okay, and from what i see based on these numbers, you don’t have any priorities.
this was me criticizing your best parse bro, are you ready for what i have to say about your worst, which is a wallopping 22 on Lucifron (an actual target dummy) ??
EDIT: actually i did lie here, your worst parse is your 15 garr parse. o lord have mercy.
well, get ready, because i’m not going to hold back.
okay, so once again, lying through your crooked teeth there.
flame shock and earth shock are my primary damage sources, followed by auto attacks, followed by lightning shield and fire nova (which i shouldn’t be using on this boss, and its a wonder you didn’t reach for this low hanging fruit).
however, that is pretty irrelevant according to what you said here:
okay, so now that is out of the way, lets get into this tearjerker of a Lucifron parse you managed to get yourself (i’d be very angry with the guy who logged this, because YIKES).
okay so, your primary source of damage, once again, is auto attacks sitting at a whopping 48% which means you basically just auto attacked the boss.
2nd highest source is seal of martyrdom at 11% which is essentially just more auto attack damage.
followed by divine storm (on a single target boss as a dps role kekw) at 8%, crusader strike at 7%, followed by martyrdom judgements for 6%.
bro, i commend you for remembering to push the judgement button this time around, but to say i am impressed would be a stretch rivaled only by the feats of a professional contortionist.
git gud.