Date the poster above you<3 #2

Ignore him, I have no problem with tentacles. The more the better, in fact…

Tough. The ren’dorei do not date; they learn, they master, they move on. There is nothing to be learned from tubby reclusives.

I’m game. We can voice topics like the void.

You’d like to run your hands through my beard, wouldn’t ya?

Definitely, NOT
What are you doung outside the garden anyway? Shoo back to your platform, ornament!

Someone with style.
How does this Friday sound?

Excuse me ma’am , do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, N’Zoth? :octopus:

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I’d sooner date a Gnome than I would a Void Elf.

You look like a good girl for farming work. Perhaps we can make it work!

I can’t believe this embarrassing thread is still going on.


Agree mate… agree…

[warstomps] ENOUGH


Oooo I got myself a pretty Blood Elf <3

take me on a date to your Silvermoon Palace.

Or perhaps to my Farming palace at Hillwatcher Farm?

Nooo please please crumb of attention, please.

Pleaaasseee im begging!!! Please pelase pelassesp leaspl pelaseplease date me online please arano !

1 Like

Not shipable, sorry. Cease.

Hey, give ourself a chance!
I have doggy treeeeats…




Sorry, it is not you, nor me. The Light will keep us apart.