% of all slows in the game. Plenty of time to close the gap. And if that’s not enough, you have repentance. And yes, it’s avaiable to 99% of paladins, since 99% of you play ret anyway.

Ghose wolf is a 3 second hard cast. 1 if you go down enhancement path. Really?

Which is miles better than getting kited out in Era by mages, hunters and druids. I would take a slow or mobility over having cleanse. Crusader Strike hits less than HS on average, fun btw.
Paladins were getting warrior treated in SoD prior to P4.

hardly anyone cares about PvE, its solved by the end of SoD, unfortunately for you PvP isn’t. If you ever believed certain changes were based off PvE, think again.
Their statement about not caring about PvP yet nerf PvE sets because people use those in PvP and find success with a niece build, yeah totally not the gamemode at all :clown_face:

Look in a mirror, that’s literally the horde mentality, but what can we expect from horde players? Being cowards and relying on OP racials and shamans is all you got.

If 2 people move at the same speed as a paladin, they will outrun them every time. Having to get the jump onto anyone in those phases was almost mandatory for paladins.
AS was fixed super quick to not daze people anymore, which was the only niche in P1 to begin with.

Since when does Cleanse turn into a gapcloser?
Literally the exact same story as in P1, kited till pally died or landed a nade ontop of players to maybe even win. Rep literally has a 20y range, most players were and still are hitting from 36-41y.
P3 is copypaste p1+p2. But the very second pally finally gets a gapcloser after 3 phases, it’s all crying and moaning about that + other stuff. Shamans did every phase regardless of PvP content better in every aspect that mattered, even enhance is more viable than rets in melee combat. Seriously?

shows how clueless you are towards the pvp specs paladins play.

it’s being used, it only takes 7 talent points to max out anyways (taken in account the previous tier).

shows how clueless you are towards the pvp specs shamans play.

Crusader strike is a separate hit and doesn’t replace your auto-swing; which just so happens to be your main way of getting rage. I have to trade rage-generation for heroic strike, you lose nothing with CS.

It’s the main game, all class discords are comparing the new items and talking about parses and min-maxing DPS. No-one-but-Shockadins are talking about ‘muh pee vee peeeeeeee’

PVP is a side game. Blizzard don’t care about it and neither do most of the player base. ‘PVP’ realms being the most popular is a long-played joke and they always turn into mono-faction grief fests.

He is right tho, played my Ele Shaman with 1s Ghost Wolf, totally normal in PvP to pick that up. At which point it’s almost as good as travel form - oh wait you actually get +15% speed with the PvP boots, so it’s even more ridiculous

Ain’t just paladins talking about PvP, if you actually bothered looking in there people try to work out their new PvP bis and new specs. Classic PvE talk with no bite.

What any PvE player wants to believe, literally there are changes made because of people crying about XYZ in PvP. Even in Phase 4 and on the PTR for P5. They contradict their own statement a long time ago, too bad you ain’t reading
Ain’t fooling anyone that PvP determines the PvE tops in one way or another.

PvP is unfortunately for you and fellow PvE players simply equal.

i bet you do, paladin andy.

this shockadin build will be bonkers and broken in pve too so pack that :poop: up bro.

what an absolute dishonest argument and peak bloody irony considering you alliance andies (including you) have just spent the better part of the last 5 months complaining about pvp balance.


I little sidenote. Correct me if I’m wrong but paladin’s have been given THREE abilities as a baseline, that were runes previously:
Seal of Martyrdom,
and now Horn.

That’s THREE runes that were given to you for free. And that’s on top of your already swiss army knife toolkit. On top of barely any nerfs compared to other classes over the course of the entire SoD. Kindly name another class that gets even remotely a similar treatment?

To be fair Paladin was the one Class that needed a couple of baseline abilities the most in this format.
Paladin in the original beta used to have an ability called “Crusader Strike” that was comparable to Mortal Strike for the sake of Rotation, gameplay etc.
After endless forum crying about “OP Paladin” it was removed from the class (you can still find NPCs using this ability)
Which in turn forced Paladins to be healbots all the way to WotLK - the point being that this class needed a lot of love to be on par with the others again.
We’ll see how well Blizzard manages to balance this, i doubt they can.

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Not entirely accurate.

First off, EVERY hybrid was basically a healbot in Vanilla. Paladins, shamans, druids.
Secondly, this changed as early as TBC and not WotLK. Most if not all hybrid specs became VERY viable. Paladin tanks, Enh shamans, ferals, etc etc.

So don’t try to paint paladin as some kind of a victim here. Like I said, every hybrid had exactly the same problems.

Either way, you’re totally missing my point. I’m saying that in SoD EVERY class has been given a multitude of abilities via runes. And yet somehow paladins have been later given THREE runes for free as a baseline. Why not keep them as runes? Everyone has to make choices and trade offs, how paladins are any different?

Every tank is complaining about Paladin tanks, their threat is WAAY too high.
Their survival Waay too high.
Alliance side anything but Paladin MT is grief.
Their Dmg is Waay too high, specially with t1 6set. 0sec internal cd on Holy shield seems like a smart move, almost same as give rogues Unfair Advantage 0sec internal cd, 300% wpn dmg ALL targets in melee range, but that wont happen.

Shockadin spec in upcoming patch is just waay too powerful.
Make the Holy shock/Exo abilities scale to NPC only, not on players. Would make it abit more reasonable.
Remove Reckoning with 2 hander procs, only usable on 1hand and only 1 extra attack like Wotlk version.
Make paladins do 50% reduced dmg if Bubbled.
Remove their silly pet.

Paladins have to make the choice in certain slots:
Boots it’s either SS or Guarded, either have no mana or have mana but you heal for literal 0s. I wonder which choices shamans would have to make here :thinking:
(they have perfect runes for PvP and don’t need to think about it without a massive downside)

Legs it’s either Rebuke or Tremor Totem, either have a kick with 15s CD or have fear/sleep breaks.

If anything you are asking the wrong question, the question should be:
“why do shamans not have to make a choice that cripples them in PvP just like anyone else?”.
If anything shamans havent been nerfed proper, kinda insane for y’all to whine about pallies when shamans just perform better with much less effort, but you do you surely you got a clue about doing any PvP. :clown_face:
Like seriously warriors are forced into warbringer because without it they are getting kited hard.

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Not happening. Blizzard will keep buffing and giving more and more abilities to their pet class.

May be it’s not a shaman problem? But rather a consequence of the fact that blizzard decided to give paladins WAY TOO MUCH abilities?
I mean look at shaman runes. There’s a clear separation for each spec there: Elemental, Enhancement, Resto.
Now look at paladin runes BEFORE blizzard started giving them away for free. May be they shoudl’ve given THIS MUCH stuff to you in the first place? I don’t know, spread them between other classes? May be then you’d have no problems choosing your runes for a relevant spec.

It changed in TBC, however it took till WotLK to be balanced, viable and accepted.
Druids and Shamans were accepted for their niche role(not to say that wf bot was better, but you COULD get a raidspot as enhancement shaman)

Paladin needed more runeslots than were available or some runes were mandatory to pick with a whole bunch of abilities and buffs mixed into them. You are argueing as if all classes were balanced to begin with, yet Hybrids had horrible Mana issues in classic and at times not even enough abilities to use during a fight - that’s why some spells became baseline.
Now you tell me why shamanistic rage is baseline?
Same reason, innit? Tho they get to have 20% damage reduction on a mana gain ability: why?