Ah yes… More RNG on top of the RNG with this corruption. Thanks i hate it, i rather get back TF and WF again.
I think thats what the plan is. Create something that is even more hated than titanforged and have people begging for WF/TF back and poof complaints about removing WF/TF are gone.
Having read into it and seen some footage, the corruption effects are completely (and I mean completely) unworkable and unusable inside of raid and M+.
You dont just get 1 of them, you get them stacking. Slow / Daze first, then the void zone and the creature chasing you and finally the damage taken increase and healing received reduction.
If your corruption is too high you have all 4, no picking and choosing.
The void zone… holy mud flaps, have you seen the size of it ? it is an easy 15 if not 20 yard in diameter ticking for 100k a time and it can crit too!
I do think that the corruption level can be reduced and will likely tie in with grinding AP (Like in legion on our weapons that last slot was endless…).
Also, in response to someone above… Weapons, trinkets, rings… EVERYTHING can have corruption on it.
my guild officer said, as a joke when it was announced, that loot would be able to downgrade in strenght.
he was right too
only rng
So what is this replacement of TF doing then?
The griefing potential is real.
This is better than aspect of the pack!
Lfr here we come!
making wow great again
even the most basic debuff could be deadly like hell in raids/mythic + .
having 3-4 on you ? that makes you unable to perform or to stay alive
Just read about it a bit, gonna be cool in mythic plus. Guess they need to get rid of grevious then, nobody would care about missing that tbh.
You can tell that yourself too tho. You are just crying over not even finalized content, while ignoring everyone who thinks otherwise. If you start a thread expect different opinions lol. Grow up, not everyone thinks like you, and you are not right every time even if you belive so.
They won’t listen to complaints about the system now.
When it hits ptr make groups and test it out - then give ingame feedback. If enough bothered to it might just help. At the very least you can see what it’s like.
If people don’t bother to do this then it will go live. It’s too early to say what this system will be like without testing first.
its late stage of PTR - they wont completly rework 10 other systems direckly tied to it.
notice its not only corrupted gear per se but also essences tied to it and grind of currencies tied to it.
yes they can tweak numbers but systems are set in stone
what we have now is same thing as with azerite armour - people complained for months and they didnt change a thing in it.
It’s on the PTR like 2 days? Complaining for “months” right?
Also what essence / currency are tied to it?
I haven’t looked too much into Corruption.
But I like the theme of it.
I think Blizzard should do more of that.
I remember when the Throne of Thunder came out and Thunderforged was introduced. It was cool as hell. It was something new. The name was fitting. And it was a cool new way to approach gear (“Omg I might actually get a better version of this item I already have!”).
But then Blizzard sort of stuck with it. They got complacent…
Warforged. Titanforged. All the same. No difference.
They should have made it different.
Warforged should have been something unique that was fitting for Warlords of Draenor. Something thematic of the Iron Horde.
And Titanforged should have been something unique that was fitting for Legion. Something that felt related to the Titans.
I like Corruption in the sense that it plays into the theme of patch 8.3. Old Gods.
And if it’s a temporary stat that’s only related to the items in patch 8.3, because it’s tied to the Old Gods theme, then that’s perfect. Spices up the game for a while, makes itemization fresh and interesting.
I for one welcome experimentation with itemization and loot. I don’t want WoW to go unchanged in this area for too long, it gets boring.
The last many years of Thunderforging / Warforging / Titanforging have been boring, because they’ve been the same over and over.
Corruption is new. I like new.
Hopefully Corruption won’t be forever and it’ll get replaced with something else. Something new again. New is awesome. The same old again and again is not.
I like it.
How can you only read half a sentence and then decide to quote and respond to only that half of a sentence?? Makes no sense…
There will be an essence that interacts with the corruption and most likely a sort of a currency that will allow you to reduce the corruption you have or increase the corruption you can handle. This IS going live, you can be sure of it. It will prolly get some tweaks but it is going live.
They did give proper reasons. You just don’t understand them. Please stop calling others trolls if they disagree with you.
I just wished I could turn forging off completely for my loot. Asking for it since legion…
You can remove corruption and turn it into a normal item if you wish. That’s quite a nice feature imo
Then I am fully supporting this! Finally no forging items for me.
Well it seems it’s not a replacement
EU topic for feedback
Yes, and I will most likely just do that to all items and opt out of the system that way. The problem is I also like to play healers and almost all the negative effects punish the healers more than the dps. They should have made the negative effects actually punish the dps, randomly spawn an area under your feet and if you stand in it your damage gets reduced 25%. Not make them take more damage and get less healing and spawn extra enemies and all that. Dps won’t care about that, they only look at their damage meters and the tank and healer will have to deal with it.
No, in fact why even have negative effects at all? This is some really backwards game design they are using here with this system. And it all seems to be made to funnel us into the new grinds. It’s no coincidence that only the new cloak and the new essences have corruption resistance and that you need to do the new dailies, events, reputations etc. to get them. No longer will anyone just pass on a new grind because they don’t like it. You will now actively get punished if you don’t go and play the content blizzard wants you to play.
If they just wanted us to be excited about loot, just add some new powerful items with unique effects and a very low drop chance. Make them rare like the mounts you can get from some dungeons. That gets people excited. I won’t be excited if I loot an item that will kill me if it’s equipped.