Date the poster above you<3 #2

My dear, I don’t sleep.

I mean, you do, or else you would eventually just die from exhaustion.


That’s what they want to make you think.

Low effort, low brain standard “hehe exdee” reply.
Come back when you feel more awake to make better replies, not everyone gets to sleep most of the day away like you. But at least you can write in English when you don’t have to write more than 1x sentence, so credit for that.

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I am afraid that my reply doesn’t meet my usual standards. It seems when I speak with you, there’s very little substance I can use. People can try their best, but if the argument is shallow, there is nothing worth adding.
Have a nice day :upside_down_face:

Raising the point that this thread is very embarrassing for our realm (since it is), and it is used by plenty of ERPers and people who defend ERP, to make borderline ERP comments on the forums is not shallow, especially when here is proof of my accusation.
But i agree there is not much worth adding for you, with your very weird posts and the only thing you are useful for is derailing threads. (Just this 1x thread its ok u derail since its already a weird one.)

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You realize that your credibility (and genuine interest in the topic) drops considerably when you call anyone you disagree with an ERPer just because you don’t like them? You’re just starving for some drama.

Your point is embarrassing actually. And it’s also highly self-indulgent, considering your tastes seem to justify you trying to vandalize someone else’s thread.

There is a huge difference between what is explicit sexual content, and things that usually are under-toned or implicit - you have these things even in Disney movies, or in Alexstrasza’s costume. This thread belongs to the latter genre: a series of light-spirited jokes on romance, dating and flirting. I personally didn’t read most of it, but I’ve seen jokes that happen to be innocent. If you don’t like these things; here’s a suggestion: don’t read the thread. Amazing, huh?


You had my curiosity but now you have my attention!

It’s brilliant you speak of starving for drama while I see you doing nothing but trying to fight PCU at every turn :ok_hand:

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I like to debate - these are forums, and debates are helpful for they allow me to visualize a different perspective.

In general you’ll find me in threads where people are trying to make others feel worse for their own pleasure. The PCU just happens to do that a lot - if I wanted to pick up on them/look for drama I’d do things like posting in their guild threads etc.

But I think it’s time we let the thread take its original course. Feel free to reply to Zymara.


I doubt you’d get it.

Change to a kultiran female and you got quitw the catch:)

(Are people debating on a flirt thread? 0.0)

Yep xD geuss some people cant handle joke threads lel

is that a stein or is it a cup

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Does it matter in the early hours of the morning? xD haha

Another port, another date!
Nice goggles!
We should really pillage and plunder together
Thats basically a date among our kind

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N to the o. I don’t date the ugly little cousins of the goblins… Never.

Your feelings about lost borthers who are victims of unfortunate
accidents and circumstances? You are familiar with the dark, hearing and resisting the whispers…
We are basically the same!
Don’t be a hypocrite, lets go out!
I promise I will not manifest tentacles… well not more than you :octopus:

please don’t then were good!

Whats your problem with tentacles, puppy?!