Congratulations to all paladins

its about showing that historically shamans have been favored more in p1-p3, you just dont want to admit it which is just trolling.
Horde has it easier and better in PvE, and it shows literally everywhere.

these aren’t even shaman abilities. lmao.

once again, irrelevant and false. remember how in phase 1 paladin could actually dps while shamans couldn’t?
remember in phase 1 where paladins could just flat out skip the final raid boss’s main mechanic by using bubble to wipe the poison?

you are a clown, and every time you post you further prove how much of a clown you are.
you are clueless about the game to the point where its actually ****ing maddening and infuriating because we all have to deal with your nonsense on a daily basis.

if you want to participate in debates, that’s okay, but do everyone a favor and at least have a modicum of facts at your disposal and stop spreading lies when you do so.
otherwise, just keep clowning i guess.

now excuse me i gotta go use my survival instincts and frenzied regeneration on my shaman class :clown_face:

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I mean, blizzard are the last ones who I would defend so are paladins, lol, yet this time there’s no big deal. Like Horn gives 89 str 89 agi. It is 178 pure AP, for melee only, and just 89 AP for hunter, or whatever abot HoL and stuff…
On the other hand, blessing of might gives 185 pure AP untalented and 222 talented, which is 25% more than horn. And they are mutually exclusive, u choose one. Well? In some cases one is better due to high AP (range hunters), in other cases agi with crits and dodges is better (tanks, rogues, melee huntards). But the horn itself isn’t really a huge buff, if any.

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Mainly a PvE change? Really? You do realize that you’re basically getting a free blessing slot. No more losing damage when casting freedom. And that agility bonus translates to what? ~5% crit? If that’s not huge for PvP, kindly tell me what is.

Okay. so first of all, once again; it is in fact a big deal.
secondly, they are not the same thing.

horn of lordaeron gives MORE agi and str than shaman’s agi and str totem does EVEN WHEN THE TOTEMS ARE TALENTED and this is BASELINE for paladin - they get a BETTER version of OUR spell with 0 investment into it AND it only costs them 1 global cooldown to cast both because they are a 2-in-1 buff while shaman totems are TWO global cooldowns that are tied up in 2/4 of our totem elements.
there is no justification for this.

it also works like a battle shout, meaning it has no weakness - you do not need to stand near a totem to benefit, and you cannot remove it from the paladin and his team by knocking over said totem - and if i had to guess it also counts as a physical buff, meaning it cannot be dispelled and even IF it is a magical buff, that is still far better than being restricted to a 20 yard 5hp totem.

thirdly, the fact that it overlaps with BoM is a blessing in disguise, because guess what; now the paladin can just use horn + a different blessing in a party setting.
that means they got more buffs to provide ON TOP of horn of lordaeron.
a paladin will be able to provide blessing of salvation (or whichever other blessing he chooses) AND horn now.

This is literally the same thing as giving horde shaman a version of Divine Shield that does the exact same thing, except it lasts 4 seconds longer and doesn’t slow your attack speed by 50%.

it is a SUPERIOR copy of OUR ability.

how i need to explain this like 20 different times in 50 different ways, in 1 thread, is absolutely mind boggling.


Sounds just jealous. Yeah dude, I get it. But think about it in other way: they already had BoM. And it always gave more AP than totem. So nothing did change, in general.

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its ****ing outrageous and if you think its some sort of gotcha to point out that i am extremely bothered by this you get a gold star for paying attention i guess.

can you present some sort of justification for why this is “okay” or “not a big deal”?

okay, so listen; agi + str is far better than pure AP, even if you get a tad more of it out of the blessing, because AP doesn’t provide stat scaling.

strength will provide you with 1-2 AP (depending on your class) + damage blocked while agility will provide you with 1-2 AP (depending on your class) + Crit + Dodge + Armor.

dude, do you even know how the game works, like… serious question.

the whole reason they were given this ability in the first place is because according to all the statistics all the parse monkeys like to cry about, IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

The totem is worth way more. As an Alliance warrior, I now lose out on like… 40 AP? But gain over 5% crit. Huge.

I dominate and humiliate pally’s 5-6 levels above me in STV. They’re like fat, clunky children, easy to kite, funny to kill. They start to gank me, they chase me, realise, that can’t outrun 30% of cheetah speed, and “let me live”. But them – I don’t. And I like to play with them before I kill them :slight_smile:
I think warrior is more dangerous to kiters now with his [warbringer], than pallys.

…Sooo, I don’t mind them having a bit of fun for all their pain :sweat_smile:

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okay, so you’re clueless and you don’t care.

got it.

next time you walk in on adults having a conversation you are clueless about, maybe a wiser move would be to keep quiet so as to not display your total ignorance on whatever subject is being discussed.

Nah, dude, just you really care too much about pixels on your screen. R u sure u r the adult here? :smiley:
SoD is no competitive wow, even be you streamer or pro gamer or whatever.

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What are you talking about? Rets and Shamans were both bottom in P1.

Not like tank shamans were able to skip the freeze mechanic on Thermaplugg literally the next phase.

Coming from the biggest clown of them all, you and some other horde players post so much stupid :poop: that is unreal to even comprehend. Ungrateful horde literally getting the better end of the buff trade compared to alliance.
Kings + Threat Buffs/Reduction + Freedom vs WF + Horn.

right back at you, you are legit clowning now and it is not ending lmao.
But alas you gotta be good for something at least, stick to clowning and wear that paint on your face.

Do you even read clown?
“too bad there are even more 3min and even 2min CDs that are even more powerful than bubble. I could run it down but you would keep whinin about paladin anyways rather than shamans LOL.”
Shut up for once if you cannot read or simply ignore what was said. There was no mention of comparing it to just shaman abilities incompetent horde player.

and there’s no justification for your decoy to grant Freedom effect and eat a melee swing in the same GCD. seriously stop whining.

And shamans were able to use GoA/SoE + Spirit of Alpha on tank to buff threat/to reduce your threat + increase your physical damage.
Do you hear alliance whining about your totems and abilities doing two things at once?
No you don’t.

Kings is literally brought by hunters already, Might isn’t gonna give physical anything if they got HoL, Salvation is applied anyways to raiders because you got multiple paladins.
Light is useless without a HPal.
Either you buff em with HoL or you buff people with Might for physical groups.

Wavé, i am honestly so done with your :poop: right now.
i don’t have time to address your nonsense, nor is it in my interest.
that survival instincts/frenzied regeneration comment absolutely did me in, i cannot take you seriously AT ALL anymore.
you’re a dimwit and if not for the fact i know you are literally this ****ing stupid, i’d boil your posts down to pure trolling.
keep clowning on bro.

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the only difference between Wavé and Potatomilk is that Wavé doesn’t lie.

quote my lie please.

i think everyone around here knows that not only does wavé lie, he is in fact a compulsive liar, and i honestly don’t need to go out of my way to find examples.
its every day bro.

just you that cannot handle the alliance truth because you quite frankly don’t want to. literally burned in the horde propaganda and victim mentality into your brain and soul

Berny is third faction. Just troll everyone.


The Wave = Potatomilk = Upright conspiracy.

W8 a sec, so [Hearth of th Lion] is in same co-exclusive buff group as BoM and Horn are?(