Constant disconnections

getting disconnected from and wow retail each 3 minutes and takes ages to log back in again.

after logging it, you get disconnected few minutes later.

Same thing, keep disconnecting from WoW and Bnet, no network issues with other software.

Was In Aberus raid, dc happened on 2nd boss (like 4-5 people had it) after I logged back I got dc again after 30 sec, then again on 3rd boss after like 2 minutes, that never happened before.

Was able to connect, but everything is very laggy.

Canā€™t stay connected with BattleNet, canā€™t even load the news from the client. When I try to log into wow I have to input my password and authentificator code again (which isnā€™t a problem!) but after that I can stay in the game for a minute or two before I get booted. ,

yeah, getting disconnected constantly

Anyone know yet the source of the issue? Loosing my patience with this :sweat_smile:

Regarding the latest bunch of posts - weā€™re looking into those reported disconnects currently, but have no additional info to share at this time.

As for the older posts unrelated to whatā€™s popped up in the last hour, given that VPNs have, in general, gotten things behaving, that suggests a routing or caching issue en route to our servers, and is best reported to your Internet Service Provider so that it can be looked into further.

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Dude, thereā€™s a MASSIVE DISCONNECT ISSUE GOING ON RIGHT NOW, every freaking 5 min! Itā€™s got nothing to do with ISP, I can turn on 10 other online only games and they work perfectly fine, only WoW is crapping itself.


This does not look like ISP problem at all. Other sites/services are working fine. Only blizzard games are not.

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This is why I was addressing two different sets of reports in my post - if you look at this thread, it was created over a month ago, just recently hijacked.

The current issues are being investigated as I mentioned, and we appreciate your patience as that investigation is ongoing.

Appreciated. Iā€™m missing out on a raid 'cause of this so if I can help to sort out the issue Iā€™d be glad to lend my assistance. Should I do a traceroute, per chance?

Maybe fix your game, since its a pay to play gameā€¦ and fix it fastā€¦ nothing else there its been a month now with problems so fix it! you are getting payed to do a job so do itā€¦

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DCs are back on retail nowā€¦

yep, theyā€™re back, whenever I pull a mob on Forbidden reach now i got dc,
died 3 times from this issue

Same with me, Iā€™m disconnected every 10s from the game !

Hello Galcavon, is there any update regarding the issue which started after April 17th DDoS attack?
absolutely nothing has changed my end. I have checked with my ISP, which i read aswell multiple other people have done it too.
It seems there is additional safety net put on Blizzard servers which is acting up and stopping players from enjoying the game, without having to pay extra for VPN.
Please can you advise.

Same here, random disconnects all day long. Started happening 30/05 - 31/05 for me, seemed a bit better yesterday, but is back in full force this morning. :frowning:

Started happening to me again today, about and hour ago. This happened to me while back, it was so bad I had to cancel my game time because I couldnā€™t play the game. Blizz blamed my ISP. It stopped for a while and now itā€™s back worse than ever. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. Unless we all share the same ISP, I highly doubt that is the issue.

Weā€™re not currently tracking any issues that would have been related to temporary changes made related to the previous DDoS attacks at this point, that has been long reverted to normal on our side.

We have seen a number of Finnish players having connection issues, which have been down to data loss through ISP networks, which would have needed to be referred to their ISPs. Similarly, some Swiss players using 5G Boosters specifically encountered issues, and removing that booster from their setup got everything behaving again. Both of these situations are outside of what we have direct control over, but we do help diagnose those so that people can be informed when talking to their ISP.

Outside of those situations, we would need the previously mentioned WinMTR tests to look over the connection quality along the route to our servers, which would help identify whatā€™s going on. These can be provided via a ticket if you wish.