Dear Night Elf players

you’re the one that’s denying the lore that’s been posted multiple times in this thread? most people have had to headcanon lore like this for years and now it’s being given to us, you’re complaining because it doesn’t follow your rpg-lore headcanoning. that’s too bad? as far as i’ve played my character, which has been for years, night elves have not matured at 100 years old. it’s literally on you for following non-canon lore? i’m fairly certain that night elf maturity is cited in the illidan book, which btw is cited on the night elf wiki, which by the way (if you google night elf ages) comes up on google with a little chart for the world to see.

so what if the lore has changed, regardless? this is how it is now? just change your character some and adjust for it. so what if this is the only nelf this young we see with tattoos? this is the only nelf we see getting tattoos point blank. we barely know the ages of big lore characters and we most certainly do not know all the ages of the npcs around with tattoos, so i literally don’t know how you expect people to cite a source.

most nelf rpers/players know that the heritage quest was meh. it could have been better and so much more, but at the end of the day? at least it gave us something. you know you dont have to play a night elf if you don’t like the lore :slight_smile:

have a good evening, snow !


This will affect the Night Elf population I think.


Yes, the lore has changed, while I don’t like it, I’ll follow the new shiny stuff. What I truly wish is Blizzard do make an up-to-date codex so everyone knows what is going on. But we all dream of this I believe.

And you, Runas, glad to see you’re still around.

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Most unfortunate shapeshift brother


A delectable meal.

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Get new lore in Legion with Val’sharah and Suramar.
Get a whole pre patch and a later expansion patch worth of story in BFA.
Are basically the primary reason to pay attention to the plot of Ardenweald.

Dragonflight Spoilerish

an entire new world tree grown in the dream and a campaign quest and patch dedicated to detailing the growth and protection of that world tree

as well as heritage armor.

Yeah night elves never get anything good ever its so sad


as you say yourself


common night elf naysayer L

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are you suggesting any of this content was good and would you enjoy similar content for [your fave here]


I could say it was good, if it wasn’t supposed to be the heritage.
As heritage, it’s just not right. I didn’t learn much about what it is to be kaldorei, their roots, their direction.


Yeah that’s my issue with the quest/questline - it’s a cool zone quest, if very buggy (please stop pointing at braziers Maiev, please) but that’s about it, for what heritage quests are (were?) meant to be it’s very poor


I’m sure Blizzard spend hundreds of hours on this quest, just like they did with the Warlocks, to deliver Night Elf players a satisfactory result that is not complete jank and filled with bugs.

Oh wait…


Every night elven defeat since Classic makes sense.


The funny part is when they insisted the “Heritage” quest should be timeless, and the first thing you see doing it, is a dead night elf. I had a small giggle at that, they managed to get it right.

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They’re still homeless, the Night Warrior plotline fizzled out into nothing, while the new world tree and supposed new home (made of their murdered loved ones souls!) is likely going to be a neutral questing place. So yeah, it’s not great.

Again, it’s not the quantity of stuff; it’s that none of this stuff is leading toward anything close to a decent conclusion, going from what we know so far. I’d very much like to be wrong though!

I suppose I ought to clarify that it’s the Darnassian Night Elves who are getting screwed over. Dreamweavers and the like are doing just fine.


Devil’s advocate: let’s not be too hasty.

Like I said, the situation presented in this questline is exceptional, and Lysander is honored for exceptional achievements. It may not be indicative of how, and when, the average night elf innkeeper, baker, tailor, or rank-and-file Sentinel receives markings.

In fact, we have a lore example of just how flexible the whole markings thing is. To quote Wowpedia:

[Delaryn Summermoon] never chose her facial markings; while night elf tattoos don’t always have to mark a rite of passage, Delaryn felt that they should, and nothing had made enough of a mark on her to choose their form.

Bottom line is, I see no reason to retcon anything about our RP characters. Your character received her markings at age 100? That’s completely compatible with the lore we know. Just don’t claim it’s universal, because it isn’t — even according to lore released before this questline.

Your character is distraught about this new development, and considers it a corruption of the good old ways? Then voice your displeasure — in character. Disagreements over the rapid social changes of the last decade or two are a great RP hook for night elves!


We will find out today whether that world tree will be a new patch zone with focus on dragons, Primalists, shadowflame and available to both factions in theme of friendship, peace and love between Horde and Alliance instead of being, you know, a replacement for Teldrassil.

Getting a lot of new story in the age of modern Warcraft isn´t some massive W that some people pretend it is. I think night elf fans would instantly switch with orcs, who only got a heritage questline in recent years, but it was absolutely amazing.


Orc & human heritage quests made me want to play an orc & a human.

This made me want to shoot Maeiv in the back of the head.

At least the Forsaken got a cool storyline from what I’ve heard :woman_shrugging:


Nelves, Nelf fans and stans being eternally owned is my spice of life

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The quest was a half-baked nothingburger, and total garbage compared to the Human and especially the Orc questlines.

Also, where is the blue and white colour variation for the Kaldorei set? Humans and orcs got their colour variations…