Dark Ranger customizations for Blood and Night elves šŸ”“

I am sorry, but I am slightly confused. Where have I ever said we should do that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just expressed desire to know what has been/will be of all those she raised from the dead to serve, and then abandoned.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s unreasonable.

Thereā€™s a misunderstanding, i was not being ironic or anything, I agree with you, I donā€™t want the people raised to be forgotten lol

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Oh, we DEFINITELY should get closure for both the dead that passed to the shadowlands and were saved from the Maw (hopefully all by now, 20 per player per week at a timeā€¦) and those who were raised and turned to fight against their own (!) while being ā€œfreshly undead and sensible to manipulationā€. :slight_smile:

The fate of Sylvanas herself is only relatively interesting to meā€¦ I am mostly curious about all those that were affected by her actions.


Even if it was just red eye option at least itā€™s something \o/
Iā€™m all for it.

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Well gosh, looks like Sylvanas is going to be GRINDING REP by collecting and turning in souls from the Maw for the next eternity or so! :rofl:

Rather fitting imho.

More on-topic , however, it would appear that the latest 9.2.5 PTR patch brought some updated to a never-released Dark Rangers questline:


Fingers crossed everyone!


Well guys, what do you think about T&Eā€™s speculations on the matter?


I was just coming to link that, I see you are on the ball!

Unlike me who is not understanding anything today :rofl:

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Most of them are elves
one of the main reasons why I think theyā€™ll never come is because Blizzard wonā€™t know how to introduce them.
Seperate class only available to forsaken?
Seperate class only available for blood elves?
Add customization to Blood Elves or to Forsaken?
What about playable night elf dark rangers? they canā€™t even be horde.

edit: replied to an old comment but I guess my take still stands

If you check T&Eā€™s video, some extra class-locked customizations for Blood and Night elves would do the trick.

We know class-specific customizations are possibleā€¦ Demon Hunters have them.

So all we need is a little questline to unlock extra eyes and possibly skin color to become available for Blood and Night elf hunters (and possibly rogues).

Doesnā€™t need to be fancy, could work the same way Night Elves got to unlock the Night Warrior look. Just, in this case, it would be class-locked.

An even fancier way would be a Class Skin adding some little extra different animations for certain spells, but it ainā€™t exactly necessary.

Sure, Dark Rangers are undeadā€¦but the Forsaken are former humans, as opposed to elves. And, as many told in this thread before me, we must remember that even if the Death Knights are undead their racial tag reads the name of whatever race they belonged to when they were still alive.

Blizzard have shown to treat such things differently on a case to case basis, so itā€™s totally possible that Night and Blood elves could get the customization without having to change race to ā€˜undeadā€™.

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Yeah true but DKā€™s became their own entire class available to all races, but Dark rangers are a very forsaken thing, that would mean that if you made a nelf dark ranger, it would be technically forsaken so having the customization for night elves on alliance makes 0 sense, why would the alliance accept Forsaken risen night elf dark rangers?
So how do you solve that then? do you give the horde access to Nelf racials? Does it become a subrace under forsaken and do you give them the forsaken ones?
Do dark rangers become a neutral faction now that Sylvanas is out of the picture?
Too many questions to answer which theyā€™ve never touched on before

Mind that I do want dark rangers in for those who want to play one and think its a cool aesthetic, enough players want to play a class that used to be a WC3 hero class (even me who plays a Paladin), Iā€™m just recognizing the absolute headache of implementing it in a way that doesnā€™t absolutely destroy the main reason theyā€™re popular to begin with: their lore and history

How about, for the same reasons they accepted the first Death Knights who broke free of the Lich Kingā€™s control?

The way I see it, Night Elf Dark Rangers were killed by the Horde, raised and twisted (lore says that a freshly raised undead is shocked and easily manipulated) and then abandoned.

They have free will however, so thereā€™s nothing stopping them from understanding better what has happened given due time and going back to their kin to ask to become their wardens just like the Death Knights are. As a matter of facts, the video posted in the OP clearly shows how they were left ā€˜looking for new beginningsā€™.

Once more, the core point being that Blizzard has shown to treat such things differently on a case to case basis.

Just because Death Knights are a class, it doesnā€™t mean that Dark Rangers need to be another. Even more so when we already have a Blood and Night elf specific hero class with the Demon Hunters.

Wildhammer dwarves didnā€™t get to be a new allied race of dwarves even though the Dark Iron ones were.

Similar things can be treated differently in game without necessarily being wrong. It just depends on what is most resource-effective really.

So thereā€™s nothing stopping Blizzard from implementing class-and-race specific customizations through a questline that explains the player how these customizations identify the characters using them as undead, and then letting the players roll them with the same original racial tag and skills like the Death Knights, which simply ā€˜assumeā€™ the player knows and remembers they are undead.

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it shouldnt be half assed it should be its own class anything else would be doing it a disservice. It should be a mail wearing range and melee hybrid. Im thinking a mix of old school survival hunter and sub rogue (with no pets).

As someone has mentioned there is already a elf only class so Iā€™d look to open DH open to other races - orcs and space goats would be the logical choice

So how about a DARKFALLEN allied race as suggested/hypothesized by Ian Bates @TheRedShirtGuy on Twitter:

Another elf allied race would seem redundant, BUT what if the Darkfallen customization screen allowed the player to choose between undecayed human (like Nathanos) and Blood/Night elf body shapes?

Also, such a race could grant multiple classesā€¦

Hunters/rogues would be Dark Rangers, while mages would be Sanā€™layn.

Great, just donā€™t hype yourself up. Getting hyped up about theories will only end up making you get mad at Blizzard for not adding it. When they never said they would.

Worry not, been playing this game since BC (with longer and shorter breaks for all sorts of reasons) and I know the stakes at hand.

I just think that a Darkfallen allied race with multiple appearances would be a perfect solution to the problem.

And if they donā€™t do it now, it doesnā€™t mean they wouldnā€™t be able to do it in the future. After all, other things happened even though Blizzard specifically said they never would. :wink:

My hunter is going to get some love, big time, if this happens.
Canā€™t tear myself away from my DH right now but this would definitely tempt me.

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I will probalby have to make a belf hunter if we get this as a customisation option.


As long as it is available to both Horde and Alliance!

And that thereā€™s a race change token sale, lol.

I have two hunters but one is Magā€™har and the other Forsaken :cry:

I might have to race-change the Forsaken if Dark Rangers become a thing.

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If they make a new class that is just a Super Rogue and hunter fusion class thats just better than both of usā€¦ Then so loas help me.