Date the poster above you<3 #2

For your remark of taming me… I will stay away from you as far as i can. Do not visite my farm. I have a sign saying " No hunters allowed who desire to tame me"
I’m a simple Rivermane with a farming life. I have no desire for leashes.


If you ever would want to leave the boring and peacefull farming life behind you, a life full of treasure, adventure, loot, danger, pillage and plunder awaits you on the sea!
A girl in every port is an added bonus!
'till then, lets have a drink or two… dozen together!

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… Big fate nope. Never ever would i date such a abomination.

I know they say chicks can be horny, but this is something else!

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Horns are soooo last decade!
The new hype is about tentacles! Trust me, I’m the future
Anyway, your orbs are nice!
For a Human, that is… let’s have a diner together and we shall see what our future holds

Why go for a old human, kinsman? Come with me and i can show you the world like only a Ren’dorei could. (please dont sue me disney)

Every good Disney movie needs an protagonist!

Can I be your Antagonist in this one? :slight_smile:

Hey! You are that guy from Zem’lan!
Wait, wait… you are not
Sorry its easy to mistake you rotten corpses with another
Let’s kill a gnome or goblin, take the gold and I will buy you a drink, but thats it

Aww, lookit you in your little pirate costume! Well, look, it’s not the season, but stay right there a mo and I’ll see if I have some candy for you.

I got a bowl of melted dark chocolate and a diverse range of berries ready to be dipped in chocolate;)

Oh, finally someone who understands the meaning of a strong core!

I don’t mind the pelt if you don’t mind the tentacles!

Would be cool if you let me sacrifice you to my loa…haha jk…unless :flushed:

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Since I fell in love with the Sea I’m a devoted follower of Gral
His children are always hungry…
We could sacrifice … err… volunteers together to our ahem… patrons together
And take their gold and stuff and all

This might be the fifth time I flirt with you.

Get on the boat!

I´m looking for goat meat, the GOOD one, I heard this might be the right market?

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Here doggy doggy doggy… :bone:

This is not healthy…

Nor are you, poor thing! We need to feed you up to give you energy for… Later.

I warn you, I’m bouncy when I get excited.

Sneak attack: Foxy hug from beind™ !!!

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