Cross RP Add-on takedown

It was a lot more… visceral.


Hey, it was more interesting than ZUG ZUG KILL BRUG KEK.

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What is this sorcery?!

Cross RP can’t be gone, I won’t believe it!

Blizzard you may silence me and Cross RP but you’ll never silence the people


I am so, so disappointed by this.

CrossRP made Ogrepowered sooooo much fun, especially for us folk in the filthy neutral faction. It made something like the Voice of Azeroth community possible and it’s brilliant. And now it’s about to be all dead in the water?

Please, Blizz, just bring back the addon-community functionalities. Make CrossRP Great Again.


But that is what a war is.


I mean… sure?

I don’t know about you, If I were to go to an event that involved a conflict, I’d rather be able to read whatever insult the enemy throws at me rather than GUR DUR BOR KEEK all over /y and strange gestures all over the field.


yeah there is absolutely no middleground between that and dumb prisoner RP

You go based neutral RP poster

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In all seriousness- it’s a huge shame that this has happened, I mean Cross RP has been better than this entire expansion Blizzard.


Blizzard just confirmed they hate RPers with this.

I wouldn’t be suirprised if they broke TRP next time.


Just wait until they remove the rp tag from the servers


Don’t give them any ideas…


Blizzard is going to break into your house and remove your life support when you’re ill.


Blizzard went FULL RETARD with this move. And its hard to go back from full retard. Only thing they could do is admit they made a mistake and reallow it. And we all know they wont do that.


Why would they do this? It makes no f’n sense.

It literally allows players to create their own content, meaning they stay subbed and Blizz devs don’t even have to do anything, because players make their own content. It’s basically free money.

Why would they be so dumb?


Well, more or less all planned RP PvP just took a SERIOUS blow from this. It was so good to be able to communicate with the Horde while fighting, or even for the damn prisoner exchange. Now we are once again forced to use btag or discord, which is FAR less good.


Fun detected…Fun deleted.


This is a sad day.

The playerbase manages to create a groundbreaking way to enjoy the most beautiful aspect of this game. It receives universal praise, revolutionizes gameplay for thousands of users and produces stories never before seen in the RP scene.

And then it’s all torn down.

Do you even want us to play this game, Blizzard?
You have just disabled the most enjoyable thing that the RP scene has perhaps ever experienced.

Motivation to play has suddenly dropped to zero for a lot of players, some of which have already straight up cancelled their subscription because of this.

CrossRP is one of the best addons the RP community has ever experienced. I cannot believe that they would INTENTIONALLY PREVENT GAMEPLAY like this.

The addon is perfectly designed;

  • Lightweight
  • Incredibly efficient bandwidth usage
  • Automatically disabled in any possible situation where it could be “abused”
  • Everything was opt-in and controllable by each individual user.

We already have cross-faction communication with specific races, who enjoy the RP enabled by it immensely. Why not just let the rest of us share this enjoyment?

The damage has already been done. As futile as writing something like this feels to be, I want to make my voice be heard…

As we all should.


I’m more than dissapointed with that choice. It is sad to hear that blizzard turns out to be the fun police, and ruins the thing that vastly increased the enjoyment from game for almost every roleplayer, because of “reasons”.

I’m sad.


For ONCE, i would like to see a blue answer about something like this. I would like to see the reasoning in their minds as to WHY you would disable something that actually MAKES you money and you had to do ZERO effort in it happening.

Please, i would like a Dev or anyone from Blizzard to answer this question? And give us a bloody reason as to why I should keep paying for something that has less and less fun for me.


I do not feel like Blizzard values the roleplay scene at all that much. If they did, they’d free up more cosmetic items like I’ve pointed out in my thread before:

And if they did value us, they would give us more to work with in the game, rather than us looking at Addon creators to make the game more enjoyable as a roleplayer.

And this all proves it with all the phasing that happens on a regular basis, when new quests and so forth are appearing, the community gets phased and the roleplay is dead for a week or even two weeks.

Of course, this post is filed up from my personal experience and personal views. It’d be more fair to say: It does not feel like they value us roleplayers, to me personally. Rather than say they don’t value us at all, period!

Of course keeping it polite. The devs are people too. Just really wish they’d reply to such questions and concerns… even with the Q&A’s… because all roleplay focused questions in Q&A’s, and the forums… somehow don’t get any attention from Blizzard at all.

I mean… maybe they didn’t intentionally disable it? Who knows.

  • P.S. I don’t even use this addon myself. I can only imagine how it would feel like if they would disable the addon I use for my roleplay, which is TRP3. It’d suck!