Dark Ranger customizations for Blood and Night elves 🔮

Hero class please!

I honestly find a class highly unlikely after we’ve seen Sylvanas drop a legendary bow and a quiver specifically for Hunters.

But then again, Blizzard could retcon everything if they wanted.

Warglaives weren’t a Demon Hunter thing when we did not have Demon Hunters. :wink:

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If it’s just elf customization / allied race: I don’t care.
If it’s human as well (like Nathanos) then it could be interesting.

We’ll see

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Reskinned allied race for the undead could be “Undead Elf”

High elves that are raised by the lich king

Spoilers so mark it please. I highly recommend taliesin and evitel new speculation about new class. Which is dark rangers. He makes solid points. considering Sylvanas new job that would be fitting and shes in a best place to make ones that “help her” with the service.
Hero mail class would be most wanted. But dunno how would dark ranger tank. Because we need tanks and theres no mail tank.
I can see all elfs and human “nathanos” becoming one. If human then maybe kultiran. Trolls allready have shadowhunters so it is not far away. Undead ofcourse cause connection do death and dead allready. You can find all connection to all races. Maybe not tauren and either draeni tho:p

Uhm, what exactly? This thread has been up since August 2021 asking Blizzard to pleeeease implement some sort of Dark Rangers to follow-up a BfA questline, following another closed thread on the same subject I maintained between July and November 2020.

So if Dark Rangers are really coming in expansion 10, I’d dare say it is a sign that Blizzard is listening to the fans’ advice, possibly thanks to this and other similar threads! :sweat_smile:

Or do you mean TheRedShirtGuy’s Darkfallen speculation?

Because that bit is marked as a spoiler in his own quoted Twitter post, where he says “MINOR SPOILERS FOR SYLVANAS”.

So I am a bit confused as to what you feel I should mark additionally. Can you please elaborate?

I already saw it and linked a few posts above, actually, but thanks.

As a matter of facts, I was EXTREMELY pleased to see he shares my feelings concerning Dark Rangers to start with, and even more so after I discovered that in order to illustrate the customization option he used a couple of mockups I posted in 2020 [at the end of the video, t=17:38 until 17:45] and cared enough to put my name in the credits for them! :smiley:

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The post date has nothing to do with this week campain. Jusy wanted to be polite.

And I thank you for your advice, honestly!

I just don’t understand what I should mark as spoiler which hasn’t already been marked in its own quote.

Can you point it to me somehow?

You can flag it. Ive seen hidden posts you have to click to expand. Was hoping people will know and do it. Not much knowlagibke myslef it that matter.

Sure! But what exactly would like me to flag? :slight_smile:

You said something about the current campaign, but I can’t recall posting about that (although I may have forgotten of course!) so we may be having a little misunderstanding.

Why not give the option to the void elves too? My hunter is a marks void elf. I don’t see why they should be denied these customizations. I guess Nightborne could get them too and it would make sense for humans as well.

Well, anything is possible if Blizzard decides it’s a good idea.

Personally I only suggested Blood and Night elves because these are the races of the Dark Rangers I have seen in game so far.

For Humans we only have Nathanos, but then again if there’s one there can be more, so I can easily support that idea as well.

I can’t recall of any Void or Nightborne elves having been previously raised by Sylvanas, however.

Could you name examples, from game or official literature?

We have none.

Only High/Blood Elves and Night Elves have been raised to become Dark Rangers.

Undead Void Elves and Nightborne were raised by Bolvar the Lich King as his new generation of Death Knights.

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eh, druids and night elves don’t really get along with what is supposed to be dead by nature.

If the Night Elf druids can work with Night Elf Death Knights as comrades and protectors, Night Elf Dark Rangers could also become their allies.

indeed, let’s not foster further insanities.

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I’ve seen it earlier today

too bad it’s April 1st, really. :upside_down_face:

But I was happy to see no mention of Dark Rangers in the 9.4 post by Blizzard!
Dark Rangers are no joke! :wink:

(Apologies, Tinkers fans)

Would be awesome if it was real.


Most content creators seem to think Dark Rangers are coming in some form with the 9.2.5 patch.

And while I am aware that it’s hardly a warranty of any kind, I just can’t help hoping.

Tonight we will know!