Congratulations to all paladins

Troll Paladins will inherit Azeroth


oh wait it’s actually the truth, sorry

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how ironic you should misrepresent my quote (thus committing the act of lying) on top of failing to quote my lie.

paladin things i guess.

no. what i meant exactly is that paladins dont even have kings mostly nowadays because hunters will use it for stats

omg we save 1 talent point that we can use anywhere else as we please, pls nerf pally harder papa aggrend and buff shamans even more qq. (LOL)

which, again, is a BUFF for paladins as you can now use a different blessing because the hunter covers kings.

you do not need to spec into prot to get kings, which is an advantage for YOU, and you can now use another blessing for your party/raid on top of the hunter buff as a result.

shame that you will ignore this fact and just cry how horde got access to it as well, thus, in your twisted head, nullifying how this was a bad trade for horde, since what we gave up to gain this stupid hunter buff was WINDFURY.

There’s literally 0 gain if you even bothered to read, which you do not at all.

TLDR horde players themselves are bad at PvE, ask for more buffs when they are already doing more in PvE compared to alliance. Make up so much :poop: to even compare ally and horde etc. Shameless clowns unironically.

Whatever i write falls on deaf ears regardless, so I will not reply to you anymore.
I’ll pray that one day you might find the Light aswell


i never ringed you down in the first place you lemon, get lost!!!

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If ally gets totems, can we get bubble?

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This thread really looks so RP: a holy paladin with compassion to his foes, and an old toxic undead, hating everything :smiley:
Did you guys really do this all in purpose of RP? :smiley:


so not only did you fail to interpret the BS unfair move on blizzard’s part, but you also failed to notice that not only are these paladin andies not compassionate at all, they are in fact so forsaken of sheer virtue a paladin is supposed to have, that they barely qualify as paladin players.
the only saving grace that allows them to call themselves paladins is that token crybabying they do at every turn about everything, then gets given the world by blizzard, whole patches dedicated JUST to buff them, and then they have the audacity to ask for second breakfast as if they didn’t just consume all the dev attention for a whole patch release, while at the same time doing that classic moaning and complaining about every other class who gets a crumb of a buff or attention because of how it affects MUH RET PALADIN IN PEEVEEEPEEE.

it is ****ing maddening to say the paladin playerbase are conducting themselves orderly if you actually go around reading the forums and reddit on a regular basis.

stay madmilk, a priest also has similar “virtues” yet you embody the rage of an angry keyboard warrior.

i do not pride myself on being a cringe holy warrior you sniveling little :poop: stain.

rather be a chad holy warrior than a swine calling for help everytime you are about to get rolled and smoked by literally a majority of people.

my parses:

your parses:

git gud.

tank dps parses :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: actual sin to even mention them

There. Fixed your quote for you.

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what is a sin is to play a broken spec capable of very high dps, and managing to do 300 dps on garr.

my tank shaman’s noodle auto attacks that aren’t even hitcapped can do more dps than that.

lol you coping right now or what is going on?
we didnt even unboon on the most risky boss in the instance because first time H3 and still get a Molten Core kill in. What can you do? Run MC on h3 twice and only have 1 kill on the actual 11th boss?
That boss is literally a free kill if you even understood how those mechanics work. We didn’t even account of killing Rag H3 this easily.

Also what is this stain on Gehennas H2? 35 dps? Are you now coming up with excuses of: “Adds dont count towards parse”? Or that 300dps on Shazzrah? What excuse will you have there? If you try to clown on people for their parses expect to be clowned on too.

Shamans vs Paladins, who’d have thought we’d still be having this argument 20 years later.

Reminds me of the old Paladin crying at the end of one of Unbreakable’s videos.