Date the poster above you<3 #2

There isn’t an object in existence that I’d want to touch yo creepy a$$ with.

I think you’re Hot!

Litteraly. Lets have a drink!

I am willing to look past your lack of neck in order to explore the inner you.

I would like a cup of tea, I’m being prejudiced here and assuming you know how to brew some.

I mean… I know how to buy tea? That counts?

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sadly no, that won’t be enough. You gotta be able to take care of your man !

Oh I’d banish you so hard…

Why hello there cute little redhead.

Come sit on grandpa Shadowtwili’s lap.


You may sit on mine too.

I’ll be quite honest. You’re a representation of many of the things that directly go against my highly elitist and ideal vision of the realm.

I like you though. So sure, 10/10.

You’re good for a gf, you’re shorter than me, even if just slightly!

Sure, I’d date the both of you.

Arent you a cute little thing!

Oh i know lets have dinner together!
You’ll be the final meal though. :slight_smile:

You where beaten by demons once, you’ll be beaten by demons again if you so much as look at me wrong.

You will make a great stuffed toy.

“Burrr” likes ye. Now we date. A wee difference in height is meaningless. Burrr.

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[Dwarven] Och och och och, lad och.

You talk like a dwarf, but can you drink like a pandaren?

More importantly, can you afford drinks FOR a pandaren?

The drinks are yours if you can fight like a true orc…

grabb my chewing herbs while your at it

How about a bunch of poisoned arrows with your herbs? I’ll deliver them from a safe distance right in the mouth :slight_smile: