"corrupted" replacing "titanforging"

WoW has more/worse rng then diablo 3 really,there you can spam evrything ,and are many more ways to get rerolls and such i believe(i dont really play diablo so i could be wrong)

Did azerite or anything with bfa at all change from ptr before came to live? and certainly for the better?
Like legion 7.3.5 ptr i renember aswell,many happy/fine with scaling zones,but not increase to lvling time at time
and then bfa making it eveb longer later.
So many threads it still went through.

Anything with azerite,all if it went through unchanged from ptr and they then slowly started changing when it was actully on live for months.
Beta for Azeroth is meme for reason aswell.

I wonder what went through their minds

Player: “Hey you have this system no one really enjoys, could you change it”

Developer: “People just love micromanaging gear so we will replace it with yet another system with more randomness, people looove random drops…”

Player: “But what about the simple system where more difficult content gave you better gear, maybe paired with gems and enchants, why not expand on that, people love that system”

Developer: “What! any permanent workable interesting system would totally make me lose my job so it’s a big no! this time it’s going to be great you will see, so great it will be completely removed in the next exspantion”

Player: “Sigh”

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Somehow they manage with each new game system to make the game even worse… :S It’s a special skill or something.


thats not the goal.

the goal is to force you into another stupid grind besides ap to get corruption 200->0 thx to cloak .


Some procs are worth 80 ilvls. Now imagine getting 4 with low, albeit, standardized corruption levels.

Yeah, this is much better than titanforging.

I wonder if the system was any better with every item being corrupted. This way you would have to go cleansing every new item, but atleast the rng of even getting a corrupted item wouldn’t be there.

Aside from this: will the weekly chest item still be 10 ilvl above notmal M+ loot, 100% corrupted, or neither of those 2?

I wanna know this too


Make ALL of looting a horrible experience and not only the procs?! Sounds like something Blizzard would do.

Corruption should not be a thing. Period. Full stop.
Getting downsides on gear IS NOT FUN.
Getting forced ugly graphics on your character IS NOT FUN.

And for those who say ‘you can just ignore it’, that’s just not true is it?
You ‘technically’ could, but then you’d be nerfing yourself so hard that you’d make yourself a pariah for any group content. So no. That doesn’t fly.

We’re forced into torture basically. And what’s worse; WE HAVE TO WORK to get less tortured. How does Blizzard come up with these horrible ideas?!!

That will probably be timegated, just like the WoD ring, you’ll probably get an item per week from N’zoth to increase your cloak rank by 1.

Since the cloak is also meant to make SOLO content easier (or I really should say ‘doable’), I sincerely doubt this would be the case. Forced to raid to be able to solo? Better prepare for a sh_tshow the likes you’ve never seen before Blizzard.


LFR exists.

That still means you’re forced to raid in order to do solo content!

No that would be really, really, really bad. Raiding should be one of the sources to get that cloak upgraded for sure, but there should definitely be alternatives.


correct - cloak will be timegated.

content is harder solo, easier in group.

you can do content without cloak afaik.

No. You cannot clear one of those visions without upgrading that cloak. It’s impossible.

Yeah you’ll be forced to play the game.

People like you continue to amaze me…
How is forcing people into content they don’t want to do a good thing?
Spoiler: it’s not.

Imagine you having to do rated PvP to upgrade that cloak.
Or win 50 battlepet fights.
Or do 100 table missions.
Finish 1000 WQs.

You’d like that? Playing the game after all.

If ALL those things were OPTIONS, then sure, np. But NONE of them should be the ONLY way to upgrade the cloak.


you can enter it, yes. afaik

That’s not at all what I said, now is it?

nah that’s what I said, hence why its me being quoted duh