Date the poster above you<3 #2

I would keep you as a pet - not a lover.

  • peers at Stellanoctis while it’s long pale tongue dangles down and sweeps from side to side*

Yeah no, the way you creep after the nightborne makes me fear for my life.

Perhaps he shall return one day


I Dont do wusses and cowards

Cowards? You’re Mag’har scum, enough said. Keep fleeing the Draenei.

You seem very unstable.

We can agree on that. Do you think agreement on a topic is enough to try and date?

I am
 VERY unstable. Did I tell you about that one time I made a coat out of a Huojin?

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Time to make a coat out of a human paladin

Do not come between a Nazgûl and his prey.


And i would have loved to meet one.

But not imposters proclaiming something they are not.

Sorry love, you have to find another date

Let us discard this by means of disclaimer: No corpses and no corpse lovers.

Try me

:dagger: We shall fight a glorious battle.

No one literally knows who you are. Go back to the depths of the meme bin. Koiffen is a not-so-well respected Death Knight.

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Would you consider a human-skin coat acceptable?

You pandaren would probably eat my skinning knife as well
 lets settle for actual food, oke?

All power demands sacrifice. Let’s find someone to backstab.

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I like you allready. Lets hatch a brilliant scheme

Lord Blackscar, the human dating ritual has failed to bring her back home
 but then i all already anticipated it would not work
 in fact i counted on it, you require a larger financial sacrifice.
looks at levey while standing at the door with the human’s valuable possesions
It is time, leave him.

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Yeah no, I’ll have to pass.