So if I reach max corruption level will I be given title like:
Herald of Putin or smth?
“the mortal enemy of any healer in WoW”
I agree that this is bad. However, not all negatives are dmg related, though I agree that a pure damage reduction would make a lot more sense for DPS specifically.
Please don’t forget that there are ways to reduce corruption. One source seemingly being the new legendary cloak, and another possibly the new azerite essences. This means you can use the corrupted items without being corrupted.
wait this is confusing.
“Items from older content will retain an effective “ceiling” of item level 455, as they do today.”
new normal raids are 430 or 445 ?
because if they are 430 it means it will be more beneficial for people to farm hc azhara raid for TF gear then new normal if gear cannot tf and untill you will farm up enough currency to reduce corruption …
or new raid is normal 445 , hc 460 and mythic 475 ?
at least 1 thing is now clear - new invasions are mandatory content because cloak reduces corruption - gg blizz
the part about items being unusable is a lie though - if someone will get corrupted piece will good / bis corrupted bonuses he will never cleanse it - rather will keep it in bags for weeks.
The area of the corrupted zone is nuts for higher corruptions. Why they think this is going to be ok in any type of content is beyond me. I dont know if these effect others or not but even so getting one of these in waycrest manor for instance is going to be horrid
i just realised 1 more thing - mythic + is now dead besides weekly 10 - no point doing it if it doesnt provide tf gear .
unless corruption works like tf and you theroetically can roll max level bonus from lowest level of gear.
Look at all you people preemptively whining before even having tried it or read about it (properly).
hahahaha good one
Just gonna let this shi… show pass over and wait for shadow lands lol. Doesn’t sound fun in the slightest.
Sick to death of the same 10 dungeons, blizz couldn’t be arsed adding any new ones in this expansion. Sick of the aweful transmogs, again which blizz couldn’t be bothered to put effort in.
£10 a month and we get this garbage, and a bee mount lol.
Arent all hunters/blood dks/vengeance dhs that already?
That’s the funniest thing because they basically made people that liked tf/wf unhappy while still nor making the people that didn’t like it happy, honestly it has to be done on purpose cmon, they’re almost a meme a this point.
This is terrible and i warned them since legion to stop adding more Rng , ppl don’t like it and yet they still pushing it .
Wow is transforming to diablo with this ,hoping to roll good stats on items .
Very terrible concept for a mmorpg , in ARPG has it’s roll but in wow this is just braindead farming , more burnout for casual players .
I am actually pretty happy. I can purge now every item. No rng for me
It should work like this, you can corrupt big bonuses on crappy items, i haven’t seen anything that says otherwise.
So it’s like TF but way way way worse since the combinations between bonus % and corruption value are A LOT and can happen on ANY ITEM.
Even much more farming will be required: again i haven’t seen any post or text that say a specific bonus can happen only on a specific item, or be unique applied, so i’m expecting people to run +10 endlessly in the hope to get 2-3 items with the desired bonus type, of the desired bonus value and with an acceptable corruption level.
Compared to this, TF is beautiful.
I think that’s their objective, “hey you thought you didn’t like tf? well we made this which is way worse. what? you want it back? you won’t complain about it anymore tho right? you know what’ll happen if you do.”
Quote me on this, tf will be back and we’ll miss it, and this makes me very sad because i very much don’t like tf.
I made a similar post saying the cynical part of me thinks they introduced a system so bad that people will welcome TF back with open arms.
I’m scared for next expansion, you THOUGHT bfa was grindy, dull and overall not great? well you haven’t seen sh*t, we’re the elon musk of bad ideas!
I wanted something like that.
im fully expecting now people being extremly cynical and waiting many months before coming back for 9.0 .
game is going in very bad direction and its better to abandon ship now then whine later .
FF 14 will welcome all wow refuges with open arms - just like they did back in WoD.
Well, this just isn’t true…