Crash on hovering over backpack items after 11.0.0

I’ve reported this through Customer Support but they told me to write on forums because they can’t fix bugs… (ticket no. EU95389092 for reference)
lol, so I will:

I encounter an ACCESS_VIOLATION crash every time I hover over specific items in my backpack in World of Warcraft. This issue occurs on two different machines with different configurations.
The issue persists across both machines with clean WoW configurations and no running addons.

This issue only started occurring today after the release of prepatch (11.0.0).

Some things I tried:
Deleted folders: WTF, Interface, Cache from the retail folder.
Used Scan & Repair function in launcher.
Updated Nvidia drivers on the desktop PC, AMD drivers on the laptop PC.
Reinstalled World of Warcraft from scratch on both the desktop and laptop PCs.
Disabled startup programs.

The two machines are:
Desktop PC - Ryzen 5600X and Nvidia 3060 Ti
Framework 13 - Ryzen 7640u APU
I’ve sent dxdiag to the Customer Support on NA/EU in separate tickets because it contains some private info.

Given that the same error occurs on two different machines with clean installations and updated drivers, this appears to be an issue with the game itself.

I can’t attach links on the forum, so there’ll be nada from that.

Report IDs:

I’m having this issue as well. I can recreate the issue 100%. It seems to occur when I mouse over an offhand or one handed weapon.

It seems to happen if I have a 2handed stave equipped, in particular an awakened Kharnalex that’s fully upgraded, it doesn’t crash me if I unequip the item and mouse over other items.

This is the oddest thing.

No addons, updated video card drivers, wtf folder deleted and it still happens.

This is happen to me aswell.

Report IDs:

Same for me. I get this whenever I try to complete the quest “Under Thrallmar” and hover over the pickaxe reward. When I unequip my 2-handed weapon, I can hover it safely.

It also happens on a quest item “Smoke Signal” (not sure if its the right translation as Im playing on the german client) when staying under the turrets in outland as alliance trying to mark them.

It acutally happens any single time and is, like other stated, 100% recreateable.

No matter the settings, fresh installs on other hard drives, deleting all addons. Nothing worked so far.

Hello and thanks for the reports!

The underlying issue causing these crashes has been identified and a fix is on the way.

As a general point as long as you’re sending the crash reports there isn’t a need to make a bug report in addition, as we’d already have received the relevant details.


Hello. I have problem with my game crashing, while mouse hover over main and off hand items. This problem ocurs only when buying from vendors or just taking a look over quest rewards, but doesnt happen once the items are in my inventory. Iw made some test and it seems like only main and off hand items are aftected by this. Hope to see it fixed soon. Take care and have a nice day

PS: here is a little joke to bright your day : an undead walks into the inn. The inkeeper looks up and yell: “hey, we dont serve undeads here!” The undead nod and ask: “well, ok, is the human fresh?”



Same here.


I have the same issue of crashing after hovering over specific items in my inventory. The curent case is the Mazthoril Honor Shield from TBC. But I also had issues with quest items, such as the feathers you use at the raptor nests in the Northern Barrens for the quest “Into the Raptor’s Den”.

Tried playing without addons, after a fresh restart, and even tried a complete re-install. Didn’t help the issue.

Hoping for a quick fix, since this makes the character basically unplayable right now.


i see i had this problem for a while now after the pre-patch and it was turning me crazy,
i am not going to link my bug report like the rest as i have read the blue post and i uploaded them all

Yesterday i had critical errors with my warlock trying to purchase pvp replica weapons from area 52 netherstorm.

What ive noticed is , whenever i hovered my mouse to the vendor’s items , i got insta critical error crash (with my lock whos eligible to buy the items)

But when i tried the same with one of my chars that wasnt eligible , the critical error didnt happen… I could hover with my mouse on the replica pvp weapons vendor with no problem at all.

This happens only with a char that is able to buy the items!
Please can someone test just to see if its the case for ev1?!

Ps: i tried removing all addons etc , but nothing works.

1 Like

+1, can’t buy a single item with the rewards you get from Dragonflight activities so having a hard time getting in level for activities, etc. Did follow the instructions on how to clean the interface article, but changed nothing.

I have system crash every time when I am trying to change a armor piece on a character. Game is unplayable at the moment!

Any update to this? Can we expect to play this weekend or does it take more time?

Same problem here… I opened my mailbox and the whole game crashes. Haven’t seen anything like that in a long time.

I’m glad the underlying issue has been identified, hopefully fixed soon. There are a lot of small bugs at the moment, also with MoP Remix, so I expect a big bugfix patch soon.

Fingers crossed.


I’ve collected all threads regarding this issue and created a bug report here:

edit: not sure if just clicking the “close” button on the error reporter tool is sending the bug-report

There must be conflicts with the brand new expansion, Crashes at many Northrend vendors and also found one at Orgrimmar that crashed me.
I just started to checking game file integrity but i doubt that is able to solve the problem.

Why has there been no feedback for 2 days now?

Some players have real problems with the game, and not “partially”. It wouldn’t matter if we didn’t pay for playing time.


Agree. Some feedback would have been nice. And some solutions even better. Cant even work on alts, because everytime i want to pick new weapon or off hand as a quest reward, my game crash. I know they have so many problems now, but game breaking bugs should be top priority to fix.

I will add more


My game crashes in the same way as for the rest of you if I have a two-handed weapon equipped and shift-hoover my mouse over a shield or one-handed weapon in my bags (to compare stats).

It also crashes the same way if I hoover my mouse over a shield or one-handed weapon in the adventure guide - raids and check loot from bosses. (If I have a two-handed weapon equipped)

Took me a while to figure out why the game crashed seemingly random.

I have a Ryzen 5 7600, 16GB DDR5 RAM, GeForce RTX 4060.