Date the poster above you<3 #2

Oh that’s fine, we can turn the light out if it makes you more comfortable.

We could drink some beer together, i really like beer.

This thread again…

Yet you are here. Will you make it wholesome, Kump?

I… don’t think either of us would want this date
So let’s pretned you never walked in here

What if one of us wanted this date?

And that one happened to be a large panda with mystical kung fu powers.

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Perhaps we could give it a try! I heard your kind is very good at farming in Pandaria.

Those horns look fun, can I sit on em?


Why the fuk are you in a guild named Covid Nineteen. Whoever thought that up, it’s not witty, it’s cringe like that one rp’er we saw with the Corona trp.


It’s her guild. She’s the only member.

Do not express your opinions as facts Desartin.

Aww, your fangs are so cute!
And those ears are begging to be scratched!
Did you ever hear the story of the Fox and the Wolf?

Yes, both are my coats.

You may …

As for the one above me… You look deadly cute! I’d try and date you anyway.

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Well I definitely would try to tame you!
Thats kinda/sort of a date for a Hunter

Oh ho ho… I might not take you on a date but you can have a meal for free at my food cart!


Ahh, the legendary Pandaren cuisine!
You may present your best meals for me… in turn I will share with you my favorite bottle of Arcwine

Now now, why waste a bottle of Arcwine on a street chef, when it can go to a refined practitioner of the Arcane!

I’ll take the food too.

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You seem to have food and arcwine. You will do for an evening’s worth of conversation.

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I have a few stories of my own! You would love them! I will cook the diner from guaranteed fresh game meat too! What do you say? Throw aside the silly faction things and prejudice against tentacles; that eon behind a shield, living on conjured food must have been tough… I’m tempting you real home made food!