Date the poster above you<3 #2

I think Baer became an OOCer.


Surely not… an OOC guild… how could this happen. Is this what the memeroof does to people?

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I wanted to stay in my RP guild but my content group asked that i joined their guild instead for mythic raid attempts.
I still RP 3-4 days a week on Baer or Scarlet Alts (cf paladin + warrior). Don’t worry. I’m not going to join the OOCers !


Tbh, you must be a diehard virgin to think that a forum fun thread about fake dating is “borderline” ERP.
That, or you overindulge in self-gratification and just want to create drama for your own amusement, at other people’s expense.

Both options are fairly revolting, each with its own set of reasons.
Let’s just return on topic.

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The man who roleplays a dragon and spends his days spamming the forums with his stupid takes is the most qualified of calling people virgins

This dude bbqing all day with some PAWG donkey booty by the pool


I think I know what the problem is…

It’s ok Ellaralyn, I’ll take you out for a short date. Noone should feel left out :’(

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For the record you’re trolling and not actually THIS stupid and devoid of self-awareness, right?

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If you use the same insult after I’ve said that you don’t sound smart anymore (not that you could anyway). It’s just a “no u” reply.

P.S. Sorry for the late reply, I was too busy hanging out with my other half around the city. Hope you do have atleast a sock, here’s a hug to comfort your loneliness :hugs:

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Again in English please


Oh my days

P.S. Sorry for the late reply, I was too busy being actually really epic and based.


edit: furthermore, I would like to add that Morsteth has a girlfriend IRL


Hah, having a significant other, I mean, who doesn’t… Right… ?

…Right ?


I thought you were banned, Tubri.


You can always count on me mama bear!


You always have a special place in my heart!

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Uh youre an vulpera female right?

:3 gives you a lovely chocolate box

Come with me. I’ll show ya my skull collection. :skull:

You are a skull collector?! :astonished: That’s a perfect match! :heart_eyes:

Which race’s skull is your favorite? I like orc and draenei, but male zandalari skulls are the best.

Skulls? Ugh, skulls are so passé.

I prefer orbs.

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Oh, then I should show you my chi spheres…

Man posts at 5 am, sleeps rest of the day and tries to pretend he was busy.

Sorry for the late reply, i was too busy being really cool and awesome doing all these normal things in real life that i have to brag about to show that i am really cool.