"corrupted" replacing "titanforging"

No, you don’t think it, you know it :laughing:

No, a player will think “Oh man I got 440 too bad it didn’t proc to 455”

but it is a fact, that TF works that way, even if you think you don’t feel it…
which means TF has way more RNG than Corruption

Corruption will just be “Darn the wrong passive and/or tier of power”. So 2 RNG procs. A TF (+15) is already 3 seperate rolls of 5.

though it still ptr, so there might be some changes

except probability of getting right corruption is much lower than getting high tf. lol

Only the greedy ones.

Technically. Sure.
If you want to ignore ‘perception’ then that’s fine with me. I don’t.

Even if you take that silly technicality into account corruption is STILL WORSE and an awful, awful system at its very core.

and you are ignoring rng rolls…
if you are discussing about rng, you have to consider every single rng roll…
perception has no place there…
fact: TF has more RNG

Because I don’t ‘see’ them. I ‘see’ 1. The resulting ilvl. That’s it. And that’s good enough for me.

Like I said… Even if you take that technicality into account corruption is STILL WORSE and an awful, awful system at its very core.

And that’s not even because of the RNG elements for me personally. I understand many people hate RNG, but I don’t mind it that much.

Does it have to be ilvl upgrade to be positive? I mean you get positive effects aswell.

Maybe it won’t be that bad. If the same bonuses do not stack, then you have to only get one of each. With average luck progress of your back will be fast enough to counteract corruption from items. These bonuses can be treated like Titanforge: tier 1 haste affix is like +5 ilvl, while tier 3 crit dmg affix is like +30 - so, you always have reason to do content. Isn’t that what titanforge was made for?

No doesn’t have to be ilvl.
You do get a positive effect, but it’s ruined by pairing that positive with a negative.
There’s no need for that.

That would not make it better, The targetting will still be RNG (again; not a huge issue for me personally, but it is for some players for sure).

The bonuses come with a negative effect.
That for me ruins is right out of the gate. I don’t want to my character to be gimped/slowed/damaged because I’m wearing what is supposed to be a REWARD. It’s just the stupidest notion ever imo.

But those negative effects aren’t like YOU ARE SLOWED BY 9999% AND YOU HAVE 50% FOR YOUR ARROWS TO SLIP OUT OF YOUR HAND. If you stack too much corrupted items then yes, it’ll become annoying, but that’s the point of progressing your legendary back.

They’re negative. That’s enough.
Even a 5% slow is too much.
I don’t want a negative vibe from my rewards. That goes against the whole notion of a ‘reward’.

With adequate cloak progression you’ll sit at the lower two affixes, if even them (it depends if the cloak removes it as % or flat). This amounts to a 10-20% slow applied once a minute (which can be dispelled) and a void zone that deals approximately 10% (or less) if your hp a second if you’re rocking around 400ish ilevel, which has a relatively small radius you need to move out of.

These are easily dealt with. Some classes like priests can simply dispel the slow on themselves. I get it if you’re opposed to it “on principle”, but that seems a bit of an odd stance to take if you’re suggesting that as a reward, it should help rather than hinder. Because if we assess it, the benefits clearly outweigh the penalties.

I mean if the cloak does flat removal, then you can deal with zero affixes. The cloak is achievable by solo play. It’s a legendary cloak with three secondaries on it (so pretty much gonna be a cert bis for many classes if you level it up) so like, you’ll be wearing it anyway.

This remains to be seen as of yet.

This is my stance. I don’t want any negatives on gear.

By the looks of the quest chain described in the comments here (SPOILER):-

It will be something everyone can get solo.

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My thing is, their reason to removing stats reforging after MoP was that its “complicated” but then they come back after 5 year to add this crap.

It’s silly…


Totally off topic but your top hat is fabulous!!!

Carry on…


Thank you <3

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And I don’t mind negatives on my gear if said gear comes with other benefits. Neither one of us is right. I can only speculate that blizzard have done this for a reason, rather than assuming “oh it’s just random to piss people off”. It’s no secret that TFing is unpopular amongst many players.

When luck is the sole basis for inarguable benefits and best gear (as you’ve pointed out, it’s not a sheer inarguable reward if it has a drawback, it’s up for debate whether it is or isn’t) that can become an issue for players who enjoy pushing character progression to the max. When the benefit is arguable, the dissatisfaction with the luck involved may well lessen as people feel they aren’t “missing out on as much”. It depends how they view the rewards.