Criminal, dwarf rogue GANKER too far

There’s a dwarf rogue and his name is Criminal in server Firemaw-EU. I know he hasn’t been against law/rule.
But for serious, he is lvl 60 and has ganked in Hillsbrad since 4 months.
For every time.
He never faces against lvl 60, he ONLY focus on low lvl and ganking again, again, never changed his position.
I know it is a PVP server but this is just sick. I was playing evening to 3 am, logged in morning 7.30 and HE WAS STILL THERE.
Some Horde 60lvls came to help but he sapped and just killing low lvl and ran away, came back.
Please. I wish there’s a way to ban him for it.

HE is broking the game. I wish there is a way to gain DISHONORABLE KILL like way as killing civil instead of nothing.

Blizzard, I think it might worth you to observe him so you will understand how sick it is.

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Lets dont give him the attention he wants , he is sweating for a forum post about him like this for month, looking everyday in here . Just report ingame


You say every day, all the time.
Bring some level 60s to guard you while you finish the quests and then move on.

Roll on a pve server, carebear


Have you ever considered rolling on a PvE server instead? I did, and never regretted it.


You can play on another PvP server and transfer over for free when you’re in the mood to get ganked by T3 geared 60s.

I mean, I really know theres PvE server. But I really love what PvP was supposed to be, like, eg u as 30lvl find 20-40lvl and then trying to challenge and kill and so on.
Of course I’ve been ganked since 3000 BC and I’ve accepted what it was (they stayed and ganked like 1-5 times again, but not like that sick Criminal, who stayed there 24/7 sleepless for nothing, he gains 0 honor, 0 item, 0 gold but only wastes his lifetime. Or did I have missed something, what is his point to do it?

The germans have a word for it.


It’s annoying, but part of the classic experience, especially when you voluntarily choose to play on a PVP server.
Reporting someone for ganking is abusing the report system since he doesn’t do anything against the rules. And also, witch hunting / naming people on forum is not allowed so you might get a warning soon.

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A ban for ?
Wow retail is made for you, i think.

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World PvP is mostly ganking, once you get used to this then it’s fine. You could always level in a another zone.

Naming and shaming is not allowed on the forums, especially if the player has done absolutely nothing against the rules. Is it morally wrong, yes, but it’s not against the rules.


hearing about him 2 months ago from guildies leveling and then seeing this, kinda funny and the reason why i play on era. you can roll on wrath and do laps around dalaran undisturbed if that’s your sauce

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I dunno in what fantasy have you lived before, but that’s how PvP is. Sure, sometimes you get a fair fight like the one you described in the first part of your post. But most fights you end up into are and will always be extremely lopsided. If you can’t accept or like that, I would suggest you to stick to PvE like I did.

Ganking is and has always been part of this game since 2004. Serial killers like the one you mention in your OP always existed, and I can’t believe you never met one after playing on a PvP realm for a considerable amount of time - be it on a pserver or on official servers 15-20 years ago.

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Like you said - he’s been ganking there for months; and months ago he was in his 20’s. At least head been consistent :+1:.

He is a well known troll and basement dweller.
Criminal has been ganking lowbies in Hillsbrad since i can remember and he has not once faced a lvl 60 in a fair 1v1… that’s the downside of an MMO. There are always sad individuals


I get what ure saying but i don’t see it as a downside, rather staying true to his calling: that of a rogue criminal :slight_smile:

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Sounds like stupid. He gains nothing only ruining game. This why I not play PvP servers.
And you better delete his name or you will just get report for naming and shaming. Plus bolstering ego of Rogue is not good.


Hes a nub i put on see invis and dot dot dot nightfall proc dead never died vs this person just skill up bro i beat him


You have to understand that you’re playing an MMO which is a natural cesspit for mentally ill people, or people with serious issues.

What that guys doing is the wimp’s equivalent of picking fights in a shady bar.

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Ganking is and has always been part of this game since 2004. Serial killers like the one you mention in your OP always existed, and I can’t believe you never met one after playing on a PvP realm for a considerable amount of time - be it on a pserver or on official servers 15-20 years ago.

I’ve never seen a situation THIS bad, where you literally have someone camping a zone non-stop or lvl 60’s running around indiscriminately killing lower levels. Not saying the fights in vanilla or on p.servers were honorable duels where you both started off the fight on equal footing, but it feels like everyone is hyper aggressive on classic.

I do however think that we as a community should be more critical of people like the one OP mentions, the server is already heavily alliance dominated and the last thing we want is for that % to shift even further. Questing in STV feels like I wandered into Elwynn Forest by accident.

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