Congratulations to all paladins

balanced as all things should be

fair enough, you got me, i was thinking of LAP (Living action potion) for some reason.

LIP does absolutely not counter divine shield though, i dunno what you’re smoking but you gotta stop.

paladin can still break through LIP with their spell damage and you know that, so its just downright bad advice in any case.

at this point you shouldn’t be giving people advice at all.
god forbid someone decides to go against their better judgement and listen to what you say.

i’ll respond to all your other crap later.
cba wasting all my time on you every time you’re wrong about something because i’d be here all day.

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its about to reduce the damage so you can actually beat it but okay you do you and keep taking the L.

you stick to PvE, god forbid you to talk anything in PvP considering you dont even know your own spells and runes.
wrong information spreading in PvP and insanity propaganda from horde is all what you have been writing now and in the past.

you post more wrong :poop: then anyone else, literal books could be published about it.

So first of all.
Blizzard already stated, they will not focus or balance around PvP.
Accept your losses there for the love of god. They don’t give much F’s about it.
This was the same in the early days of WoW… it was just broken.

Second to that. The stats speak for itselfs regarding PvE
Enhance Shaman and Paladins are pretty much equal in rankings regarding DPS in Raiding. (like 20 dps difference)

Elemental Shamans are the lowest of low at the time in terms of DPS in raids. And i mean low… its even below some tank specs. We’d like some attention regarding that. We are literally brought just for totems. If i wanted to be a support only. I’d play healer.

Tank Shamans are even worse. They are good for AOE, but single threat. Pure dog water. Shaman Tank in raids again… sucks balls. They are great for dungeon pulls though.

Now can we please for the love of all that is holy, stop pointing fingers and crying like we are back in kindergarten? Especially Shamans and Paladins… almost 95% sure that most dont even know how the other class plays in SOD as its faction restricted and most dont have 2 accounts to play on.

Stop giving “feedback” (read acting like a kindergardner) on classes you dont even know and play. Even worse… WHEN YOU CANT even play it, and have no idea how that class is to play as. Next time ill bring a kindergarden teacher in here, as they might know how to actually educate 6 year olds.


Good luck with that, they would quit in 15 minutes top! Dealing with 6 year olds will feel like a holiday once said kindergarden teacher would get to know some triple-digit posters on these forums.

Looks at my post count

Quad digits, guess I’m not included.

Stun is an effect that impairs your ability to move, thus it provides immunity to it.
every point you make is like this level of stupid and its just exhausting having to address it all sometimes.

this is merely one out of many examples where you’re just atrociously wrong and clueless, and they are quite numerous at this point.

How low you gotta go to attempt lying when a tooltip says differently from your reality AND a video? Actually shameless :poop: you pulling off, people trusting your information are utterly delusional and quite frankly I don’t feel bad for them hence they would rather stay that way than know the truth.
https:/ /
Decoy is movement impairing, not stuns. Get the hell out of here clueless :clown_face:

mate, i use the damn thing all the time.
i ain’t lying.
it gives immunity to stun.

edit: wait hold up, what…? WAVÉ IS RIGHT?!
hold the f up… are you sure that shaman gave himself the totem buff and not one of his totems?
if he had the stoneskin totem targeted it means he didn’t get the buff on himself and thus he is not immune.

im gonna test this myself, because i swear i’ve used it a million times against rogues to prevent stunlocks, unless im in the twilight zone here.

edit 2:
just had a warlock charge me with his felguard twice in a row, and there was no charge stun.

Wavé wrong.

i knew i wasn’t tripping and i think that guy just trolled you with the intent of making you embarrass yourself.

edit 3: okay so apparently decoy doesn’t absorb HoJ because its magical stun, but it does absorb physical stuns which is … well… almost every other stun.

Actually you will probably find that cause Warlock charge, Warrior charge, Kidney shot are all physical based stuns they are getting eaten by the 1 physical hit immunity portion of decoy totem as intended. But as HoJ is a magical stun it probably bypasses the physical aspect of decoy totem since you don’t actually hit the target with any physical damage. Also why grounding effects HoJ etc.

Now if you HoJ during melee swing hitting? Who knows. But I’d be willing to bet that the above is what is happening.

… wot

ahh that’s a good point actually, didn’t think of that… okay so decoy gives immunity to SOME (physical) stuns, but apparently not HoJ since its magical.

no wonder he was so adamant about it.

Find a druid or a rogue to test it on, just drop decoy and get them to bash into you and see. If it eats the stun then its more than likely the case that HoJ just goes through it. Whereas everything else bash,KS,Charge stun all get eaten by it if you time it right. Which is why as annoying as decoy totem is. There is some skill cap to using it to actually immune a stun.

You probably hadn’t noticed before but will now that i’ve mentioned it, you probably get boomie/blackout/mage fire stun through decoy but its kinda easy to overlook it since it reliably works vs warrior charge/intercept and rogue KS etc

(Granted you cant just drop totem and then be stun immune its not FaP but the first hit immunity definitely applies to stuns if you time it right)

I believe it unfortunately eats physical stuns, which is why magical stuns will still happen no matter what, so Priest/Boomie/Mage/Paladins (rng) stuns are unaffected.
So against if you predict a rogue’s Kidney/BTE/CS and ferals pounce (both physical ends, that might be huge. Warriors literally telegraph ahead of time so no point there.
The key thing being, it has to be a physical stun that needs to be first before any autoattack happened, otherwise you just soaked something really bad.

Yup the main thing to take away from it is the first hit to physical immunity is what’s actually working vs stuns, the movement impairing effects is basically just covering roots snares or anything slowing your character down

hmmm i’ll have a rogue cheap shot into kidney me (while the buff is active) to see if that’s the case, otherwise it just flat out covers all physical stuns for the whole 10 second duration, which i think is the case, but i’ll test it just to confirm/refute.

EDIT: okay so i just had a rogue cheap into kidney while totem was up, cheap shot immune’d and kidney landed, so its the totem taking the stun, not the buff… damn, gotta admit i thought it was the buff that did it.

so it works like grounding just for physical effects. fun (almost as much fun as doing lock rifts/scars)

well its fun for me yeah.

Can we have more we are still not strong enoug to compete against other classes.

Like a free Legendary would be cool here, cause why not !

you might be joking but… you are LITERALLY getting that… (

the only question is whether its tied to a dungeon based on the tooltip.

Oh dear lord. I knew that blizzard LOVES paladins, but that’s just way over the top. At this point they might as well delete all other classes lol.