Date the poster above you<3 #2

2-and-a-bit month ban not enough for you eh?

o absolutely come here

I think there is too much of a culture clash here to become anything.

Plus Elves smell

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

Not my thing.

Me that kind of orc, zug-zug :heart_eyes:

Erm, no. slowly backs away


It’d be like mating with another bovine, which is a no-no.

Errr… something is not quite right.


Zug-Zug in ten characters ?

You’re right, what I meant was that’d it be like mating with that other bovine species that was domesticated… which is a no no.

Not that Veshj actually mated with any species, race or tribe of bovine.

  • Offers Veshj a Peacebloom flower and gestures to a picknick rug with candles, a bottle of wine and a fried fish on it. How romantic!
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Romance might not be as dead as you, but Veshj’ll never, EVER, head down the road of you-know-what-I-mean-since-it’s-a-bad-word-that-can’t-be-posted.

:dagger: Elven filth!

The only date you get is the one you’re being properly game-ended.
you horse dung smeared peasant in a can… when i’m done wi-
looks at what the footman is responding on
We orcs and humans have fought the legion together once… guess we missed a succubus.

If you’re not inclined to kill me on sight I’d like to hear if you have any news on how the Sin’dorei are faring and what is truth in how divided the Horde actually are these days

Bah, Horde, Sin’dorei… know what’s even more interesting than that?

Dark Iron Dwarves.

I adore a good fire, but even I think you guys took things too far.

Hm… never been with a Blood Elf before. Or an Elf at all. First for everything. Peers at scribbles on his hand

Blood elves will destroy your trust after you gave them what they need.

I know humans hold their faith in the true Light, so you will be an acceptable date.

Blood elves must maintain racial purity. I must respectfully decline.