Date the poster above you<3 #2

Oh, If you were a male I would definitely go out with you. I am just not into females.

I too enjoy moonlit beaches and bonfires.

Two traitors to the Alliance. What could go wrong.

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You could show me the monastery

Perhaps you can show me
what really goes on in Mak®Gora :wink:

I don’t think you want to know, tell me a good story instead

Dat be true love! Ek ek!

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Allright Gurley! Dere be a troll and dere be a void pixie. Dey 'ugged and lived 'appily eva afta.

until they died but was luckely revived and lived forever happy ever after in death.

Your welcome. I do take half plesure to help you mortals find love in undeath.

Mmmrrglglllmmbrrl * drools and spats on Blackscar*

No thanks.

Ah, a subhuman. Move on, non-Human scum.

Is there a way to have Hainsley for a night ?
Please ?

No, but please give me all your money. It’s for the kids

kidding doesn’t count as kids

Now pay for my grog.

Green just isn’t my colour unless it’s radiating with fel energies.


Because im neither into flesh or fel

Well, without either of those, all you get is my dreadful personality

I’ll take it.

Less discuss warlocky things and bombs.

I have bombs, you like bombs. It’s a match! So how about you and I go on a romantic voyage in Stranglethorn Vale, but only after we fight each other.