Dark Ranger customizations for Blood and Night elves 🔴

I’ll just take red eyes for Blood Elves and Night Elves.

At least, even with those red eyes - it opens up options.
For Blood Elves you could RP either a Dark Ranger or a Darkfallen San’layn.


:thinking: :question:


Dark Ranger Customizations

We like to do Customizations when it’s thematic, similar to Night Elves in 8.1. It’s kind of a rare and special thing, when there is the right opportunity to do something like that, that’s something that they would consider.

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“Dark” in British sounds like “duck” to American speakers. :joy:

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That was undeniably funny… and a huge tease.

On the bright side, we can be certain they are perfectly aware of the request.

Guess we can only cross our fingers and hope for 9.2.5…

Well personally, that would make me happy.

So fingers crossed lol.

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I really can’t wait for 9.2.5 in hope for some juicy Dark Ranger development…

Yet, rationality tells me it is probably wishful thinking.

According to Wowhead, the Highborne music datamined a few weeks ago apparently has nothing to do with Dark Rangers/Darkfallen as an Allied Race. It’s just a Windrunner family easter egg.


How about the Dark Ranger set datamined by wowrefugee on mmo-champion?

There’s 5 Dark Ranger armor icons in the ItemAppearance table (viewable via wow.tools) that were added in 9.2.5. The icons are the same as the “Dark Ranger set” that the NPCs in Darkshore wear.

They have a PlayerConditionID of 34863 - which is linked to hunter (via class mask 0x4). Interestingly, the only other items in this table with a PlayerConditionID are the ones that require covenants.

Only 1 of the 5 have an actual texture file linked to it, and it’s the hood from Darkshore DRs.

Source: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2580086-9-X-Patches-amp-10-0-Speculation-Thread/page2901?p=53774645&viewfull=1#post53774645

Then, there’s the post by DarkRanger_Sis on Twitter:

Just to give some clarity, on the “new” Dark Ranger stuff that people came across. They’ve been in the game since 8.1; however, the player condition is a new discovery, and it’s tied to the hunter class specifically.

Source: https://twitter.com/DarkRanger_Sis/status/1527970570335309824

Hunters-only Dark Ranger set sounds good to me, despite of being an old model…

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Mmm. Maybe they’re trying out class skins. Could be good news for Void Elf Paladins and Nightborne Druids.

Or maybe they’ll just try to kill off the Dark Ranger dream by giving belf players a Dark Ranger set. I know quite a lot of US forum posters that will cry like babies should that every happen, rofl.

The latest news is, they’ve updated “Delaryn Summermoon” to now have red eyes in Patch 9.2.5. (She had white eyes before, for unknown reasons).

She will finally have the same red eyes as the other Dark Ranger night elf NPCs.

To compare, currently /patch 9.2.5


Dark Ranger as an allied race or customization option would be INSANELY lame.

Imagine if Demon Hunters were just green eyed Blood/Night Elves… With such an insult it is better not even implementing them at all.

If Dark Rangers were ever to be made playable they HAVE to be a class, period.

It is also very unlikely to ever happen because Blizzard is Blizzard and they rather just give you another Vulpera or Incubus these days. SHOULD Dark Ranger be a class that constantly reminds you they have no time for games, though? A million times yes.

Fingers crossed!

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At last, looks like it is done!!!


Indeed it is!!!

A big smile to all those who thought it could never be a customization option! :bow_and_arrow::purple_heart:

Seriously though, a Darkfallen race would have been nice… But also redundant.

Very happy with Blizzard’s choice.

If anyone wishes to join, I created a cross-faction community for Dark Rangers and Undead Elves.


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