Day-Night cycle

One hour? That would be like a kid making the room a disco stage by turning the light on/off non-stop.


Oh dear.

Hold on sir, I’ll get right on sending Blizzard an angry letter that they should change the entire game to conform to your personal preference.

I hope you can forgive them for daring not to take your feelings and lifestyle into consideration!


If it really bothers you THAT much, then use a proxy from another place or play from the US servers or something, I dunno.

Your request is just silly, compared to the much more extreme, grave, great, huge, big issues that Classic actually has.

Change the game because one person who plays at night doesn’t like playing at night. Wow. Just wow.


I think it has something to do with the earth rotation around the sun, im not entirely sure though - can we get a mage to comment on this ?

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Good bye. Can I have your stuff?

If you’re on Noggenfogger feel free to send your cash before you go.

Also the graveyard in Westfall have Buzzards at say and undeads at night. Not game breaking unless you want to stand stock still and farm small eggs :wink:

Much worse is that the nghts are not as dark as they used to be. Or can it be a question of some settings?

I completely understand this.

However there is an advantage with accelerated day cycles. You get to see the game in all sorts of beautiful lighting. You’re not trapped in seeing the game only at night if you can only play at night.

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At day you can encounter a rare buzzard there. At night, there’s a rare ghoul. Both of them have other spawn points too, but that graveyard near Moonbrook is one of their main spawns.

Count me in with the group that prefers the 24hr day night cycle. Its not like night time is exactly ‘dark’ either

I love it. Stop whining.

I want Inky Black Potion effects for night time.
That was one of the coolest things they added in Legion.

You’re not missing anything really. Night time is when more players are active and doing stuff usually.

You’re pretty much complaining about the sun going down too which is funny :stuck_out_tongue:

You are undead. Why are you so keen on sunlight? If that’s the case you can play in the sun on weekends.

Boy you must hate playing Majora’s Mask. :stuck_out_tongue:

Though there is absolutely rational point to live in a world of gnomes, orcs, tauren, elves and trolls.

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I knew about the rare Ghoul - he’s not in the exact same spot as the Buzzards/undeads, but I have yet to find him in Classic. In Vanilla - and in the stress tests and Demo - I killed him and got his fingers :wink:
The rare buzzard is new to me … oh wait it migth be my old nemesis, Vultros? I never met him there, though.

Yes, him. After first discovering him on one of my mining trips (Alliance has much better mining routes than Horde), I started hunting him for his claw with every rogue I roll.

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That’s one of the things i missed, i actually forgot about it tbh Haha, but i love the day/ night cycle

I actually prefer the game with night sades. It seems more beautiful than daytime.