Congratulations to all paladins

listen Wavé, i’m literally looking at your highest performing parse in MC right now, which is 78 on Shazzrah, and here’s what i found.

35% of your damage is from literal auto attacks with 23% and 9% from seals of matyrdom and command respectively while 6% is from hammer of wrath and 5% is from crusader strike.

you are an actual auto attack andy that does not push his buttons.
there’s not a single judgement in there and your crusader strike ability is obviously not being used when its off cooldown the vast majority of the time.

to say there is room for improvement would be an understatement that borders on criminal.

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Literally go and read the paladin DPS rotation, there’s a priority system or shut up lmfao.
Same boss (and other bosses) your autoattacks are literally top 3, behind earthshock and flameshock, should I shame that into oblivion or what is this you are getting degraded to? Or should I look the braindead rotation of your tank shaman? Nah.

“Winning” an argument with this bubbleboy Wavé is like trying to win the Special Olympics when It sits in Its :wheelchair: and you didnt get one.


okay, and from what i see based on these numbers, you don’t have any priorities.
this was me criticizing your best parse bro, are you ready for what i have to say about your worst, which is a wallopping 22 on Lucifron (an actual target dummy) ??

EDIT: actually i did lie here, your worst parse is your 15 garr parse. o lord have mercy.

well, get ready, because i’m not going to hold back.

okay, so once again, lying through your crooked teeth there.
flame shock and earth shock are my primary damage sources, followed by auto attacks, followed by lightning shield and fire nova (which i shouldn’t be using on this boss, and its a wonder you didn’t reach for this low hanging fruit).

however, that is pretty irrelevant according to what you said here:

okay, so now that is out of the way, lets get into this tearjerker of a Lucifron parse you managed to get yourself (i’d be very angry with the guy who logged this, because YIKES).

okay so, your primary source of damage, once again, is auto attacks sitting at a whopping 48% which means you basically just auto attacked the boss.
2nd highest source is seal of martyrdom at 11% which is essentially just more auto attack damage.
followed by divine storm (on a single target boss as a dps role kekw) at 8%, crusader strike at 7%, followed by martyrdom judgements for 6%.

bro, i commend you for remembering to push the judgement button this time around, but to say i am impressed would be a stretch rivaled only by the feats of a professional contortionist.

git gud.

Wave is right about the Paladin rotation, it’s basically auto swings. This message is from my guild’s Paladin’s about their rotation in T2:

Have fun with that.

okay, so we have established that paladin requires 0 skill to play successfully then.
the bar for a successful paladin is now “can you stick on the boss?” if yes, you are now a top paladin player.


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thats why they can spend so much time on the forums crying because their class is a afk simulator

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God you are on par with Nitrometroll, literally playing braindead classes and trying to think they understand other classes. Peak apes here, if you were committed to level on alliance once as paladin like you were typing, man that would be great.

Because our priests are terrible at dispelling MC targets, which could’ve been me for 8s straight, or the doom mechanic. You are saying all that without context. If you even had a duty outside of “just tank adds” you could look further than that. Like get off your high horse, tank parses don’t matter and comparing them to a paladin DPS with responsibilities is utterly pointless.

you lack brain to understand pally dps so we just ignore this.

oh please with adds on certain fights allows this for a good use totemic projection, there’s enough of those fights in MC and on trash. Unless some mobs are straightup immune to fire damage on trash, but haven’t seen that happen yet.

without t1 6pc twisting is so much more difficult, and with it you gotta cheese your FR for h3 to even wear 6pc. No skill? :clown_face:
Enhance DPS doesn’t have the same effort to play and does very similar DPS if not more for less effort. Seriously?

m8 the numbers speak for themselves.
you decided to call me unskilled and forced me down to your level.
i have attempted with arguments, reason and logic in the past, but you forced me to pull up your parses and say “there you go, read it and weep it”.

you are failing the one thing you are (apparently) supposed to do which is stick to the boss and auto attack.

300 dps on garr bro.
you can’t even position yourself in a way so as to avoid knockbacks.
i am getting a picture in my head of your fat dwarf character just spending 90% of the fight RP walking towards the battle.

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nobody forced you to do anything, you decided that on your own, cut that :poop: out. based on the whining about needing buffs or seeing alliance getting only WF + Horn you seem to be a pretty bad player needing crutches.

more like horde propaganda lol.

35dps on Gehennas. just hit boss mate.

my imagination of that orc just afkin in the corner is becoming more and more of a reality.

true. you got me.
way of earth dropped, i got parsed as enhancement dps and i got clapped.

see, its not that hard to admit when you are wrong or make a mistake.

well allow me to dispel such imaginations and notions.
what happened is i jumped the boss, took far more damage than i could handle, and died about 5 seconds into the fight.

EDIT: oh wait, you’re talkin about Gehennas, not Shazzrah.

okay, so here’s how that fight works for tanks (if you are tanking adds).
pop stoneshield potion.
log off for 2 minutes.
log in.
pop FAP.
do aggro for 30 seconds.
sit in stunlock or go afk and wait for the boss to die.

That one is often a tank issue.

Also tank issue; if tanks don’t separate Gehennas fom his adds, you do sod all damage.

you don’t do damage that fight as a tank, period.
unless you tank the boss.

you get a 30 second window to get aggro on the adds, and after that its eternal stunlock.

Not what I meant. Whilst the adds are near Gehennas, he has a massive damage-reduction aura.

If the tanks keep Gehennas and the adds together, you autoswing Gehennas for like… 400 crit. It hard sucks all of your DPS.

I got a 19 parse there on our first attempt because of that.

you pop fap and survive till 1:14 where you die to a RoF, which was all healable damage at that time unless people played RoF really badly forcing your heals to move anyways tank and healer issue. (i hate healers asmuch as the next tank)
takes 6s to get you backup which is a scary thought considering those adds just running around + ruining the raid with stuns and damage.

eternal jail time more likely

never noticed that but then again i tell the two braincells on our 2 tanks to tank them apart due to the AoE stun to begin with.

as clarified in my previous post i mistook your criticism of my gehennas parse as that of my infamous shazzrah parse and course corrected.

to elaborate:
i don’t die from rain of fire, i got max FR, what do you take me for.
also; healers got my back.
all i have to do is sit there with my stoneshield pot and pray the players who get to play the game during this fight can kill the boss before it expires while (if i get to move at all) pop the occasional flame shock or fire nova to keep aggro on adds.

Well I assumed you did wear max FR as you are a tank, but the wclogs have it differently.
https:/ /

they mostly had your back in fairness, bad RoF on them is just screwing with their casts to heal you.

So this is what purgatory feels like as tank.

:poop: happens to all of us

I’m asking again to kindly stop cannibalizing shamans , thank you and good night.

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Wait… I was talking about PvE, but if you are trying to claim that Paladins/Rets are more op in PvP than Shammys? Then you much be out of your mind.

Ret clearly is a strong pvp spec, but Shamans ? Enh or Ele are busted to the extremes since p2.

Shamans have been the Kings of the Hill since 2p. Half the questions you asked are… pointless, as yes, Shamans have much of the “do shamans have X, Y and Z” that you asked.

One of the simplest in the group is your question if Shamans have attacks that ignore armor. I guess Elemental is not a thing in your book. Nor is Enha insta casting lava bursts, shocking and a whole bag of goodies.

Do you even play this game?
Enhancement has been gutted since the start of p4. It’s like feral druid, in the sense that it looks good on paper but a total joke in reality. Enhancement shaman is easily CCed and bursted down himself. He doesn’t have any cc himself. Has to rely on very lucky WF and maelstrom procs. I’d say a feral druid is way more consistent than an enhancement shaman.

Now elemental. Sure, on paper your spells ignor armor (not resistances though). In reality though you still have to hard cast them to do damage or fish for a 5% (FIVE!) proc to make it an instant cast. And good luck hard casting anything in the current meta. There’s a reason why destro warlocks are totally unplayable in SoD PvP for example. And did I mention that you have to have a flame shock ticking on your target to even get a CHANCE at that proc? Flame shock that is easily dispelled? Sure that’s not a problem, since they always have Riptide ticks to rely on to get the proc (still 5% per tick), right? But guess what, that’s getting nerfed next phase. No more procs off Riptide ticks. It’s gonna be flame shock only. And even after all that, elemental shaman is also very susceptible to CC and burst. They don’t have any “oh crap!” buttons. They don’t have hoj or repentance to give them a breating room and get some hard casts off. If a rogue jumps them - they are done, unless a rogue is super bad. Paladins on the other hand have a good fighting chance there, unless a rogue is super good.

So as you can see, a shaman requires alot of setup to do his damage and even then rely on procs upon procs. All the setup a paladin needs is to get into melee range, which have never been easier between their bubble, horsie, bof, repentance, cleanse spam and such.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand where does the whole ‘nerf shamans’ sentiment comes from. You got nuked by a lava burst + chain lightning combo somewhere in AV and now you think that shamans are OP. I get that. But in reality a paladin is way way way more consistent than a shaman, when it comes to destroying people.