"corrupted" replacing "titanforging"

Sounds to good to be true. Or? Would love this.

You most def feel this. Getting a 455 bis stats + socket compared to a 445 without socket is a big difference.

Why do you make this comparison? I didn’t mention sockets at all, because they’re something different (do we know what’s happening with sockets in 8.3 yet btw?).

I’m talking about AS A PLAYER getting a 420 item or 430 item, you don’t FEEL like you got 2 more rolls on that 430. No, you just feel like; oh hey I got a better ilvl proc. That is what I’m talking about here. So calling every +5 a roll, while technically correct, just seems silly to me.

And yes; of course the 430 feels BETTER than a 420, but that’s not what I was talking about.

Right now is the same RNG of titanforging, only moved. 1 roll for the bonus type and 1 roll for the corruption tier, same as 1 roll for ilvl and 1 roll for socket.
And by the way, they still have give no indication on additional stat and socket roll for this corrupted items, so potentially another 2 layer of rng.

Calling this “a little rng” is frankly ludicrous.

or, a lot of people including creators recognized that this is worse than TF and are correctly criticizing it.


404 reading skills not found

Corruption tier is STATIC. The higher ilvl of the item, the more corruption (and stronger bonus) you get on that item. No RNG here. Only type of bonus is random. ONE. ROLL. Stop spreading lies.

Yeah sure, not everyone’s a sheep following others opinions. Lots of players complained about Beguiling - I like it more than Reaping.

Either way. Sockets are the big baddie of the drop rng system. If its removed we got a better system.

The corruption system in its very essence is a bad system imo. Add onto that the RNG and it’s even worse.

I’m not saying that sockets don’t break TF, and they’d probably break Corruption too if they’re in there, but the basis of the corruption system is not fun to me in any way. Getting bad crap on your loot is NOT fun.

You can still just cleanse a corrupted item removing the negative and positive effect, so there’s no fear of getting an otherwise good item that then rolls high corruption rendering it useless. I don’t know what else you could mean with “bad crap on your loot”.


This is from wowhead:

"We recently reported that each positive affix can roll in one of three tiers, which grant increasing positive benefits, but also increase the amount of negative Corruption stat on the Item. However, the amount of negative Corruption on each tier is not static on this tier and can vary, leading to some RNG as to how much Corruption you actually get.

Here are the current values on the PTR:

  • Tier 1: 5 - 10 Corruption

  • Tier 2 : 12 - 17 Corruption

  • Tier 3: 20 - 25 Corruption

We’ll have to see how these change going forward, but they should be static according to @WatcherDev’s tweet."

Only the corruption linked to a tier will be static but there is a roll to determine which bonus tier you’ll get.

The moment they announced this “new” system I didn’t feel angry. I didn’t feel anything really, it was just “eh”. There is one thing that I really do find quite impressive.

Their creativity when it comes to screwing people over is incredible, while their creativity when creating new content is not. It should be the other way around and then we won’t have to be FORCED to grind all the time, but will actually do content because its fun, because we want to.
Playing WoW feels more and more like doing chores than actually enjoying the game.

Never thought I will say this either but I actually prefer Titanforging to Corruption.

I just hope that they don’t keep this or anything similar to this system for 9.0. It’s just a no-win system and it is even more RNG than Titanforging.

I am not holding my breath though.

Here :slight_smile:

Again, corruption values, not the bonus value.

1 roll for bonus type, 1 roll for bonus tier with static corruption for that tier. Same as before + socket & third stat as mistery.

And how do you know this to be the case? Where is it stated that the corruption tier is random? It would make sense that it’s tied to how good the bonus you’re getting is, no?

I was sure they decided that with possitive affixes too. I’ll find that.

Yes, I could do that. But that is turning looting into a negative experience for me in 2 ways:

Number 1: ‘Oh, it corrupted… sigh… will have to go and cleanse that stuff’ - not fun.

Number 2: Since there’s no more TF there will no longer be any more cool surprises. Only bad surprises. That really really sucks. -Not fun.

For me looting will go from having a nice positive bonus once in a while to having a negative bonus every time I get a proc. That’s a lose-lose situation for me.

If corruption actually provided a nice bonus reward without any stupid negative side effects then it would be an okay replacement for TF. Right now it’s not that at all though.

Being tortured for wearing an item is not fun.
Being punished for wearing an item is not fun.
Negative stuff on REWARDS is NOT FUN; it turns the reward into a punishment.

Why not instead turn cleansing into an ACTUAL WORTHWHILE mechanic instead of what it is now; an opt out button.
Why not make cleansing take a bit of work; collect some currency, do a short questline, heck even pay a fee with increasing costs. Could be all kinds of things. You then cleanse an item and have an actual nice item left; not one with negative crap on it, but one with only an actual bonus; the affix.
Of course it would take more ‘currency’ to cleanse higher tiers. That is logical.
But then at least it would become a system that doesn’t force you to be tortured for wearing an item (which of course, you still COULD do if you’re that kind of massochistic person).

here you go…

No, forging rolls for every 5 ILs. The first roll is already if it will base IL or a +5. Considering how many max TF peices I got pre-raid tiers this epxac it seems the chance for every +5 is the same. So if it’s 25% for a warforge you just go: Max TF IL - base = y. The y is then used for 0.25^y*100.

This system is actually more farm friendly. Since the only roll you will do is which bonus you will get in the end and which tier. That’s why I think they have 9-11 effects so far. To not make it too easy to stack like 9 times 10% crit/haste or something. Game: This piece will voidforge so I roll a 1-11 for the bonus and a 1-3 for the tier. The corruption is tied to the tier which in the future they will give fix valua. I’m expecting 10-15-25 myself considering I saw crit goign from 4 > 6 > 10.

your character is so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::kissing_heart:

it is like that after ion tweet.

point is that the bonus you’re getting is random not only in type, also in %. so 2 rng roll to determine if the item is good, or bad, same as the old ilvl+socket TF rolls.

That’s what I said. They planned for the amount of corruption for one tier of positive effects to be random. They went back on that.

There are still 3 levels of corruption though.

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That’s technically right, but that’s not how it feels for a player.
A player will just see the end result; for instance a 425 item that procced to 440.
If that happens that player will not think: ‘oh that item procced 430 and then it procced 435 and then it procced 440’. Or ‘Oh man I got 440, too bad it didn’t proc a 4th time!’ No. That player will just think ‘it procced to 440’.

I understand the technicality side of it, but perception is more important here. The ilvl total feels like 1 roll and thus should be treated like that when it comes to ‘it becoming your item’.