"corrupted" replacing "titanforging"

He said the assaults would most likely change the nature of TF, he didn’t say it would be removed. Many people misinterpreted it though.

If only that was a good game, but I tried it and HATED it. What a horrible mess of a game that is. No thanks.

That’s the worst part of all of this; they KNOW they’re the best mmorpg out there and so they just figure they can get away with stuff like this over and over again. Because there’s no good alternatives. No other mmorpg comes close.

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So now… they basically took the benthic gear path, items still a lottery machines, hoping for the best corruption effects…

They can even proc sockets too?

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I guess people have their brains in sleep mode.

…? They supposed to be discouraging to wear too many of them at start. With corruption reduction and cleansing items no one will even feel these downsides…

Kinda ironic when you say it :joy:

OP literally says that even more RNG is the problem, not dOwNsIdEs aT 200


good news for you, no RNG in Corruption Value

I do not know - the system has quite a bit of RNG in it and doesn’t make it any kind of improvement over old system they try to replace.

Kinda weird forums’ biggest attention seeker is point me this out :wink: I made thread about corrupted items and you felt you have to make another one just for your opinion to be on top ^^ Now, I replied to Dejarous and you just had to twist my post so you’re again in center of attention :slight_smile:

Anyway, I was talking about all those people crying about extreme cases of wearing 10 corrupted items and how they are punished for it. Duh, it is done on purpose. Without increasing downsides people would just spam +2 dungeons for lucky procs on their items since corrupted items can be worth much more than mythic raid item (7% crit damage FROM ONE ITEM for my retri? I’m already wet ).

I repeat myself - the one and the only problem of this system will be power spike: now we have procs from +5 to +30 and more ilvls, and those high titanforges are pretty rare. With new system, some of procs are worth over 50 ilvls.
Casual player with 450 ilvl from world quests and few corrupted (with proper procs) items will be more powerful than someone mythic geared without them. Of course, that is extreme case too, since I’m comparing lucky casual player to unlucky mythic raider.
Maybe someone will make addon to add ilvls to your gear basing on corrupted affixes ;p GearScore 2.0 inc :smiley:

I still think that this is way too punishing for tanks. Slow + void under me as a blood dk? Doesn’t sound like much fun. And let’s be fair, there’s no way that the optimal combination and number of corrupted items will only breach the first threshold.

I can only imagine that it will be a nightmare for the healers as well.

I get that they want to give us a chance to overcome these issues via skilled play, but there’s really only so much one can do when they’re naturally slow, have a snare on them and have a void zone spawn at the worst possible moment.

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With the increased need for movement i can only imagine resto druids become even more mandatory for m+ with this system :smirk:


Remove gear ilvl and make eveything about skill.

Problem solved.

No. Only for those who LIKE that.
I don’t. I mean; I have skill, but I’m not playing this game to be on the edge of my seat, tryharding from the moment I log on until the moment I log off. No, I’m here to have fun in a relaxed manner.

Skill has a place, sure, but only in the top tier content of this game. That’s where the people who like that sort of thing can shine. And the masses definitely don’t need to be subjected to ‘that way of playing’ across the board.

Anyway… Corruption still blows monkey chunks and should be utterly changed (negative downsides only work in top tier content for instance; voila; there’s your skill play) or preferably; removed.


Who said in a skilled game you can’t be relaxed and have fun ?

I haven’t played Mordhau in months, came back, cut a few heads while trolling, boom I’m still on the top of the scoreboard while laughing my butt off.

This whole gear grind is source of wanting more yes, but in reality it’s not what makes you enjoy the content. You enjoy it if it’s fun, and right now all those recycled crap contents are not fun. Will only get worse with that system taken from Path of Exile.

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They need to remove huge ilvl gaps and forging alltogether.

There should be 5 ilvl gaps between Normal-HC-Mythic raiding, as well as Normal-HC-Mythic Dungeons.

Dungeon ilvl needs to be 5 ilvl behind corresponding raid difficulty.

No forging, no increases ilvl from M+ chests.

In my experience that’s exactly what it means. Skill based games can be fun for me for short bursts, but not long stretched out sessions; just too tiresome tbh.

I don’t know what that is.
EDIT: Googled it: Not my thing. That’s just it… skill based stuff like that doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever. So I don’t want WoW to turn into something like that because it would ruin the game for me.

That’s not true perse. I’ve done content (in WoW) in the past that I did not enjoy, but that I wanted a certain reward of. The fun ‘happened’ when I finally got that reward; the experience of getting it atm wasn’t really fun, just ‘needed’.

But of course I prefer to play content I think is fun. We all do, I’d say. In a perfect world (of Warcraft), we’d get both fun content and fun rewards. In 8.3 it feels like the whole loot reward ‘fun part’ is being taken away. And that really, really sucks.

Heard that. Haven’t played Path of Exile myself. I’m done with isometric games; played them loads in the past and now I’m just fed up with them.

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Either that or remove lfr and normal raiding and introduce some videomode for players that simply must “experience” the new raid but cant be bothered to learn how to play.

That way we dont get that huge ilvl gap between the best and the lfr people.

I can understand your point of view but nowadays games that gets the interest of people aren’t game gated behind gear grind. Most of those games have the players come in have fun and that’s it.

And it doesn’t mean you don’t get any reward to work toward, most of them are cosmetic (if not all).

But I don’t think they’ll ever go that route with WoW, first because of the game core systems they are too afraid to change.

If they could add new fun endgame activities and not the as usual WQ/daily quest repgrind, dungeons and raids, it would feel really refreshing for once. Instead of having recycled content over and over. It gets old real fast.

But often people say that powergain is vital part of RPGs and this one still is called an RPG.

I wouldn’t mind game around skill-trees either, but gear, its levels and strengths are core part of MMO’s, and we will never see situation, where there is no gear ilevel here.

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Only issue I have with this corrupted it actually removed warforge/titanforge from M+

As a huge fan of M+ this is very disappointing.


Can still farm it, only now it won’t be mandatory anymore for raiders. M+ was supposed the equavelant of HC raiding, you picked one or the other. But thanks to forging and being able to spam M+ as much as you wanted… It became mandatory if you wanted a top spot in mythic guilds to run every non-raiding night till you got your trinkets or proc weapons at TF. Now it will truly become the alternate gearing route.