Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

No consideration, more like.
An elitist decision based on nothing more than pure greed by the whiners.
None of those quests are mandatory! It’s pure nonsense!

You’re wrong, people do not like it. People have been complaining about how much of a chore WQs are for a long time now.

You are right about the fact people do not like borrowed power and AP farms too, though.

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You do not speak for all and you have no facts at all.

No they did not they did not like AP or burrowed power grinds totally different.

Because they felt like they HAD to do them.
When will you get that through your head?!

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How do you mean, people felt like they had to do them? You only had to do a couple a week in SL for the renown, lol.

Talking about when they gave AP and such.

That hasn’t been the case for 2+ years now, and people still really disliked them in Shadowlands, so no.

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Its not elitist. Its Blizz actually actually sticking to their word. I for one am super impressed.


Bad change, Was loving having one world quest day then the rest of the time doing professions and alts and chilling out.


Btw for an old raid farmer you have a pathetic amount of mounts/toys/pets/mogs collected so call BS on that. You are nothing more than a trouble maker tbh . You are just another high level key pusher and arena player not wanting others to have there type of fun.

I still don’t see how daily WQ would give anyone damn pressure to complete all them in time in a single day.

In my main game there are like 50 daily bounties (basically quests) and I do almost none of them in an entire month. There is literally no damn pressure at all in this game, unless you reaaaaaaaaaaally care for your artifact power level (a system that is similar to WoW Legion Artifacts but solely XP based).

In fact, I haven’t done any Destiny 2 daily bounties in an entire year, because they are literally irrelevant for the grind. They are basically “occupational therapy”.

Maybe WoW should have something like that too. Why can’t we have Major World Quests and Minor World Quests?

Major World Quests contain the current usual gear/rep/crafting stuff.

Minor World Quests contain low rep gains and gold only.

So people have at least something to do when out of stuff to do.

I actually moved to Europe last year, you can check my achievements if you want; this is a very new account; so I’m actually spending a lot of time farming transmogs I like from old raids. You can easily confirm this to be true. :slight_smile:

Nothing to do with dailies that was all about torghast and legendries please talk facts.

People can dislike both, my Worgen friend.

And i for one am done with blizzard and wow.
Ive asked for my sub to be refunded. Even if i dont get it im done with the game.
If they return daily world content i might consider returning but frankly theyve burnt me too many times now.

I dont have faith in them to keep the game fun and engaging. They couldnt even pull off 1 week of it.

Woah that seems like you are the trouble maker to be honest. Do you really think if there wasnt a huge amount of people that complained they would have reverted this changed. This is just blizz being held accountable to what they said they would do.

For those who are upset. Maybe try playing an alt. Then there are as many daily quests as you want right? and for the rest, we feel like we can leave a character for a day or two

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Never will be your friend i can not abide liar’s like you.

Was i even speaking to you ? i do not think so :slight_smile:

Some people*
Plenty of people like them.
Blizzard has metrics so they know a lot more than we do.
The amount of players posting on forums and social media and such is tiny compared to the amount playing. And it’s also skewed to more fanatic and driven players usually, so the opinion of the vocal part of that group is always going to be skewed.

That’s just logic.

Anyway… I hate that they reversed this.
I am going to be bored for 4 or 5 days out of the week.
I’m not paying to play an MMORPG for only 2 days per week.

That ‘solution’ they’re talking about better be good and come fast.
This clown show of a reversal is a complete blight on this whole expansion.

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But this was what they said all along! this is what they have wanted to move away from. Do you not think it might be worth going along for the ride and trying to do other content?