Constant disconnections

Yeah pretty much this. Just download ProtonVPN or some other free software because you won’t be able to play properly without one. And thanks to Blizzard’s non-existent communication we can only guess when this is actually going to get fixed.

Ever since the new patch I get a lot of disconnections, can’t even play battlegrounds, raids, and occasionally lag while doing content.

vpn makes no difference. Still can’t stay connected for more than a second. and 4000+ lag.

Decided to give this game a try but have the same issue, sometimes can play for 10 mins without DCs and sometimes get 3 DCs in a few minutes.
Tried WinMTR as article suggests and noticed lost packets somewhere between * (this 2-4% lost packets appeared right during disconnect, before that it was 0%)
Report is here : pastebin (com) / 23KykLG5

Hope it helps, because it’s really annoying

Disheartening that we still don’t have an official Blizzard response.
I’ve been experiencing these disconnecting errors for a few weeks now. I’m from Finland and have Telia as my main ISP. After reading through this thread, I tried USB tethering another ISP (DNA) through my phone, and it seemed to fix the issue. So changing ISP from Telia to DNA worked for me, personally. I’ll update my comment if it turns out the problem persists even with (USB tethering to) DNA, but so far everything works “fine” this way. It’s not ideal of course, USB tethering to another ISP shouldn’t be necessary to play the game, and I hope we get a proper response from Blizzard soon.

I see a few posts saying that it is an Eastern European problem; I live in the Middle East - in Bahrain, and have been facing the same issue. Disconnecting every minute or 2. Can’t really do anything, can barely login.

Just as i said before
they didnt put a single effort to review this problem because short-term solution always better for them untill it spreads massively
Now we see this is all gets even worse with authentification servers too
Lets wait how long it`ll take to fix login issues this time…

Also from the middle east, the game has become totally unplayable for me in the past few days. Blizzard at its “we don’t care” best. guess I’m not renewing my sub.
not that it matters, but I have been subbed since day 1 of vanilla.

This is still a problem. nearly a month now. Please can we get a response from blizzard?

They’ve done the math, the amount they would lose from every affected player unsubbing would be less than the cost of fixing the issue. So they don’t have any incentive to fix it because it would make their corporate overlords and shareholding capitalistic leeches upset.

I’m from Finland too, and unlike most of you, my ISP is DNA. Nevertheless I suffered from the same issues (constant disconnections at first, after that “soft” disconnections where I didn’t get booted out of the world but could no longer interact with things normally) until at some point I couldn’t log in at all anymore. I did get into the character selection screen but it was black and most of the buttons were nonfunctional.

I waited for a few days for the situation to resolve itself but when it didn’t I tried the normal things first which didn’t do much, but one of the following things seemed to do the trick (unfortunately I don’t know which one since I didn’t try logging in until I had done all the steps):

  1. I downloaded WOTLK Classic and logged in there, which worked for some reason
  2. I rebooted my router
  3. I had an old US started account lying around so I selected that in the launcher instead of my normal account and pressed play. In the actual login screen though I changed the account to my normal EU account. After logging in my character selection screen loaded normally and I could play again.

Since then I have been logging into my normal account from launcher and everything has been working properly. I don’t think I’ve disconnected once since. The only thing I’m still noticing is that my characters still load more slowly than usual and I can see the download bar at the top of the screen while it’s happening which I don’t think I’ve seen before the disconnection issues started.

I figured I’d share just in case it wasn’t the router rebooting that did the trick, although I suspect that it was since it’s one of the things that the disconnection troubleshooting guide recommends doing. I was also 100% convinced that this was a problem on Blizzard’s end (and maybe it is) but I doubt they happened to change things exactly at the same time as I tried the above steps.

Edit: Yeah I have no idea what’s going on anymore. For some reason everything worked flawlessly for about a week but after that the disconnection issues returned and nothing has seemed to help. I figured out though that if wow updates when my account is in a disconnected state that seems to be what causes the character selection screen loading issue and that can be fixed by router rebooting. Now if only the root cause would be fixed, dealing with these issues is extremely annoying.

After being in contact with customer support the issue was resolved. The method was not what I was hoping for though.

Long story short: after providing them with logs and whatnot their response was that it was something with their anti ddos measures. The person that was working on my ticket told me to try with a vpn and he did recommend one that I can try for free. Well it worked, and I have been playing with nord VPN active since. It just sucks that they basically told me to get another subscription on top of theirs to keep on playing.

Proton VPN is a free option if you don’t wish to pay for a VPN. It might be a bit more unstable but I’ve been using it for almost a month since Blizzard can’t seem to be able to fix this.

This is really bad, feels like i’m disconnecting every 5 mins and it takes forever to reconnect. At this point the game is literally unplayable for me :frowning:

It’s still “Connecting…” for the last 5 minutes…

I was playing fine, but then I just got disconnect and now can’t log in to any Blizz games. Getting Oops Something went wrong. Though my internet is fine.

I was also getting the disconnections. Something is poorly running on Blizzard’s end.

My poor paladin, keep re-logging as a ghost for the 3rd time :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:
Going to leave the game to be, for now, I hope they fix it soon.

Nice servers from this multi-billion company. Disconnect every 5 min for no reason.

same thing is happening for me while playing Classic… can’t stay ingame for for then 20 secs. And it takes 10 mins for Bnet to connect… PLEASE FIX!!