Consider Phlebas: Casual heroic raiding guild (8/8hc) recruiting to start mythic


Consider Phlebas is a mature raiding guild, founded on Quel’Thalas back in TBC. It has gone through some changes over the years, but its core values and members are still here. Since others come and go, we are always looking for members to join our ranks.

We are an heroic raiding guild, trying to get Curve before the next raid comes out. Our raiding days are Wednesday and Sunday roughly from 20:00 to 23:00 server time (sometimes start a bit later, but don’t really go any longer). We don’t have any raiding attendance requirement, all we ask of our members is to know their class, stay somewhat decently geared if they cant make raids regularly, and be mature enough to take some criticism at times. But most importantly enjoy the game.

Outside of the raiding days we do some mythic+, and a couple arenas here and there (Well me and one other member does), but nothing to crazy or demanding.

If that sounds exactly what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to add me on to have a chat (Synx#2177)

Update 20-07-2019: We still got room for some ranged dps, especially mages and locks, but are for the rest not actively looking for any more people.

Update: 17-09-2019: We cleared HC, and are looking for a couple dps to jump into mythic raiding. So if your want to dip your toe into some mythic, or even just raiding in general we still take new players as well and help you gear up through hc quickly, raiding without the mythic raiding mentality (we are still pretty laid back), add my on Bnet (Synx#2177) and we can have a little chat

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Hello my name is Jakob i used to raid HC doing legion but took a break after finishing antorus now im back and trying to get into raiding im a blood dk and prefers tanking but if theres no spot for that im willing to set up my frost spec as well im 386 and gearing quickly but i have no significant raid progress yet
My bnet is jakobmanner#2364 and my ingame name is bórómir hit me up if i sound like an addition :slight_smile:

Got some new people in, but could always use more. We are especially interested in ranged dps, and one healer.

We need a few more reliable and dependable members we all enjoy raids dungeons and some pvp. We are expanding the healer and DPS team in you have an OT spec all the better for Raids and Mythics+ and all continued progress as we aim for Curve in every Tier.

Come, join us! You will have progress, wipes and fun… Only promise is the fun part though.

Got some new people in.

To Apply or Just have a Chat /w To any member there is always someone online. Just search for Rychi Synx#2177 (guild recruitment officer),Tendoz (Guild Master)

Still looking for some more members, especially interested in ranged DPS.

you still after healers?

Could always use another. You might have to dps when the sings are a bit lower, and we dont need that many healers though. If that isnt a problem, add me and we can have a chat.

Bump looking for a few more continued progress

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Hello yes I would like that sounds good add me and whisper me

Sorry for writing when I am far from raiding ready, just wondering if there is any room for a beginner priest in the future, hopefully as a healer. Thank you


Sure, we are happy taking on new players who want to start raiding. We are already sorted for healers for raids though, so if its alright with you, it would help a lot if you would mind dps for those.

If your still interested just add me for a chat. Synx#2177

We are 7/8 Normal and also now going to start HC.
we are happy taking on new players who want to start raiding.
we are also happy giving people a chance.
If your Interested just add our recruitment officer for a chat. Synx#2177

Any interest in a warrior and/or hunter?

An hunter would be fine yeah. We are sort of full on melee dps at the moment.

Bumping as recruitment and Progress is going well. We are Now 8/8 Normal and 3/8 Heroic so if you would like to Join us. We are happy to hear from you.

If your Interested just add our recruitment officer for a chat. Synx#2177

Update: now 6/8 hc

Still open for some dps specs. Especially interested in a warlock

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We are still open for reliable and dependable members. 18+ to join our great mix of raiders and social made up from people of all ages and from all across Europe

All of us enjoy M+,raids and some of the guild do pvp.

We are expanding the roster looking particularly for a few classes and spec’s that are under represented so Warlock and Death knight (if you have an OT spec all the better) A resto druid would be great. But we will consider anyone who thinks they would be a good fit for our guild.

Of course we aim for continued progress and Curve in every Tier. But we aim to maintain a stress and drama free environment.

Come, join us! You will have progress, wipes and fun… Only promise is the fun part though.

To Apply or Just have a Chat /w To any member there is always someone online. Just search for Rychi Synx#2177 (guild recruitment officer),Tendoz (Guild Master)

Hey I saw you are looking for a Restoration Druid, I’ve been looking for a guild to raid and progress through 8.2 with and I’m actually switching to main my Druid for 8.2 also.

I’m currently 423 ilvl with 7/8 HC and 8/8 NM just from pugging.

I’ve added Rychi Synx however if you’d like to add me also feel free to come have a chat.

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Just an update we are now HC 7/8 TEP.

Still open to new members come join us and lets “Sink” Azshara put her in her in her rightful “Plaice”.